BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

Say fake lawyer, if the basis for the witch hunt is the fabricated Steel Dossier
Yet the dossier says Russia was interfering in the US election, as verified by US intel agencies. How is that fabricated?

Steel admitted that RUSSIA fabricated the document.

Do try and keep up.

I see you are fine with colluding with Moscow, just so long as it is done to GET TRUMP.

A former British intelligence officer, who is now a director of a London private security-and-investigations firm, has been identified as the author of the dossier of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald Trump’s activities and connections in Russia, according to the Wall Street Journal. A Christopher Steele, a director of London-based private intelligence company, Orbis, purportedly prepared the dossier under contract to both Republican and Democratic adversaries of then-candidate Trump. The poor grammar and shaky spelling plus the author’s use of KGB-style intelligence reporting, however, do not fit the image of a high-end London security company run by highly connected former British intelligence figures.

The PDF file of the 30-page typewritten report alleges that high Kremlin officials colluded with Trump, offered him multi-billion dollar bribes, and accumulated compromising evidence of Trump’s sexual escapades in Russia. That the dossier comes from former British intelligence officers appears, at first glance, to give it weight especially with Orbis’ claim of a “global network.” The U.S. intelligence community purportedly has examined the allegations but have not confirmed any of them. We can wait till hell freezes over. The material is not verifiable.

President-elect Trump has dismissed the dossier’s contents as false as has the Kremlin. Trump is right: The Orbis dossier is fake news.}

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why
Say fake lawyer, if the basis for the witch hunt is the fabricated Steel Dossier
Yet the dossier says Russia was interfering in the US election, as verified by US intel agencies. How is that fabricated?

the dossier was fabricated

paid by the witch Clinton

AND the FBI, which is why they are in a panic over the release of the FISA memo.

This is FAR worse than Watergate and people should go to prison over it.
If a FISA warrant was obtained based on bullshit, all information obtained from that warrant is tainted (poisonous tree).

However, any independently obtained evidence will be admissible including Flynn's guilty plea. However, a guilty plea obtained improperly will likely be suppressed.


It's not a slam dunk either way.
He obviously WAS a suspect since he'd probably been the subject of a wiretap....Strzok didn't go there to talk fishing lures. And a case could be made that Flynn was a victim of a custodial interrogation if he didn't think he could end the interview.
True, but the burden would shift to him to prove a reasonable person in his position would not think he could end the interview.

The fact that the interview was granted under false pretenses might make him that reasonable person since he was being dry gulched by an obviously politically motivated interrogator. Remember, Strzok already knew Flynn had spoken to the Russian (which was perfectly legal) and he probably portrayed that event as a matter of espionage.
Say fake lawyer, if the basis for the witch hunt is the fabricated Steel Dossier
Yet the dossier says Russia was interfering in the US election, as verified by US intel agencies. How is that fabricated?

the dossier was fabricated

paid by the witch Clinton

Initially paid for by a GOP opponent.

Lying again, huh JimHate?

Well, you're a Stalinist - being a fucking liar is just part of who you are.
I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Sounds good Comrade.

SAY, now that we know that the witch hunt was based on FALSIFIED and FABRICATED evidence, what impact will that have on a plea deal with an Inquisition that is blatantly violating dozens of laws?

How will a coerced confession hold up as a special prosecutor is set up to investigate the actions of Mewler-Torquemada and the Witch Hunt?


To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, it is quite amazing how easy it is for someone to "know" something that simply isn't true.


{Some lawmakers said the abuses are so bad they echo actions of the Soviet KGB, with the added warning that changes could come to the FBI as a consequence. They have repeated the notion that they were not allowed to review it prior to the House Intelligence Committee’s vote to make it public earlier this week. Again, the FBI has read the memo; FBI Director Wray reviewed it on Sunday. They have all the documents—and if they were so worried about national security, why were portions leaked to The New York Times a day after Wray looked at it? President Trump wants the memo released. After the House Intelligence Committee vote on January 29, Trump has five days to decide whether to block its release or not. }

FBI to Trump White House: Please Block The FISA Memo That Could Expose Us For Spying On You


Did you forget what claim you were trying to back up?

I don't see anything about "FALSIFIED and FABRICATED" evidence in there. Maybe you posted the wrong link?


{Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You mindless hacks are FUNNY when you're in full meltdown panic mode.... :rofl:
SO what? The dossier was not the primary information provided to the judge for the extension approval of the surveillance.... there was 120 plus pages of information provided by the justice dept to the FISA judge showing that the surveillance the previous 90 days provided important information for the counter intelligence investigation and for the request to have it continue was critical....the FISA judge and his staff then had to spend the time to read and analyze the 120 pages of info to decide if t was legal to go forward with the extension of the surveillance....

The Dossier was just a preliminary field investigative report, and did need to be verified.....and yes Steele knew that.... he never said it was 100% accurate, he thought it COULD BE close to that, but inevitably, some info turns out to be wrong in field reports, it ALL needed to be verified by the FBI....

and since the FBI has had the dossier/field report, they HAVE verified several parts of the dossier.....

whatever bit of the dossier submitted in the FISA extension request, would NOT have been the primary information used by the FISA judge, it could simply be supplemental information.....

A 4 page cherry picked, partisan instead of bipartisan memo isn't gonna tell an accurate story of a 120 page story....
The fact that the interview was granted under false pretenses might make him that reasonable person since he was being dry gulched by an obviously politically motivated interrogator. Remember, Strzok already knew Flynn had spoken to the Russian (which was perfectly legal) and he probably portrayed that event as a matter of espionage.
The better angle is poisonous tree. They obtained his guilty plea by presenting him with evidence they obtained based on a bullshit application for a FISA warrant. The only good evidence they have is his guilty plea. He can have that suppressed.

But, it's still not a slam dunk either way.
He obviously WAS a suspect since he'd probably been the subject of a wiretap....Strzok didn't go there to talk fishing lures. And a case could be made that Flynn was a victim of a custodial interrogation if he didn't think he could end the interview.
True, but the burden would shift to him to prove a reasonable person in his position would not think he could end the interview.

The fact that the interview was granted under false pretenses might make him that reasonable person since he was being dry gulched by an obviously politically motivated interrogator. Remember, Strzok already knew Flynn had spoken to the Russian (which was perfectly legal) and he probably portrayed that event as a matter of espionage.


What "false pretenses" were the interview granted under?
Miranda is irrelevant.

Torquemada questioned Flynn based on fabricated evidence. Any result is fruit of the poisonous tree.

The concept that the utterly disreputable FBI can prosecute people for lying to them, as they flagrantly lie to the nation is an outrage.

Both things can be true. The FBI sat him down under false pretenses when he didn't have an attorney present. A good defense attorney would portray that as a trap and not ethical. A judge may see those circumstances as tawdry and toss it.
Sounds good Comrade.

SAY, now that we know that the witch hunt was based on FALSIFIED and FABRICATED evidence, what impact will that have on a plea deal with an Inquisition that is blatantly violating dozens of laws?

How will a coerced confession hold up as a special prosecutor is set up to investigate the actions of Mewler-Torquemada and the Witch Hunt?


To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, it is quite amazing how easy it is for someone to "know" something that simply isn't true.


{Some lawmakers said the abuses are so bad they echo actions of the Soviet KGB, with the added warning that changes could come to the FBI as a consequence. They have repeated the notion that they were not allowed to review it prior to the House Intelligence Committee’s vote to make it public earlier this week. Again, the FBI has read the memo; FBI Director Wray reviewed it on Sunday. They have all the documents—and if they were so worried about national security, why were portions leaked to The New York Times a day after Wray looked at it? President Trump wants the memo released. After the House Intelligence Committee vote on January 29, Trump has five days to decide whether to block its release or not. }

FBI to Trump White House: Please Block The FISA Memo That Could Expose Us For Spying On You


Did you forget what claim you were trying to back up?

I don't see anything about "FALSIFIED and FABRICATED" evidence in there. Maybe you posted the wrong link?


{Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You mindless hacks are FUNNY when you're in full meltdown panic mode.... :rofl:
SO what? The dossier was not the primary information provided to the judge for the extension approval of the surveillance.... there was 120 plus pages of information provided by the justice dept to the FISA judge showing that the surveillance the previous 90 days provided important information for the counter intelligence investigation and for the request to have it continue was critical....the FISA judge and his staff then had to spend the time to read and analyze the 120 pages of info to decide if t was legal to go forward with the extension of the surveillance....

The Dossier was just a preliminary field investigative report, and did need to be verified.....and yes Steele knew that.... he never said it was 100% accurate, he thought it COULD BE close to that, but inevitably, some info turns out to be wrong in field reports, it ALL needed to be verified by the FBI....

and since the FBI has had the dossier/field report, they HAVE verified several parts of the dossier.....

whatever bit of the dossier submitted in the FISA extension request, would NOT have been the primary information used by the FISA judge, it could simply be supplemental information.....

A 4 page cherry picked, partisan instead of bipartisan memo isn't gonna tell an accurate story of a 120 page story....


Well let's see your evidence?


Your coup has failed and you are all melting down.

This is far worse than Watergate, I have a feeling you Stalinist scum will finally be held to answer for your crimes. :dunno:
If we didn't learn from Scooter LIbby and a whole host of other people being prosecuted for lying to the FBI, let us all learn now.

NEVER COOPERATE WITH THE FUCKING G-MEN. They are trying to find a reason to prosecute you for lying (even a bullshit little lie) and use that to lean on you to turn into one of their witnesses against the bigger fish.
Miranda is irrelevant.

Torquemada questioned Flynn based on fabricated evidence. Any result is fruit of the poisonous tree.

The concept that the utterly disreputable FBI can prosecute people for lying to them, as they flagrantly lie to the nation is an outrage.

Both things can be true. The FBI sat him down under false pretenses when he didn't have an attorney present. A good defense attorney would portray that as a trap and not ethical. A judge may see those circumstances as tawdry and toss it.

Perhaps, but at this point it makes little difference. The retreat by Torquemada shows that he knows what is in the FISA Memo. The coup has just collapsed.

There may well be jail involved here, but it will be Paige, Strzok, and McCabe who face it, maybe even Comey.

Oh Hillary SHOULD end up in prison over this, but she is still above the law - even now.
What "false pretenses" were the interview granted under?
If I understand correctly, I believe he is saying that if the FBI presented evidence to Flynn that they improperly obtained, his guilty plea could be suppressed for being improperly obtained.


I don't actually think that's what he's saying - I think he's trying to cast doubt on the interview in which Flynn lied the FBI in the first place.

But your position is more coherent.

What "false pretenses" were the interview granted under?

Get up to speed if you want to discuss this matter further....Flynn had no idea what Strzok was there for because Strzok never told him. Being a 4 Star doesn't make a guy a legal whiz....I don't believe Flynn had any idea what was going on but Comey's punk sure did, eh?
Both things can be true. The FBI sat him down under false pretenses when he didn't have an attorney present. A good defense attorney would portray that as a trap and not ethical. A judge may see those circumstances as tawdry and toss it.
But what are they tossing? His guilty plea?

Whether they Mirandize him or not, if he pleads guilty because they present him with ill-gotten evidence, his plea gets suppressed. Miranda is irrelevant one way or another under those circumstances.
Flynn is Mirandized, asks for a lawyer, has a lawyer present, they present him with ill-gotten evidence, he pleads guilty.

Is Flynn screwed because they Mirandized him?

What "false pretenses" were the interview granted under?

Get up to speed if you want to discuss this matter further....Flynn had no idea what Strzok was there for because Strzok never told him. Being a 4 Star doesn't make a guy a legal whiz....I don't believe Flynn had any idea what was going on but Comey's punk sure did, eh?

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