BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

The memo is big news why is the news media so uninterested in it? Why don't they want to know whats in the damn thing?
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...

You moron... Christopher Wray issued the warning to the White House and he was appointed by Trump.

You have anything but dumbass excuses to offer?

So again, why shouldn’t Trump listen to the people he put in charge?
The memo is big news why is the news media so uninterested in it? Why don't they want to know whats in the damn thing?
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...

Wait, Trump didn't nominate Wray?
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

Let's see.

"Mr Flynn, you're going to prison unless you give us something on Trump."
"No, I won't give you anything on Trump, Trump will pardon me as soon as anything happens"
"Mr Flynn, we've got evidence that will mean Mr Trump will not be president by the time you're convicted"
"Fuck, what do you want to know"
"That's a good boy, I'll request a postponement of your sentence."

Yeah, there is one huge problem with your fantasy scenario. Trump is president right now and ergo could pardon Flynn right now if he wanted.
The FBI should be completely objective...but the current evidence shows it is anything BUT objective. It's treason has been exposed.
Doesn't matter one bit. Even if they were tapping the Russian Ambassador (they were) they illegally reviewed a U.S. Person's conversation without a warrant. THAT is the issue.

Poisonous tree.

Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?

How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.

The ambassador had been monitored for a long time before Trump and his folks arrived on the scene.
Trump's folks were just illegally unmasked by the Obama administration after that.... :p


You moron... Christopher Wray issued the warning to the White House and he was appointed by Trump.

You have anything but dumbass excuses to offer?

So again, why shouldn’t Trump listen to the people he put in charge?
Wray has only been in the job for four months after Comey the clown was canned...the FBI is more than who is at the Wray is buddy buddy with Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein...stop splitting hairs it screws you up every time...
Doesn't matter one bit. Even if they were tapping the Russian Ambassador (they were) they illegally reviewed a U.S. Person's conversation without a warrant. THAT is the issue.

Poisonous tree.

Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?

How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.

The ambassador had been monitored for a long time before Trump and his folks arrived on the scene.
Trump's folks were just illegally unmasked by the Obama administration after that.... :p
Prove it.
The memo is big news why is the news media so uninterested in it? Why don't they want to know whats in the damn thing?
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...

Wait, Trump didn't nominate Wray?
One man does not make up the whole FBI stop splitting hairs like know who is in the deep state stop playing the fool...
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

Let's see.

"Mr Flynn, you're going to prison unless you give us something on Trump."
"No, I won't give you anything on Trump, Trump will pardon me as soon as anything happens"
"Mr Flynn, we've got evidence that will mean Mr Trump will not be president by the time you're convicted"
"Fuck, what do you want to know"
"That's a good boy, I'll request a postponement of your sentence."

Yeah, there is one huge problem with your fantasy scenario. Trump is president right now and ergo could pardon Flynn right now if he wanted.

He then would lose any 5th amd protections during testimony and could still be charged if he were to perjure himself.
Great, so how does that render a warrant, "illegal?"

If the fbi materially misreported the evidence they used to obtain the warrant that is called PERJURY. If they perjured themselves to obtain the warrant they are fucked three ways from Sunday.
Again, you're conflating the warrant on Page with Flynn. :rolleyes:

How do you know the memo has to do with Page?

You don't, do you?

Page is the only one who had a FISA warrant.
so did flynn

He didn't because he was fired very quickly but feel free to post up what you have.
No, that's not how it works. If, in the course of legal surveillance of someone else, you inadvertently pick up someone else incriminating themselves, that's completely legal evidence.

They didn't exceed their scope by listening in when Flynn called the Russian ambassador, because Flynn's call was incidental to their legal investigation.
I disagree.

It is my understanding that they still need court approval to unmask the U.S. Person (which is a term of art). They are supposed to completely ignore WHO the U.S. Person is and only look at it for context regarding the foreign agent (who can be tapped without a warrant).
Redirect Notice

But if the NSA or another agency with which NSA is sharing the information, like the FBI, wants to identify the person, it can do so if it believes it's necessary in the course of investigations or have probable cause to indicate there may be criminal conduct involved.
still need a warrant.

For what?
to release the name of the person and investigate.

Post it up buttercup.
Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?

How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.

The ambassador had been monitored for a long time before Trump and his folks arrived on the scene.
Trump's folks were just illegally unmasked by the Obama administration after that.... :p


Ouch, your unsubstantiated personal attack just cuts me to the quick.... :p
Obama also said the ACA would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, that if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, that Benghazi was due to a video, and that he never knew about Hillary's server / private e-mail until he heard about if from the news....


He didn't have to say anything. That mistake is Trump's alone.
Which 'mistake' was that? We were talking about LIES, which I listed.

To hire Flynn. Do you read? Obama didn't lie.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Flynn will walk...he did nothing wrong...he was being strong armed by Mueller's team to try and get him to spill the beans but it's all over now...the memo will bring all of this bullshit to an end...

How so? What do you imagine is in the memo that will help Flynn? Flynn lied to the FBI. They have him on tape doing so. He plead guilty.
Obama also said the ACA would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, that if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, that Benghazi was due to a video, and that he never knew about Hillary's server / private e-mail until he heard about if from the news....


He didn't have to say anything. That mistake is Trump's alone.
Which 'mistake' was that? We were talking about LIES, which I listed.

To hire Flynn. Do you read? Obama didn't lie.
I can read, but when you posy incomplete thoughts / sentences it is hard to keep up with you:

"He didn't have to say anything. That mistake is Trump's alone." HIRE's right there in your post...silly me. :p

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