BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

Vid to go along.... might be inconvenient though..............
Is it going to show *some* looting?

Fucking teapers.

Please start your race war...I am ready for you.

Calm down buddie, nobody in their right mind wants a race war.
No body wants one. We just need one. Badly.
Rocko...really, are you just learning USMB is a hate site where they recruit for this race war?
What do you think a race war will accomplish?
The timing is all wrong on this for Obama!

They should have waited until late October, 2016 to allow him to declare nationwide martial law and cancel the elections - for the public safety!
So to be clear, you think that a large-scale black v. white race war will occur by about when?

Have you been deprived of TV, radio and newspapers for a long, long time?

I'll take from that that you think that and other comments here, that you think we are in the beginning of one. Question: when do you think it will become so severe as to be the general consensus in the US that a race war is occurring?
Vid to go along.... might be inconvenient though..............
Is it going to show *some* looting?

Fucking teapers.

Please start your race war...I am ready for you.

Calm down buddie, nobody in their right mind wants a race war.
No body wants one. We just need one. Badly.
Rocko...really, are you just learning USMB is a hate site where they recruit for this race war?
What do you think a race war will accomplish?

I know USMB does have all kinds of bigots, I wouldn't call it a hate site though, and I've yet to experience any kind of recruiting for any sort of race war.

Who is calling for race war?
Sheesh, you wanna trade teaper pictures?
There are probably millions of them.

But serious question...when MLK used that chant...was he calling for a race war? Let's hear the truth of what you think of MLK, you teaper.


Who is calling for race war?
Sheesh, you wanna trade teaper pictures?
There are probably millions of them.

But serious question...when MLK used that chant...was he calling for a race war? Let's hear the truth of what you think of MLK, you teaper.

Why dont you show where MLK advocated violence,,,,,these guys have alrdy demonstrated they believe its the answer...follows em wherever they go
Is it going to show *some* looting?

Fucking teapers.

Please start your race war...I am ready for you.

Calm down buddie, nobody in their right mind wants a race war.
No body wants one. We just need one. Badly.
Rocko...really, are you just learning USMB is a hate site where they recruit for this race war?
What do you think a race war will accomplish?

I know USMB does have all kinds of bigots, I wouldn't call it a hate site though, and I'v yet to experience any kind of recruiting for any sort of race war.
You should keep your eyes open. It is an interesting scheme they have going.

Who is calling for race war?
Sheesh, you wanna trade teaper pictures?
There are probably millions of them.

But serious question...when MLK used that chant...was he calling for a race war? Let's hear the truth of what you think of MLK, you teaper.


Who is calling for race war?
Sheesh, you wanna trade teaper pictures?
There are probably millions of them.

But serious question...when MLK used that chant...was he calling for a race war? Let's hear the truth of what you think of MLK, you teaper.

Why dont you show where MLK advocated violence,,,,,these guys have alrdy demonstrated they believe its the answer...follows em wherever they go
Those guys...what did they do? Please be specific.

Again, MLK used the slogan, No Justice, No Peace. What do you really think about MLK?
see the violence posted alrdy........ see the call for revolution......and you wonder why mods ignore your non-sense

What about this sign...even more egregious. Teapers want a revolution because a vote didn't go their way. These guys are fighting an institution.
see the violence posted alrdy........ see the call for revolution......and you wonder why mods ignore your non-sense
What did the guys in the picture do? Is everyone protesting breaking the law. The majority? A few? Please be specific.
Sure... why not?... sounds like a fun premise for a point-of-departure... while we sit back and laugh at them burning down their own neighborhoods.

They aren't burning down anything. They are blocking the streets and BREAKING into stores. No, not in "their own" neighborhood.
Not in their own neighborhood, after all?


Too bad.

It's far more fun when they burn down their own stuff.

The rest of the country typically sits back and laughs at them while they do.

Oh, well, this time, they'll just have to bring-in the cavalry, to remove the reported blockade of the stadium.

Oh, and water-cannons and tasers and stun-grenades and tear-gas would make for great fun, as well.

Don't want to be on the receiving end of that?

Don't blockade a sports stadium and begin looting during the course of your pathetic dumbass protests.

Well, that was the plan a couple years ago with the million truck protest on the Washington DC beltway, remember? That was a protest against Obama so I guess THAT was alright? Especially since mist of the truckers we're white.
By Jove, I think you've got it...

Except about thirty truckers showed....
True... then again, it was your analogy, not mine, and I really couldn't give a rat's ass about the protesters in Baltimore, other than to laugh at them when they get their skulls thumped.

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