BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p

There will be no trial and he's already been convicted as he plead guilty. The only thing left is sentencing.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Flynn will walk...he did nothing wrong...he was being strong armed by Mueller's team to try and get him to spill the beans but it's all over now...the memo will bring all of this bullshit to an end...
How’s Flynn gonna walk? He already pled guilty.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant that was used to spy on him. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

Flynn has already pled GUILTY to the Grand Jury. Once you plead guilty to something your f...cked. Flynn has already made a plea deal with Mueller, he is cooperating with Mueller, so he doesn't get hammered with charges.

And I think what Flynn recommended for Hillary Clinton should be good for him also. But it's not going to happen since Mueller agreed to a plea deal.

You're grasping for straws again, this is NOT being reported on any other media network.

This memo that Devin Nunes has concocted with White House oversight has more to do with CARTER PAGE than anyone else. Go to this USMB link and you can read all about it.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.

Frankly I would like to see Trump release this Devin Nunes memo. There would be no greater justice than to watch Devin Nunes and Republican House Intelligence committee members get arrested and walk out of congressional halls in handcuffs for releasing CLASSIFIED information.--:badgrin: After being warned by the FBI not to do it.

"When a GOP congressman at the State of the Union speech urged him to release it, Trump was heard on a hot mic replying: “Don’t worry, 100 percent.” Wednesday morning, White House chief of staff John Kelly said on Fox Radio: “It will be released here pretty quick, I think, and the whole world can see it.”

Soon after came a remarkable public warning to Trump from the FBI: Don’t do it.

“We have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy,” a statement from the bureau said. That signals FBI Director Christopher Wray is willing to cross Trump, who up until now has voiced confidence in his replacement for James Comey.

The Justice Department also has warned that releasing the memo would harm intelligence-gathering."
1600: FBI warns Trump that Nunes memo is bogus


For--Why Republicans are doing this--go to this LINK on this board--and it will explain it.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.

The only other possible reason would be to give Trump information so he can go into Mueller and answer a question without LYING and perjuring himself. Which is impossible to do anyway.

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Wait for what? Why should Flynn have to wait when there are yahoos here insisting his guilty plea should be vacated on Constitutional grounds?
Mueller called for a confab with the Trump legal team today...wonder what that is about...Mueller has seen the memo and he knows the jig is up...

More like he's telling him there will be obstruction charges all around if they proceed.
Question you still believe Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election?

Collusion has been shown. Whether or not there is a wider criminal conspiracy has yet to be shown.
It wouldn't matter if he was in a stall in the head at a Denny's on the Jersey turnpike. The ambassador's line was monitored.

Wouldn't have mattered - Papa's 'Lying to the FBI' came about from his overheard drunken conversation with an Aussie rep in the lieu of a British Pub...


What does that have to do with Flynn?
....remember your comment about 'Denny's'...?
And.....what does that have to do with Flynn and where he called from when he spoke to the ambassador?
The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p
There is no trial because Flynn already pled guilty. He’s already been convicted.
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...

Wait, Trump didn't nominate Wray?
One man does not make up the whole FBI stop splitting hairs like know who is in the deep state stop playing the fool...
Splitting hairs? :laugh2:
So Wray has no control?
The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p

There will be no trial and he's already been convicted as he plead guilty. The only thing left is sentencing.
He's gonna walk.....unless Mueller is still hard up for as many 'Scooter Libby's as possible to justify his Witch Hunt'..... IMO...
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Flynn will walk...he did nothing wrong...he was being strong armed by Mueller's team to try and get him to spill the beans but it's all over now...the memo will bring all of this bullshit to an end...
How’s Flynn gonna walk? He already pled guilty.

the wild ramblings of delirious minds.
The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p

There will be no trial and he's already been convicted as he plead guilty. The only thing left is sentencing.
or not
The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p

There will be no trial and he's already been convicted as he plead guilty. The only thing left is sentencing.
He's gonna walk.....unless Mueller is still hard up for as many 'Scooter Libby's as possible to justify his Witch Hunt'..... IMO...

again, he already pled guilty, sergei. are you confused?

vlad is very proud of you
It wouldn't matter if he was in a stall in the head at a Denny's on the Jersey turnpike. The ambassador's line was monitored.

Wouldn't have mattered - Papa's 'Lying to the FBI' came about from his overheard drunken conversation with an Aussie rep in the lieu of a British Pub...


What does that have to do with Flynn?
....remember your comment about 'Denny's'...?
And.....what does that have to do with Flynn and where he called from when he spoke to the ambassador?
About as much as DENNY'S has to do with it, snowflake.
How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.

The ambassador had been monitored for a long time before Trump and his folks arrived on the scene.
Trump's folks were just illegally unmasked by the Obama administration after that.... :p


Ouch, your unsubstantiated personal attack just cuts me to the quick.... :p

It's not an attack but a statement of fact. Prove me wrong, liar.
The ambassador's line was tapped. Flynn should have understood that. It wasn't a crime for him to speak with the ambassador but lying to the FBI is.
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p

There will be no trial and he's already been convicted as he plead guilty. The only thing left is sentencing.
or not

again, he already pled guilty. on what planet do you think there won't be a sentencing other than in trumptardworld?

You moron... Christopher Wray issued the warning to the White House and he was appointed by Trump.

You have anything but dumbass excuses to offer?

So again, why shouldn’t Trump listen to the people he put in charge?
Wray has only been in the job for four months after Comey the clown was canned...the FBI is more than who is at the Wray is buddy buddy with Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein...stop splitting hairs it screws you up every time...
Moron, do you have a mental problem staying focused?

Trump put Wray in. Wray issued the warning to the White House. Why shouldn’t Trump listen to the people he put in charge?
It wouldn't matter if he was in a stall in the head at a Denny's on the Jersey turnpike. The ambassador's line was monitored.

Wouldn't have mattered - Papa's 'Lying to the FBI' came about from his overheard drunken conversation with an Aussie rep in the lieu of a British Pub...


What does that have to do with Flynn?
....remember your comment about 'Denny's'...?
And.....what does that have to do with Flynn and where he called from when he spoke to the ambassador?
About as much as DENNY'S has to do with it, snowflake.

seens you're the little trumpflake, sergei. that's why you get so cranky when anyone tells the truth about vlad's little bot.
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...

Wait, Trump didn't nominate Wray?
One man does not make up the whole FBI stop splitting hairs like know who is in the deep state stop playing the fool...

Keep running from answering the tough questions. :scared1:
Flynn's indictment was a 'gottcha' crime and in no way evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation. Thank you, Hutch for pointing out Flynn talking to the Ambassador was not a crime.
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p

There will be no trial and he's already been convicted as he plead guilty. The only thing left is sentencing.
or not

again, he already pled guilty. on what planet do you think there won't be a sentencing other than in trumptardworld?
there is this OP that you can reread.
As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.

The ambassador had been monitored for a long time before Trump and his folks arrived on the scene.
Trump's folks were just illegally unmasked by the Obama administration after that.... :p


Ouch, your unsubstantiated personal attack just cuts me to the quick.... :p

It's not an attack but a statement of fact. Prove me wrong, liar.
The fact that the Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many other Americans has already been proven, snowflake.

Rice told investigators why she unmasked Trump aides - CNNPolitics

Why Doesn’t Trump Just Unmask the Unmasking?

Obama administration records on Trump team 'unmasking' withheld from Judicial Watch

Susan Rice Lied About Her Role In Obama Admin Unmasking Scandal

...and you called me a 'liar' for saying so.

I will just wait right here until you deliver that apology you owe me....
No one forced Flynn to lie. Flynn is not a novice in Intel matters. He had to know the call was monitored.
He plead guilty.
Doesn't mean he is going to be tried / convicted..... Mueller is suddenly 'having a change of heart' for some reason. :p

There will be no trial and he's already been convicted as he plead guilty. The only thing left is sentencing.
or not

again, he already pled guilty. on what planet do you think there won't be a sentencing other than in trumptardworld?
there is this OP that you can reread.

kkk boi's o/p is idiocy. what's to read?

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