BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

What evidence involved in Flynn's lying to the FBI was obtained illegally?

If half of what has been reported is true, then the info they used against flynn was most likely obtained via the illegal FISA warrant. If that is indeed factual, flynn walks.

Why would a FISA warrant against the Russian ambassador be illegal?

Not talking about that one. I am talking about the one that was being used against trump. The unmasking that was going on by the obama admin tells me they had a tap going on trump tower. Good luck justifying that one.

"The unmasking that was going on by the Obama admin tells me they had a tap going on Trump tower"

That sentence doesn't make sense. It looks like a pile of buzzwords without substance.

How would the "unmasking" tell you that Trump tower was tapped?

As for the surveillance that trapped Flynn in his lie - he was on the phone with the Russian Ambassador. It's a pretty safe bet that the target of the surveillance was the Russian, and not Flynn.

What if Flynn was talking to the ambassador on a phone tapped in Trump Tower?

Dunh Dunh Duh!

The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Mueller got the evidence he used against Flynn because the FBI was wiretapping the Russian ambassador, and Flynn called him.

Then Flynn blatantly lied to the FBI about a call that he almost certainly knew was being monitored.

Maybe. We don't have a clue how they obtained the warrant. I am merely going on what has been reported. The fact that mueller has postponed sentencing tells me that the case is in trouble. There is no logical reason to ever postpone sentencing.

No warrant is needed to monitor foreign powers.

And I can think of many logical reasons for Mueller to postpone sentencing - for example, perhaps he's waiting to see how information given to him by Flynn plays out before he offers a sentence recommendation.

If there was a tap on trump tower there was a warrant. Period. How they obtained that warrant is probably what a good portion of that memo is all about.

What in the world makes you think there was a tap on "Trump Tower"?

Yeah, I am sure Flynn was calling the Russian ambassador on a payphone in Jersey City, NJ!

It wouldn't matter if he was in a stall in the head at a Denny's on the Jersey turnpike. The ambassador's line was monitored.
How was evidence against Flynn obtained illegally?
None of us know how it was obtained...except that the exposed criminal anti-Trump Pro-Hillary fired Mueller member / FBI agent who protected Hillary / Mills / Abedin from indictment participated in interviewing Flynn....

you mean the pro Hilary guy who sank her campaign ten days before the election? that pro Hillary guy?

you know, sergei, it's not nice to pretend we're like your boy vlad's country.

you should stop
The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
Wait for what? Why should Flynn have to wait when there are yahoos here insisting his guilty plea should be vacated on Constitutional grounds?
Mueller called for a confab with the Trump legal team today...wonder what that is about...Mueller has seen the memo and he knows the jig is up...
It wouldn't matter if he was in a stall in the head at a Denny's on the Jersey turnpike. The ambassador's line was monitored.

Wouldn't have mattered - Papa's 'Lying to the FBI' came about from his overheard drunken conversation with an Aussie rep in the lieu of a British Pub...

Get serious....Flynn wasn't trafficking in narcotics or running a string of hookers. He was the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States. The FBI knew full well he hadn't broken any laws as NSA speaking to the Ivan during the transition and they had a duty to tell him what they were there for and advise him he may want counsel present knowing he wouldn't so as to seem open and innocent. It was a perjury trap plain and simple.
How did they know he was speaking with anyone without illegally unmasking him? They cannot prove he was lying without illegally reviewing his conversations.

That is poisonous tree. It's not Miranda.

4th Amendment v. 5th Amendment

Please get that straight and quit barking up that wrong tree.


There has to be a procedure to obtain a transcript if there is a crime suspected. Otherwise I could talk to the ambassador about any illegal activity without fear of prosecution.
Obama also said the ACA would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, that if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, that Benghazi was due to a video, and that he never knew about Hillary's server / private e-mail until he heard about if from the news....


that required the mandate, sergei. but you know that. just the way it was devised by the heritage foundation. mmmkay?
The memo is big news why is the news media so uninterested in it? Why don't they want to know whats in the damn thing?
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...
What do you mean when you say "unmasking"?

Perhaps we're using different definitions of the word.

The obama admin was releasing the names of Americans "caught" up in the various surveillance programs they had going. That is "unmasking".
Great, so how does that render a warrant, "illegal?"
If half of what has been reported is true, then the info they used against flynn was most likely obtained via the illegal FISA warrant. If that is indeed factual, flynn walks.

If the fbi materially misreported the evidence they used to obtain the warrant that is called PERJURY. If they perjured themselves to obtain the warrant they are fucked three ways from Sunday.
Again, you're conflating the warrant on Page with Flynn. :rolleyes:

How do you know the memo has to do with Page?

You don't, do you?

Page is the only one who had a FISA warrant.
Yeah, I know. But they can only lie to suspects, or witnesses. They can't lie to the Court. Duh....
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.
The memo is big news why is the news media so uninterested in it? Why don't they want to know whats in the damn thing?
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...

it isn't ANY president's FBI.

they don't work for the orange sociopath.

and they were following carter page around for years.... had zero to do with your orange jesus.

and loony toon, chris reye is Donald's boy... not president Obama's .... and HE doesn't want nunes' hack memo released.

nunes better run fast or he's going to end up in jail, too.
It was my understanding that a warrant was served on both Page and Manafort, giving access to their homes and the aiding and pillaging of anything and everything.

I also read that the FBI f*ed up the serving of the warrant, ending up taking items not specified in the warrant. If that is the case every bit of evidence will be rendered 'inadmissible' ... meaning he will walk. Again, I read that but does not make it true, as we all know. Time will tell.
Yeah, I am sure Flynn was calling the Russian ambassador on a payphone in Jersey City, NJ!
Doesn't matter one bit. Even if they were tapping the Russian Ambassador (they were) they illegally reviewed a U.S. Person's conversation without a warrant. THAT is the issue.

Poisonous tree.

Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?

How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.

The ambassador had been monitored for a long time before Trump and his folks arrived on the scene.
Yeah, I am sure Flynn was calling the Russian ambassador on a payphone in Jersey City, NJ!
Doesn't matter one bit. Even if they were tapping the Russian Ambassador (they were) they illegally reviewed a U.S. Person's conversation without a warrant. THAT is the issue.

Poisonous tree.

Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?

How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.

The ambassador had been monitored for a long time before Trump and his folks arrived on the scene.
Trump's folks were just illegally unmasked by the Obama administration after that.... :p
Several people have been claiming that there was no warrant for Flynn. Without a warrant, nothing is admissible. So there must have been a FISA warrant for Flynn, right?
Don't confuse Flynn with Carter Page.

There was no warrant for Flynn. The argument is that they illegally reviewed his telephone communications with the Russian Ambassador (warrantless is legal for him) but that they improperly unmasked Flynn and used that to coax a plea deal.

Again, ALL of this is speculation.

What evidence do you have that Flynn was improperly unmasked?
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.
you don't get it do you. if the indictment is tossed, his plea is tossed, how fking stupid are you actually?
If they go to jail I will leave for 3 months if they do mot you leave for 3 months. How is that puss-puss?
Hey you are the one that bet me never paid were suppose to go away when Trump won...Buuuuaaaaahahahahahaha yeah right buddy...I do not gamble with people that do not pay their debts...nice try...snowflake!

Wasn't me fool I was not on this site at the time. Check the date I signed up. So wrong as usual you delirious old fuck!

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