BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

You're the one who's pathetic...You're comparing process crimes to actual corruption, conspiracy, and abuse of power throughout the slimy Obama people are a joke

"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.

you have no idea what information they turned over in exchange for their pleas. you won't until they testify.

er... manafort was money laundering. and trump played money laundering for fun and profit. manafort was also lobbying for the putin supported Ukraine government.... which is why the only thing Donald ask to be changed in the GOP platform was US policy toward Ukraine.

that's ok by you?

Agreed. However the fact that mueller decided to postpone flynns sentencing bodes ill for your side.


Jillian's side is looking more like this by the second. ;)

The reality is that the lies in flynn’s Statements for his security clearance alone would have subjected him to prosecution.

The trumptards are pathetic.

You're the one who's pathetic...You're comparing process crimes to actual corruption, conspiracy, and abuse of power throughout the slimy Obama people are a joke

"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.
If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You're the one who's pathetic...You're comparing process crimes to actual corruption, conspiracy, and abuse of power throughout the slimy Obama people are a joke

"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.
If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.
You're the one who's pathetic...You're comparing process crimes to actual corruption, conspiracy, and abuse of power throughout the slimy Obama people are a joke

"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.

you have no idea what information they turned over in exchange for their pleas. you won't until they testify.

er... manafort was money laundering. and trump played money laundering for fun and profit. manafort was also lobbying for the putin supported Ukraine government.... which is why the only thing Donald ask to be changed in the GOP platform was US policy toward Ukraine.

that's ok by you?

Agreed. However the fact that mueller decided to postpone flynns sentencing bodes ill for your side.
Well that’s not necessarily true. It could be true but no one knows his motives at this point. It could just as easily be he’s planning on charging Trump with a crime and wants to wait for impeachment rather than sentence Flynn now; expecting Trump will just pardon him anyway.

Yeah? So? Look up VACATING GUILTY PLEAS. Amazingly enough, when prosecutors break the law, their intended targets have these things called RIGHTS, and when those RIGHTS are violated all pleas generated by that illegal activity on the part of the prosecutors is THROWN out.

Odd that wingers always seem to use the tools they blame Democrats, liberal and progressives of doing.

Explain why Flynn knowingly plead guilty.

Explain why Mueller, a life long Republican and a man who served our nation with honor, would risk his reputation - what does he benefit from such an act?

The BIG LIE: "Fake News"; "Believe me!"

He pled guilty because he is guilty. However, that doesn't matter a hill of beans if the leverage that mueller and co. used against him was illegally obtained. Based on the fact that flynns sentencing has been postponed I would hazard a guess that it was. Thus mueller knows his case is shit and rather than have to reverse everything, which will now make him look like a complete fool, he's entering into damage control mode.
There was no illegal warrant involved in obtaining evidence against Flynn.

You really believe you can lie this into the cornfield? :lol:
Oh? What illegal warrant was used to obtain evidence against Flynn?
You're the one who's pathetic...You're comparing process crimes to actual corruption, conspiracy, and abuse of power throughout the slimy Obama people are a joke

"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.

you have no idea what information they turned over in exchange for their pleas. you won't until they testify.

er... manafort was money laundering. and trump played money laundering for fun and profit. manafort was also lobbying for the putin supported Ukraine government.... which is why the only thing Donald ask to be changed in the GOP platform was US policy toward Ukraine.

that's ok by you?

Agreed. However the fact that mueller decided to postpone flynns sentencing bodes ill for your side.

that is normal, WW...l .they postpone sentencing all the time. it's more likely they aren't going to let Flynn be sentenced until after he testifies against everyone he rolled on.

"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.
If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.

And the memo shows that they did or have you not been paying attention?
"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.

you have no idea what information they turned over in exchange for their pleas. you won't until they testify.

er... manafort was money laundering. and trump played money laundering for fun and profit. manafort was also lobbying for the putin supported Ukraine government.... which is why the only thing Donald ask to be changed in the GOP platform was US policy toward Ukraine.

that's ok by you?

Agreed. However the fact that mueller decided to postpone flynns sentencing bodes ill for your side.

that is normal, WW...l .they postpone sentencing all the time. it's more likely they aren't going to let Flynn be sentenced until after he testifies against everyone he rolled on.


No, in this situation it is exceptional. Like I said, right now would the perfect time to carry out the sentencing to get attention away from the memo. But, like I have been saying....time will tell.
they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.
If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.

And the memo shows that they did or have you not been paying attention?
They would have wiretapped Trump, not ex-associates, if that were their intentions. Common sense eludes you.
And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.
If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.

And the memo shows that they did or have you not been paying attention?
They would have wiretapped Trump, not ex-associates, if that were their intentions. Common sense eludes you.

No, it eludes you silly boy. Get the wire tap for trumps associates then listen in to everything they talk with trump about. You're not too swift are you....
I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.

They have all been accused, indicted, tried, and convicted in the media. I don't know how anybody could get a fair trial in all this mess, regardless of guilt or lack thereof.

So Papadopoulos and Flynn have both pled guilty of one count of failure to report or getting a date wrong in sworn testimony. In the grand scheme of things, can either be said to be of any great threat to Mom, apple pie, or the American way let alone national security?

Manafort may or may not be a scumbag and/or guilty of something, but he remains under house arrest on his own recognizance, so how serious could his crimes, if any, really be?

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

We know from Strzok's text messages that the FBI knew early on that there was no "there" there re Russian collusion and they would need to find some other way to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.

We know from McCabe's testimony to congressional intelligence committees that the FISA warrant to spy on Page was based on a mostly phony Russian dossier bought and paid for by the DNC and/or Clinton campaign and a Yahoo Story that quoted from that same dossier. And he said flat out that the FISA judge was not told the source of that dossier, and without it the warrant to spy on Page would not have been issued.

So the more this goes on, the higher to heaven it all smells. And yes, it is beginning to look like all should walk whether or not they actually committed a crime.
The part I highlighted is not true. No warrant was issued to spy on the Trump campaign. And thus, your narrative crumbles.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.
How do you think they figured out flynn was lying? Dooooh! Talk about a moron.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Not from an illegally obtained warrant. But from calling a Russian ambassador who himself was wiretapped legally.

Exactly how deep a hole are you going to dig until you finally admit your idiocy about Flynn and an “illegal warrant” stems from your own confusion between Carter Page and Michael Flynn?


Maybe, Like I said before, we don't KNOW. You have your theory, and I have mine. The fact that the sentencing was postponed lends far more credence to my theory than it does to yours. I base this on the fact that now, of all times, would be the PERFECT time to be sentencing flynn to draw attention away from that pesky little memo.
So you still can’t admit you screwed up, huh?

Says a lot about you.

You still can't be honest. No surprise there. You progressives are all a bunch of unethical scumbags. Time will tell which of us is correct, so be patient.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.
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Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.

They have all been accused, indicted, tried, and convicted in the media. I don't know how anybody could get a fair trial in all this mess, regardless of guilt or lack thereof.

So Papadopoulos and Flynn have both pled guilty of one count of failure to report or getting a date wrong in sworn testimony. In the grand scheme of things, can either be said to be of any great threat to Mom, apple pie, or the American way let alone national security?

Manafort may or may not be a scumbag and/or guilty of something, but he remains under house arrest on his own recognizance, so how serious could his crimes, if any, really be?

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

We know from Strzok's text messages that the FBI knew early on that there was no "there" there re Russian collusion and they would need to find some other way to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.

We know from McCabe's testimony to congressional intelligence committees that the FISA warrant to spy on Page was based on a mostly phony Russian dossier bought and paid for by the DNC and/or Clinton campaign and a Yahoo Story that quoted from that same dossier. And he said flat out that the FISA judge was not told the source of that dossier, and without it the warrant to spy on Page would not have been issued.

So the more this goes on, the higher to heaven it all smells. And yes, it is beginning to look like all should walk whether or not they actually committed a crime.
The part I highlighted is not true. No warrant was issued to spy on the Trump campaign. And thus, your narrative crumbles.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.

So? Remain stupid. Who cares?

Meanwhile, the warrant on Page was obtained in October, 2016 and Page left the Trump campaign in September, 2016. Like I said, the Trump campaign was not wiretapped, I don’t care how stupid you are.
I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.

They have all been accused, indicted, tried, and convicted in the media. I don't know how anybody could get a fair trial in all this mess, regardless of guilt or lack thereof.

So Papadopoulos and Flynn have both pled guilty of one count of failure to report or getting a date wrong in sworn testimony. In the grand scheme of things, can either be said to be of any great threat to Mom, apple pie, or the American way let alone national security?

Manafort may or may not be a scumbag and/or guilty of something, but he remains under house arrest on his own recognizance, so how serious could his crimes, if any, really be?

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

We know from Strzok's text messages that the FBI knew early on that there was no "there" there re Russian collusion and they would need to find some other way to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.

We know from McCabe's testimony to congressional intelligence committees that the FISA warrant to spy on Page was based on a mostly phony Russian dossier bought and paid for by the DNC and/or Clinton campaign and a Yahoo Story that quoted from that same dossier. And he said flat out that the FISA judge was not told the source of that dossier, and without it the warrant to spy on Page would not have been issued.

So the more this goes on, the higher to heaven it all smells. And yes, it is beginning to look like all should walk whether or not they actually committed a crime.

HRC was accused, indicted, tried, and convicted by the mob ("lock her up). The same mob has decided that there was no conspiracy with members of Trump&Co and Russian agents.

The evidence is clear Russia fucked with the election. Any American who seeks to stifle or obstruct the investigation anywhere it leads is no patriot.

A few minutes ago Jesse Waters interviewed a U.S. Navy seaman who was convicted and imprisoned because he had some 'confidental' photos of a U.S. submarine on his phone. "Confidential" is the lowest catagory of classification. Needless to say when Hillary Clinton is found with top security documents on a personal server in her basement, and went to great lengths to delete e-mails and bleach bit hard drives and destroy computers prior to an examination of evidence and Comey has the gall to say that no prosecutor would find her guilty? Galling.

And yes Russia f* with the election, but the collusion was not with the Trump campaign. Do you need three guesses of who the finger is pointing at re the Russian dossier?

Wow, such credible evidence, so compelling and so conspiratorial
You're the one who's pathetic...You're comparing process crimes to actual corruption, conspiracy, and abuse of power throughout the slimy Obama people are a joke

"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.

you have no idea what information they turned over in exchange for their pleas. you won't until they testify.

er... manafort was money laundering. and trump played money laundering for fun and profit. manafort was also lobbying for the putin supported Ukraine government.... which is why the only thing Donald ask to be changed in the GOP platform was US policy toward Ukraine.

that's ok by you?

Agreed. However the fact that mueller decided to postpone flynns sentencing bodes ill for your side.

Or it simply means that the mandatory period to move to sentencing was expiring and was extended. Extended no doubt because Flynn still has work to do.
If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.

And the memo shows that they did or have you not been paying attention?
They would have wiretapped Trump, not ex-associates, if that were their intentions. Common sense eludes you.

No, it eludes you silly boy. Get the wire tap for trumps associates then listen in to everything they talk with trump about. You're not too swift are you....

Slobbers the moron who actually claimed Page’s warrant was used to obtain evidence from Flynn.

Oh, and moron... you already can’t explain why they wouldn’t simply tap Trump... why wouldn’t they tap any current Trump associate at that time? It makes zero sense they would eavesdrop on folks no longer with Trump to listen in on Trump.

Do you even read your own posts before you hit [reply]??
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they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.
If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.

And the memo shows that they did or have you not been paying attention?

If the DoJ or the FBI wanted to eavesdrop on Trump, why didn’t they simply get a warrant to do so?

Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.

And the memo shows that they did or have you not been paying attention?
They would have wiretapped Trump, not ex-associates, if that were their intentions. Common sense eludes you.

No, it eludes you silly boy. Get the wire tap for trumps associates then listen in to everything they talk with trump about. You're not too swift are you....

Page was off the team at that point you loon.

Who is going to lie to federal judges to get a wiretap on someone who may never communicate with the intended target?

You honestly don't see how dumb that idea is?
Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.

They have all been accused, indicted, tried, and convicted in the media. I don't know how anybody could get a fair trial in all this mess, regardless of guilt or lack thereof.

So Papadopoulos and Flynn have both pled guilty of one count of failure to report or getting a date wrong in sworn testimony. In the grand scheme of things, can either be said to be of any great threat to Mom, apple pie, or the American way let alone national security?

Manafort may or may not be a scumbag and/or guilty of something, but he remains under house arrest on his own recognizance, so how serious could his crimes, if any, really be?

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

We know from Strzok's text messages that the FBI knew early on that there was no "there" there re Russian collusion and they would need to find some other way to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.

We know from McCabe's testimony to congressional intelligence committees that the FISA warrant to spy on Page was based on a mostly phony Russian dossier bought and paid for by the DNC and/or Clinton campaign and a Yahoo Story that quoted from that same dossier. And he said flat out that the FISA judge was not told the source of that dossier, and without it the warrant to spy on Page would not have been issued.

So the more this goes on, the higher to heaven it all smells. And yes, it is beginning to look like all should walk whether or not they actually committed a crime.
The part I highlighted is not true. No warrant was issued to spy on the Trump campaign. And thus, your narrative crumbles.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.

Even if he had been under surveillance since 2013?

You need to ask yourself why Trump hired such a damaged character to begin with. No doubt even a third rate vetting process would have labelled him problematic at best.

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