BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.
If McGarret said 2 + 2 = 5, the American and Russian wingnuts in this board would rate him "Winner".
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant that was used to spy on him. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

Not just the 'FISA Warrant scandal'....

Flynn's indictment was / is NEVER going to hold up once it was revealed that criminal, adulterous, anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremist FBI Agent Strzok interviewed Flynn, resulting in Flynn being charged with 'Lying to the FBI' - the same exact charge it has been proven he protected Hillary aides Abedin and Mills from earlier...after is was revealed that Strzok changed the wording in the FBI's final Hillary server report, protecting her from indictment for her crimes that included 'Gross Negligence'....

Any lawyer worth a d@mn would have had a FIELD DAY with that indictment under those circumstances.

You're not getting it.

The indictment of Flynn already happened. He plead guilty. Its already over.

His lawyers didn't take your "advice".
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.
Problem is if the whole investigation was tainted....everything gets thrown out.
The point I made a couple of months ago was the FBI went to the FISA court and committed perjury to get a warrant.

What perjury?
You're not getting it. The indictment of Flynn already happened. He plead guilty. Its already over. His lawyers didn't take your "advice".

Doesn't matter. His 'admission' can be thrown out....and it most likely will be since the guy who took his testimony, admission, and indicted him is a proven criminal who biasedly protected Hillary and her co-horts from criminal charges, the same charges he filed on Flynn.

You believe what you want, and we will see what happens in the end.

So far, it is looking like Flynn may face no charges based on this bit of news...
I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

no. a conviction based on illegally gotten evidence (which Flynn's wasn't despite rightwing fantasies) is reversible if they didn't know at the time of the trial thereby waiving the defect by not objecting.

with a plea there is a small chance pre-sentencing but generally only if the judge rejects the plea deal

and let's not forget that mueller held back state charges that wouldn't be barred by double jeopardy. he'd go to jail.

Not if the evidence was obtained illegally. That's the whole point.

How was evidence against Flynn obtained illegally?
How was evidence against Flynn obtained illegally?
None of us know how it was obtained...except that the exposed criminal anti-Trump Pro-Hillary fired Mueller member / FBI agent who protected Hillary / Mills / Abedin from indictment participated in interviewing Flynn....
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

Let's see.

"Mr Flynn, you're going to prison unless you give us something on Trump."
"No, I won't give you anything on Trump, Trump will pardon me as soon as anything happens"
"Mr Flynn, we've got evidence that will mean Mr Trump will not be president by the time you're convicted"
"Fuck, what do you want to know"
"That's a good boy, I'll request a postponement of your sentence."

What magical president removal tool are you going to use this time?

Two scoops of ice cream was the end

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It was Strzok that interviewed Flynn without councel to assist him.

The judge that took the plea recused himself and if text messages show Flynn was set up could that be the reason for delay

Flynn's attorneys are stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained. Everything they found with that information is now illegally obtained. They also denied his right to counsel.

Lots of awe shits are coming out...

Flynn's attorneys are stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained.

There was never a warrant on Flynn.
If they go to jail I will leave for 3 months if they do mot you leave for 3 months. How is that puss-puss?
Hey you are the one that bet me never paid were suppose to go away when Trump won...Buuuuaaaaahahahahahaha yeah right buddy...I do not gamble with people that do not pay their debts...nice try...snowflake!
If a FISA warrant was obtained based on bullshit, all information obtained from that warrant is tainted (poisonous tree).

However, any independently obtained evidence will be admissible including Flynn's guilty plea. However, a guilty plea obtained improperly will likely be suppressed.


It's not a slam dunk either way.

There was no warrant on Flynn.
Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

no. a conviction based on illegally gotten evidence (which Flynn's wasn't despite rightwing fantasies) is reversible if they didn't know at the time of the trial thereby waiving the defect by not objecting.

with a plea there is a small chance pre-sentencing but generally only if the judge rejects the plea deal

and let's not forget that mueller held back state charges that wouldn't be barred by double jeopardy. he'd go to jail.

Not if the evidence was obtained illegally. That's the whole point.

How was evidence against Flynn obtained illegally?

it wasn't. nor has Flynn claimed it was.

and from what I'm reading, they're not gong to let him plea while they have a lot more to go on the investigation.

What "false pretenses" were the interview granted under?

Get up to speed if you want to discuss this matter further....Flynn had no idea what Strzok was there for because Strzok never told him. Being a 4 Star doesn't make a guy a legal whiz....I don't believe Flynn had any idea what was going on but Comey's punk sure did, eh?

That's why you have your counsel present.
I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

no. a conviction based on illegally gotten evidence (which Flynn's wasn't despite rightwing fantasies) is reversible if they didn't know at the time of the trial thereby waiving the defect by not objecting.

with a plea there is a small chance pre-sentencing but generally only if the judge rejects the plea deal

and let's not forget that mueller held back state charges that wouldn't be barred by double jeopardy. he'd go to jail.

Not if the evidence was obtained illegally. That's the whole point.

you can waive an illegality.

but on what basis do you think it was illegal?

notice, Flynn isn't claiming any illegality.

and as I already stated, they held back charges for the NY and VA state AG's to bring so they won't be foreclosed by double jeopardy

again, what makes you think Flynn was illegally searched in any way?
Are you trying to argue that the FBI is obligated to tell me all the evidence they have before they interview someone?

Get serious....Flynn wasn't trafficking in narcotics or running a string of hookers. He was the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States. The FBI knew full well he hadn't broken any laws as NSA speaking to the Ivan during the transition and they had a duty to tell him what they were there for and advise him he may want counsel present knowing he wouldn't so as to seem open and innocent. It was a perjury trap plain and simple.
Obama warned Trump against hiring Michael Flynn
Suuure, uh-huh.

Too bad Flynn's lawyer didn't think of that, huh? Maybe you should inform him? Whaddya think?

Maybe he hired a liberal lawyer by mistake?
Maybe. More likely, you're just an idiot.

You are a liberal, and therefore an idiot. Maybe you should have been his lawyer.

Slobbers the idiot who thinks he knows more than Flynn’s attorneys. Here’s an idea for ya, Judge Judy.... since you know more, let’s see ya get Flynn’s conviction overturned on merit... He’d no doubt pay you well for such a service.

Or just keep whining on the Internet about how much more you know than his lawyers, like you’ve been doing, proving you don’t actually know shit.
Just wait....don't get your panties in a bunch girly the wheels of justice move slowly but they never stop moving...something Obama is about to learn...
Wait for what? Why should Flynn have to wait when there are yahoos here insisting his guilty plea should be vacated on Constitutional grounds?
What "false pretenses" were the interview granted under?
If I understand correctly, I believe he is saying that if the FBI presented evidence to Flynn that they improperly obtained, his guilty plea could be suppressed for being improperly obtained.

1. you don't "suppress" a guilty plea. you "suppress" illegally obtained evidence.
2. one has the right to waive defects in order not to chance a trial and instead accept a plea.
3. if they knew about any defects (which there are none that I know of, nor are there any *you* know of it is unlikely the plea could be withdrawn unless the judge fails to accept the plea deal.

so what are you talking about, honey?
Suuure, uh-huh.

Too bad Flynn's lawyer didn't think of that, huh? Maybe you should inform him? Whaddya think?

Maybe he hired a liberal lawyer by mistake?
Maybe. More likely, you're just an idiot.

You are a liberal, and therefore an idiot. Maybe you should have been his lawyer.

Slobbers the idiot who thinks he knows more than Flynn’s attorneys. Here’s an idea for ya, Judge Judy.... since you know more, let’s see ya get Flynn’s conviction overturned on merit... He’d no doubt pay you well for such a service.

Or just keep whining on the Internet about how much more you know than his lawyers, like you’ve been doing, proving you don’t actually know shit.
Just wait....don't get your panties in a bunch girly the wheels of justice move slowly but they never stop moving...something Obama is about to learn...

correction... something Donald is about to learn.

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