BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

Watched CNN last nite, in half hr nobody could ID what happened. Was walking when put into the van and at stop one and two I think but not end of the line. Biggest complaint was aid should have been rendered at scene, for what they didnt say, he wasnt buckled and they dont know if that contributed. They also picked up another person and put him in back.
facts inconvenient...seeyabye...... why are they engaging the cops.....cause they are black.......why did they set off for the ball park.......look at who goes to the games
Anyway, the protesters have been pushed back a few blocks away from the stadium. The protesters have been thinned out quite a bit to a few groups of about a dozen or so people.

Not any violence against citizens per se, more like vandleism and looting.
The animals show their true selves:

Others were seen looting a 7-Eleven convenience store, smashing a Michael Kors storefront, and blocking intersections, with one motorist getting a rock through her car window, CBS affiliate WBAL reported.
And it's not even hot, humid summer yet!

No question! Obama's legacy is going to be The Great American Race War.

But is that what George Soros wanted?

Of course it will. This just in! Did you know the POTUS is responsible for that awful smell coming out of your ass?
He started his presidency dissing cops and he has continued doing it and he did it again in Ferguson and he is leading by example.He probably told Al and Jesse to stay away because the protesters know what to do now without them.

I got pulled over a few years ago by a cop that cut me off then slammed on his brakes. He told me I was driving erratically. I suggested he was entirely at fault and asked him "if he was just having a bad day". Then I said "Get a grip and stop being an asshole". He told me to "watch my smart mouth" then he jumped in his B & W and sped off without writing me a ticket.

That was my last contact with a cop that had it in his mind I was doing something wrong. It was at least ten years ago.

Cops are human too. Once in a blue moon you will be the next guy he talks to after having a very trying experience.

You don't have to take shit from an out of control cop. But don't ever lie to them and give one reason to extend the contact.
The last contact I had with a cop I was in the left lane. He was in the right lane. There was some construction so I stopped so the cop car could move to the left. He did. Then used his loud speaker to have me pull over once we cleared the construction. He had me get out of the car and produce license, registration and insurance. He wanted to know why I didn't want him behind me. I asked him if he was so removed from road courtesy that he couldn't recognize it when he saw it.

His response was that courtesy wasn't something he was familiar with.
This is becoming a common occurrence. how sad.
How boring...racist being racists...USMB style. SEO will bring in the creme of the stormfront crop now! USMB will reach legendary status as a hate site before long. I wonder which racist teaper will put us in the spotlight by engaging in a hate murder, he is a gimp., just a drunk whore.
Stephanie...if she can get other to roll with her.
Fake Marine....BINGO!

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