Breaking: Robert Mueller just interviewed Jeff Sessions

Oh, make no mistake. Mueller is doing his job. And that enrages Conservatives to the point of wanting to incarcerate him.

I wasn't joking when I said they'll soon shift their calls from executing the Special Counsel.

They are that rabid.

I detect an enhanced degree of rabidness this morning.
Mueller, Lerner, Obama, Holder, Clapper, Comey, Yellen, Jerry Brown, Susan Rice, Bill & Hill --- and Barney the Dinosaur ....
ALL going to jail!
Yawn....Mewler's witch hunt has become tiresome

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. And that's on his first investigation!

With 8 separate investigations into Benghazi......republicans couldn't produce shit.

Oh...what were the indictments about? Russia collusion?
There is no criminal charge named "collusion".
we all agree, just further witch hunt evidence.
Yawn....Mewler's witch hunt has become tiresome

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. And that's on his first investigation!

With 8 separate investigations into Benghazi......republicans couldn't produce shit.

Oh...what were the indictments about? Russia collusion?
There is no criminal charge named "collusion".
we all agree, just further witch hunt evidence.

And by 'all', you mean conservatives that are desperate to keep Mueller from digging any farther?

Again, 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas are hardly a 'witch hunt'.

Remember your ilk investigated Benghazi 8 times over 4 years. And found jack shit. This is Mueller's first special counsel investigation. And he's only 6 months in.
Yawn....Mewler's witch hunt has become tiresome

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. And that's on his first investigation!

With 8 separate investigations into Benghazi......republicans couldn't produce shit.
zero indictments concerning russia, your point?

Flynn lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia.

But again, keep ignoring. That's the beauty of the situation. You screw your eyes shut and pretend that everything is okay. And Mueller just keeps on investigating!

And the indications aren't that its going to be any better for you in the near future....

"He worked with Michael Flynn during the transition, and he was actively contributing to the foreign policy strategies for the campaign," Mangiante said. "He didn't take any initiative on his own without campaign approval."

She said he had communications with campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, campaign executive director Michael Glassner, campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis, campaign chairman Paul Manafort, executive chairman Steve Bannon, campaign adviser Rick Dearborn, and, during the transition, Flynn. Most have denied, downplayed or said they didn't recall their interactions with him.

Papadopoulos' fiancee: He didn't act without 'approval' - CNNPolitics

Which might explain why Trumpies have upgraded their shrill hysterics from 'shut down the investigation' to 'arrest and imprison Mueller'.

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. And that's on his first investigation!

With 8 separate investigations into Benghazi......republicans couldn't produce shit.

Oh...what were the indictments about? Russia collusion?
There is no criminal charge named "collusion".

Collusion has been proven. Conspiracy has not been proven and is a crime.
Really? Show us the proof.

You are demanding proof? Really?

What's this sudden love of 'proof' that you're citing? Whenever I ask you to back up your claim that FISA warrants on the Trump team based on the fold like a house of cards.

But now you're demanding 'proof'? You don't use it.
You have no credibility on this issue. Before you spew out your usual bullshit, how about if you respond to my last post to you? #62. You represent the height of hypocrisy.
Oh...what were the indictments about? Russia collusion?
There is no criminal charge named "collusion".

Collusion has been proven. Conspiracy has not been proven and is a crime.
Really? Show us the proof.

You are demanding proof? Really?

What's this sudden love of 'proof' that you're citing? Whenever I ask you to back up your claim that FISA warrants on the Trump team based on the fold like a house of cards.

But now you're demanding 'proof'? You don't use it.
You have no credibility on this issue. Before you spew out your usual bullshit, how about if you respond to my last post to you? #62. You represent the height of hypocrisy.

Says the fella that STILL can't show us the FISA warrants issued on the Trump team based on the dossier.

I mean, SJ....if even you are going to ignore your claims as meaningless bullshit, surely you'll understand why treat your posts the same way.

Show us, don't tell us.

Or flee. Which is what we both know you're gonna do.
Yawn....Mewler's witch hunt has become tiresome

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. And that's on his first investigation!

With 8 separate investigations into Benghazi......republicans couldn't produce shit.

Oh...what were the indictments about? Russia collusion?
There is no criminal charge named "collusion".
"Collusion", as in paying a foreign agent to make up a story about your opponent to generate an excuse for getting a FISA warrant to spy on them in a presidential campaign?
Your claim is based on the Nunes memo.
More "sources"

The last post had an actual reference to Bannon being told by white house lawyers not to answer, which was done DURING the questioning.

This wasn't hidden during his testimony. This was done in full view of the committee members and is why a GJ subpoena was issued on the spot.

Denying this is just retarded.

What was done during testimony was lawyers for his former employer saying to not respond. I've seen it in depositions before.

No. He attempted to claim executive privilege when no such privilege exists. That's why a subpoena was issued on the spot.

You must be a cretin if you believe Trump was not aware of and agreed to this play.

Perhaps you should investigate what the committee members had to say about this rather than relying on dopey speculation.

Just issuing a Subpoena doesn't mean there is no Executive Privilege.

If it were subject to privilege, it couldn't be forced under subpoena then. Like I said, read up on what the committee members have said. BTW, Nunes had to sign off on the subpoena so if it were not proper to do so, it most likely wouldn't have been issued.

So no subpoena has ever been invalidated?
This wasn't hidden during his testimony. This was done in full view of the committee members and is why a GJ subpoena was issued on the spot.

Denying this is just retarded.

What was done during testimony was lawyers for his former employer saying to not respond. I've seen it in depositions before.

No. He attempted to claim executive privilege when no such privilege exists. That's why a subpoena was issued on the spot.

You must be a cretin if you believe Trump was not aware of and agreed to this play.

Perhaps you should investigate what the committee members had to say about this rather than relying on dopey speculation.

Just issuing a Subpoena doesn't mean there is no Executive Privilege.

If it were subject to privilege, it couldn't be forced under subpoena then. Like I said, read up on what the committee members have said. BTW, Nunes had to sign off on the subpoena so if it were not proper to do so, it most likely wouldn't have been issued.

So no subpoena has ever been invalidated?

So that's where you're hanging your hat? On the unlikely chance of a subpoena being 'invalidated'?

Fuck, Marty......when did you start wiping Cheetoh dust off your chin? Again, the game show host doesn't deserve your slavish defense.
What was done during testimony was lawyers for his former employer saying to not respond. I've seen it in depositions before.

No. He attempted to claim executive privilege when no such privilege exists. That's why a subpoena was issued on the spot.

You must be a cretin if you believe Trump was not aware of and agreed to this play.

Perhaps you should investigate what the committee members had to say about this rather than relying on dopey speculation.

Just issuing a Subpoena doesn't mean there is no Executive Privilege.

If it were subject to privilege, it couldn't be forced under subpoena then. Like I said, read up on what the committee members have said. BTW, Nunes had to sign off on the subpoena so if it were not proper to do so, it most likely wouldn't have been issued.

So no subpoena has ever been invalidated?

So that's where you're hanging your hat? On the unlikely chance of a subpoena being 'invalidated'?

Fuck, Marty......when did you start wiping Cheetoh dust off your chin? Again, the game show host doesn't deserve your slavish defense.

This isn't slavish defense, it's asking "where's the beef"?
Sessions should have arrested Mueller on the spot

WTF is going on?

Laughing....arrested Mueller for what?

The more indictments come down, the more guilty pleas, the louder Trump supporters call for the investigation to end. Where by all standards of logic, the opposite would be true.
Mueller lied to congress

Get specific.

Like Mueller did when he had Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI in front of a judge last month.
You’re going to have to read the whole article. He minimized how much he was survelling trump
ICONFIRMED: Inspector General Can Seize Strzok and Page's FBI Phone Records
This wasn't hidden during his testimony. This was done in full view of the committee members and is why a GJ subpoena was issued on the spot.

Denying this is just retarded.

What was done during testimony was lawyers for his former employer saying to not respond. I've seen it in depositions before.

No. He attempted to claim executive privilege when no such privilege exists. That's why a subpoena was issued on the spot.

You must be a cretin if you believe Trump was not aware of and agreed to this play.

Perhaps you should investigate what the committee members had to say about this rather than relying on dopey speculation.

Just issuing a Subpoena doesn't mean there is no Executive Privilege.

If it were subject to privilege, it couldn't be forced under subpoena then. Like I said, read up on what the committee members have said. BTW, Nunes had to sign off on the subpoena so if it were not proper to do so, it most likely wouldn't have been issued.

So no subpoena has ever been invalidated?

Yawn....Mewler's witch hunt has become tiresome

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. And that's on his first investigation!

With 8 separate investigations into Benghazi......republicans couldn't produce shit.

Oh...what were the indictments about? Russia collusion?
There is no criminal charge named "collusion".
we all agree, just further witch hunt evidence.

And by 'all', you mean conservatives that are desperate to keep Mueller from digging any farther?

Again, 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas are hardly a 'witch hunt'.

Remember your ilk investigated Benghazi 8 times over 4 years. And found jack shit. This is Mueller's first special counsel investigation. And he's only 6 months in.
well there is no criminal offense for collusion. if you disagree, then post the link that says it is.
No. He attempted to claim executive privilege when no such privilege exists. That's why a subpoena was issued on the spot.

You must be a cretin if you believe Trump was not aware of and agreed to this play.

Perhaps you should investigate what the committee members had to say about this rather than relying on dopey speculation.

Just issuing a Subpoena doesn't mean there is no Executive Privilege.

If it were subject to privilege, it couldn't be forced under subpoena then. Like I said, read up on what the committee members have said. BTW, Nunes had to sign off on the subpoena so if it were not proper to do so, it most likely wouldn't have been issued.

So no subpoena has ever been invalidated?

So that's where you're hanging your hat? On the unlikely chance of a subpoena being 'invalidated'?

Fuck, Marty......when did you start wiping Cheetoh dust off your chin? Again, the game show host doesn't deserve your slavish defense.

This isn't slavish defense, it's asking "where's the beef"?

Its obsequious, almost servile attentiveness, Marty. Where you scramble from crumbling defense to crumbling defense......ignoring the *mountains* of evidence contradicting you:

4 indictments, 2 guilty pleas, Flynn admitting *under oath* that he lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russia,

Flynn admitting he lied about how ordered him to make those contacts with Russia

Papadopoulos admitting to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia

Papadopoulos's fiancée on record as saying that Papadopoulos did everything under direction from the campaign including make contacts with Russia

Trump admitting via twitter he knew of Flynn's criminal lies to the FBI about contact with Russia before firing Comey

Trump admitting that he fired Comey because of the investigation into Russia

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to end his investigation into Flynn lying about contacts with Russia.

Trump's White House counsel instructing Bannon *in real time* not to cooperate with the House intel investigation into Russia.

The House Intel committee subpoenaing Bannon to answer the questions Trump's Counsel instructed Bannon not to answer regarding Trump Team contact with Russia.

With Bannon admitting that contacts between Russians and Trump team members was 'treasonous'.

.......and still, like a little Toady, you obediently insist that there's nothing to see, that everything is perfectly fine, that there's nothing to worry about.

As I said, if you're going to be whore, at least get paid for it.
Just issuing a Subpoena doesn't mean there is no Executive Privilege.

If it were subject to privilege, it couldn't be forced under subpoena then. Like I said, read up on what the committee members have said. BTW, Nunes had to sign off on the subpoena so if it were not proper to do so, it most likely wouldn't have been issued.

So no subpoena has ever been invalidated?

So that's where you're hanging your hat? On the unlikely chance of a subpoena being 'invalidated'?

Fuck, Marty......when did you start wiping Cheetoh dust off your chin? Again, the game show host doesn't deserve your slavish defense.

This isn't slavish defense, it's asking "where's the beef"?

Its obsequious, almost servile attentiveness, Marty. Where you scramble from crumbling defense to crumbling defense......ignoring the *mountains* of evidence contradicting you:

4 indictments, 2 guilty pleas, Flynn admitting *under oath* that he lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russia,

Flynn admitting he lied about how ordered him to make those contacts with Russia

Papadopoulos admitting to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia

Papadopoulos's fiancée on record as saying that Papadopoulos did everything under direction from the campaign including make contacts with Russia

Trump admitting via twitter he knew of Flynn's criminal lies to the FBI about contact with Russia before firing Comey

Trump admitting that he fired Comey because of the investigation into Russia

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to end his investigation into Flynn lying about contacts with Russia.

Trump's White House counsel instructing Bannon *in real time* not to cooperate with the House intel investigation into Russia.

The House Intel committee subpoenaing Bannon to answer the questions Trump's Counsel instructed Bannon not to answer regarding Trump Team contact with Russia.

With Bannon admitting that contacts between Russians and Trump team members was 'treasonous'.

.......and still, like a little Toady, you obediently insist that there's nothing to see, that everything is perfectly fine, that there's nothing to worry about.

As I said, if you're going to be whore, at least get paid for it.
dude, are you a comedy writer now? holy shit, what a mess of nonsense you posted here. just saying. not one thing about collusion with russia. you point to it for us.

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