BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

Q. Why is lying so big a part of the Republican establishment?

Worried that the partisan Nunes memo released Friday will undermine the FBI’s ability to do its job? Ryan is happy to remind you, ”The tax cuts are working.”

On Saturday, Ryan outdid himself again with a tweet bragging about the extra $1.50 a week that a Pennsylvania secretary is making thanks to the GOP legislation.

“A secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, PA, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week ... she said [that] will more than cover her Costco membership for the year,” Ryan tweeted on Saturday.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Not from an illegally obtained warrant. But from calling a Russian ambassador who himself was wiretapped legally.

Exactly how deep a hole are you going to dig until you finally admit your idiocy about Flynn and an “illegal warrant” stems from your own confusion between Carter Page and Michael Flynn?


Maybe, Like I said before, we don't KNOW. You have your theory, and I have mine. The fact that the sentencing was postponed lends far more credence to my theory than it does to yours. I base this on the fact that now, of all times, would be the PERFECT time to be sentencing flynn to draw attention away from that pesky little memo.
So you still can’t admit you screwed up, huh?

Says a lot about you.

You still can't be honest. No surprise there. You progressives are all a bunch of unethical scumbags. Time will tell which of us is correct, so be patient.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.

A minor player on the Trump campaign who had and has no problems with the law, is well educated, and both fluent in Russian as well as having long standing knowledge of the country.

His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Maybe, Like I said before, we don't KNOW. You have your theory, and I have mine. The fact that the sentencing was postponed lends far more credence to my theory than it does to yours. I base this on the fact that now, of all times, would be the PERFECT time to be sentencing flynn to draw attention away from that pesky little memo.
So you still can’t admit you screwed up, huh?

Says a lot about you.

You still can't be honest. No surprise there. You progressives are all a bunch of unethical scumbags. Time will tell which of us is correct, so be patient.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.

A minor player on the Trump campaign who had and has no problems with the law, is well educated, and both fluent in Russian as well as having long standing knowledge of the country.

His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.

A minor player on the Trump campaign who had and has no problems with the law,

Nothing highlights your delusional dissonance more than this sentence.

The entire point of the memo was to highlight the supposed dem corruption perpetrated to spy on political opponents.
Specifically through the process that led to the warrant on Page.

You now are attempting to minimize Page's role without understanding that you also then are minimizing the affect on Trump and your narrative as well. A most decidedly losing strategy.

BTW, Page has had an active FISA warrant on him for the bulk of Trump's time in office.

How do you blame Obama, the FBI or DOJ for Trump hiring a guy who was a foreign agent before and after the campaign?
Probably because there was no criminality as strzok admitted. The FBI agents who were investigating hillary's email fiasco knew there was much more criminal activity with her than with trump. A blind person could see that.
You make no sense. Your claim is that the FBI falsified evidence to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on Page, who was no longer part of the Trump campaign; but your excuse for why they didn’t just get a wiretap on Trump, is because they didn’t have evidence of criminality. If any of your idiotic notions added up, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, they wouldn’t be falsifying evidence on ex-campaign associates — they would have falsified evidence on Trump and spied on him.

And the memo shows that they did or have you not been paying attention?
They would have wiretapped Trump, not ex-associates, if that were their intentions. Common sense eludes you.

No, it eludes you silly boy. Get the wire tap for trumps associates then listen in to everything they talk with trump about. You're not too swift are you....

Page was off the team at that point you loon.

Who is going to lie to federal judges to get a wiretap on someone who may never communicate with the intended target?

You honestly don't see how dumb that idea is?
This exemplifies just how retarded these rightwingnuts are.

They go to all these lengths to claim the FBI presented fake evidence to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on trump — only the FBI doesn’t go after a warrant on Trump ... or anyone in Trump’s family ... or anyone on trump’s campaign......... they go after someone not connected to trump.

Even worse for the yahoos, trump’s own lawyer said of Page...

“You were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.”

... according to the nutty right, to spy on Trump, the FBI illegally obtained a warrant to spy on someone with thinnest connection possible to trump and who had never even met Trump.

^^^ That ^^^ is the rightard claim of spying on the Trump campaign.

No, but he will walk because the evidence against him was illegally obtained.
According to you, it was an “illegal warrant.”

Meanwhile, you can’t say what “illegal warrant” that was.

Sure we can, the FISA warrant on carter page was only approved through fraud. The WHOOOOLE case against manafort and his scumbag buddy gets tossed, as does the guilty plea they got from Flynn. Your buddy mueller screwed the pooch.

Please read the following link:

623. Pleas—Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11 | USAM | Department of Justice

Yeah? So? Look up VACATING GUILTY PLEAS. Amazingly enough, when prosecutors break the law, their intended targets have these things called RIGHTS, and when those RIGHTS are violated all pleas generated by that illegal activity on the part of the prosecutors is THROWN out.

Odd that wingers always seem to use the tools they blame Democrats, liberal and progressives of doing.

Explain why Flynn knowingly plead guilty.

Explain why Mueller, a life long Republican and a man who served our nation with honor, would risk his reputation - what does he benefit from such an act?

The BIG LIE: "Fake News"; "Believe me!"
Gee, I think the same about you hypocrite
Maybe, Like I said before, we don't KNOW. You have your theory, and I have mine. The fact that the sentencing was postponed lends far more credence to my theory than it does to yours. I base this on the fact that now, of all times, would be the PERFECT time to be sentencing flynn to draw attention away from that pesky little memo.
So you still can’t admit you screwed up, huh?

Says a lot about you.

You still can't be honest. No surprise there. You progressives are all a bunch of unethical scumbags. Time will tell which of us is correct, so be patient.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.

A minor player on the Trump campaign who had and has no problems with the law, is well educated, and both fluent in Russian as well as having long standing knowledge of the country.

His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You claimed the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign ... how is it you lack even the minimal intellect required to ask yourself why would the FBI bother to spy on a minor player of the Trump campaign, who was no longer even with the Trump campaign when they sought the warrant, if their intent was to spy on the Trump campaign??


Why not seek a warrant on an active Trump campaign official? Or someone in his family? Or even Trump himself??
Maybe, Like I said before, we don't KNOW. You have your theory, and I have mine. The fact that the sentencing was postponed lends far more credence to my theory than it does to yours. I base this on the fact that now, of all times, would be the PERFECT time to be sentencing flynn to draw attention away from that pesky little memo.
So you still can’t admit you screwed up, huh?

Says a lot about you.

You still can't be honest. No surprise there. You progressives are all a bunch of unethical scumbags. Time will tell which of us is correct, so be patient.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.
His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Oh, and that’s a lie too. Even Nunes’ memo says other evidence was offered to obtain the warrant. It wasn’t just from the dossier.
So you still can’t admit you screwed up, huh?

Says a lot about you.

You still can't be honest. No surprise there. You progressives are all a bunch of unethical scumbags. Time will tell which of us is correct, so be patient.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.
His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Oh, and that’s a lie too. Even Nunes’ memo says other evidence was offered to obtain the warrant. It wasn’t just from the dossier.

There wasn't enough without it.
You still can't be honest. No surprise there. You progressives are all a bunch of unethical scumbags. Time will tell which of us is correct, so be patient.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.
His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Oh, and that’s a lie too. Even Nunes’ memo says other evidence was offered to obtain the warrant. It wasn’t just from the dossier.

There wasn't enough without it.

How do you know? Source missing & link missing.
My honesty is intact. Your character is tattered.

You claim Flynn was caught lying due to an illegal warrant; when in fact, the warrant you refer to as illegal, was the eavesdrop on Carter Page and has nothing to do with Michael Flynn getting caught lying.

You lack the character to simply admit you’re wrong. And sadly from r you, lashing out at me does nothing to redeem your character.

A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.
His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Oh, and that’s a lie too. Even Nunes’ memo says other evidence was offered to obtain the warrant. It wasn’t just from the dossier.

There wasn't enough without it.

How do you know? Source missing & link missing.

Both Nunes and Trey Gowdy have said that.
A very well stated point. To which I would only add a thought on the highlighted portion.

He has not yet been charged, no doubt because he is a very useful idiot. Not only to the FBI but the Russians as well. That means as long as the Russians keep him in play and we can continue to glean insights into those Russian plays, Page remains an asset.

The only real question that should be asked is why Trump chose to employ such a tarnished character. No doubt it was because Page and his contacts gave them access where they needed it. Not unlike Manafort or Papadrunkoulos.
His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Oh, and that’s a lie too. Even Nunes’ memo says other evidence was offered to obtain the warrant. It wasn’t just from the dossier.

There wasn't enough without it.

How do you know? Source missing & link missing.

Both Nunes and Trey Gowdy have said that.

Gowdy has also said that the memo did nothing to establish Mueller's investigation into the Russian probe was derailed. Clearly the memo was cherry picked, and its intent can only be determined to be one thing, to obstruct the Mueller investigation and to discredit the FBI and the Justice Dept.
His FISA warrant had run out and there was insufficient evidence to reauthorize it except for the contents of that Russian dossier as testified under oath by McCabe. The dossier connected Page to the Trump campaign and administration.
Oh, and that’s a lie too. Even Nunes’ memo says other evidence was offered to obtain the warrant. It wasn’t just from the dossier.

There wasn't enough without it.

How do you know? Source missing & link missing.

Both Nunes and Trey Gowdy have said that.

Gowdy has also said that the memo did nothing to establish Mueller's investigation into the Russian probe was derailed. Clearly the memo was cherry picked, and its intent can only be determined to be one thing, to obstruct the Mueller investigation and to discredit the FBI and the Justice Dept.

The data points are true, that's not controversial. Instead of complaining about cherry picking, let's deal with those points and if other points come out, we'll deal with them, but let's not throw up a smoke screen because we don't like what's come out.

The truth is becoming obvious. These agencies have been weoponized, and that's a real problem.
Oh? What illegal warrant was used to obtain evidence against Flynn?


Your straw man is irrelevant Comrade.

Tell me, who is it that pays you? ISIS? Iran? North Korea? George Soros?

Even acknowledging the fact that you're a foreign agent paid to troll this board in hopes of corrupting US elections, do you REALLY think the American people will just ignore the open spying on the opposition campaign by the Communist democrats? Do you think America will say "oh, you tried to rig the election? Well that's okay because you're democrats?"

If so, then your masters in Pyongyang didn't train you as well as you think they did.
"Process Crimes" such as Misprision of a felony and obstruction of justice are felonies. That said, lets consider some material on the issue at hand:

The four people charged so far in Russia investigation

they don't like talking about the fact that Donald's boys are already pleading guilty.

And you don't like to talk about the fact that none of the crimes pled to, or charged have anything to do with trump. In fact, quite the opposite. Most of manoforts crimes were committed when he was working with podesta.

you have no idea what information they turned over in exchange for their pleas. you won't until they testify.

er... manafort was money laundering. and trump played money laundering for fun and profit. manafort was also lobbying for the putin supported Ukraine government.... which is why the only thing Donald ask to be changed in the GOP platform was US policy toward Ukraine.

that's ok by you?

Agreed. However the fact that mueller decided to postpone flynns sentencing bodes ill for your side.

that is normal, WW...l .they postpone sentencing all the time. it's more likely they aren't going to let Flynn be sentenced until after he testifies against everyone he rolled on.


They also dismissed coerced and illegally obtained confessions all the time.,
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Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.

They have all been accused, indicted, tried, and convicted in the media. I don't know how anybody could get a fair trial in all this mess, regardless of guilt or lack thereof.

So Papadopoulos and Flynn have both pled guilty of one count of failure to report or getting a date wrong in sworn testimony. In the grand scheme of things, can either be said to be of any great threat to Mom, apple pie, or the American way let alone national security?

Manafort may or may not be a scumbag and/or guilty of something, but he remains under house arrest on his own recognizance, so how serious could his crimes, if any, really be?

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

We know from Strzok's text messages that the FBI knew early on that there was no "there" there re Russian collusion and they would need to find some other way to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.

We know from McCabe's testimony to congressional intelligence committees that the FISA warrant to spy on Page was based on a mostly phony Russian dossier bought and paid for by the DNC and/or Clinton campaign and a Yahoo Story that quoted from that same dossier. And he said flat out that the FISA judge was not told the source of that dossier, and without it the warrant to spy on Page would not have been issued.

So the more this goes on, the higher to heaven it all smells. And yes, it is beginning to look like all should walk whether or not they actually committed a crime.
The part I highlighted is not true. No warrant was issued to spy on the Trump campaign. And thus, your narrative crumbles.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.

Even if he had been under surveillance since 2013?

You need to ask yourself why Trump hired such a damaged character to begin with. No doubt even a third rate vetting process would have labelled him problematic at best.

You know what would be helpful? If you, Fawn and others would identify the foreign intelligence services you work for, North Korea, Libya, Iran, etc.

So now we are in a "what did the FISA court know, and when did they know it" situation.

The court that approved surveillance of a former campaign adviser to President Trump was aware that some of the information underpinning the warrant request was paid for by a political entity, although the application did not specifically name the Democratic National Committee or the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

A now-declassified Republican memo alleged that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was duped into approving the wiretap request by a politicized FBI and Justice Department. The memo was written by House Intelligence Committee Republicans and alleged a “troubling breakdown of legal processes” flowing from the government’s wiretapping of former Trump aide Carter Page.}

Did The FISA Court Know Warrant Request Was Based On Information Paid For By The Clinton Team?

So the FISA judge issued a warrant based on dirt the Clinton campaign paid Russia to create?

The level of corruption here is astounding.

This kind of corruption may be common in Tehran or whatever shit hole you come from, but for Americans this is outrageous.

Watergate was a game of tiddlywinks in comparison with this.
Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.

They have all been accused, indicted, tried, and convicted in the media. I don't know how anybody could get a fair trial in all this mess, regardless of guilt or lack thereof.

So Papadopoulos and Flynn have both pled guilty of one count of failure to report or getting a date wrong in sworn testimony. In the grand scheme of things, can either be said to be of any great threat to Mom, apple pie, or the American way let alone national security?

Manafort may or may not be a scumbag and/or guilty of something, but he remains under house arrest on his own recognizance, so how serious could his crimes, if any, really be?

Carter Page, the central figure in the now much debated FISA warrant that gave the FBI/State Department license to spy on the Trump campaign has yet to be charged with anything after months of surveillance.

We know from Strzok's text messages that the FBI knew early on that there was no "there" there re Russian collusion and they would need to find some other way to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.

We know from McCabe's testimony to congressional intelligence committees that the FISA warrant to spy on Page was based on a mostly phony Russian dossier bought and paid for by the DNC and/or Clinton campaign and a Yahoo Story that quoted from that same dossier. And he said flat out that the FISA judge was not told the source of that dossier, and without it the warrant to spy on Page would not have been issued.

So the more this goes on, the higher to heaven it all smells. And yes, it is beginning to look like all should walk whether or not they actually committed a crime.
The part I highlighted is not true. No warrant was issued to spy on the Trump campaign. And thus, your narrative crumbles.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.

Dream on. Nobody will convince me or any reasonable person that the Obama State Dept. or the FBI would have gone to such extremes to commit fraud to spy on Carter Page if he was not with the Trump campaign. Thus spying on Carter by default would include access to the Trump campaign.

Even if he had been under surveillance since 2013?

You need to ask yourself why Trump hired such a damaged character to begin with. No doubt even a third rate vetting process would have labelled him problematic at best.

You know what would be helpful? If you, Fawn and others would identify the foreign intelligence services you work for, North Korea, Libya, Iran, etc.

So now we are in a "what did the FISA court know, and when did they know it" situation.

The court that approved surveillance of a former campaign adviser to President Trump was aware that some of the information underpinning the warrant request was paid for by a political entity, although the application did not specifically name the Democratic National Committee or the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

A now-declassified Republican memo alleged that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was duped into approving the wiretap request by a politicized FBI and Justice Department. The memo was written by House Intelligence Committee Republicans and alleged a “troubling breakdown of legal processes” flowing from the government’s wiretapping of former Trump aide Carter Page.}

Did The FISA Court Know Warrant Request Was Based On Information Paid For By The Clinton Team?

So the FISA judge issued a warrant based on dirt the Clinton campaign paid Russia to create?

The level of corruption here is astounding.

This kind of corruption may be common in Tehran or whatever shit hole you come from, but for Americans this is outrageous.

Watergate was a game of tiddlywinks in comparison with this.

OMG. There was no need to "dupe" anyone as Page already had a years long history of being a foreign agent.
OMG. There was no need to "dupe" anyone as Page already had a years long history of being a foreign agent.

Like Hillary Chief of Staff John Podesta?

The Podesta Group, which received $1.2 million for the work, is operated by Tony Podesta, a major Democratic donor and the brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

The AP first reported Manafort’s and Podesta Group’s work for the European Centre last summer. The group is reportedly controlled by Viktor Yanukovych, the former president of Ukraine and a close ally of Putin’s. Manafort has done other consulting work for Yanukovych and reportedly oversaw that work done by Podesta Group and another lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs.}

Clinton-Connected Lobbying Firm Registers As Foreign Agent Of Pro-Putin Ukrainian Group
OMG. There was no need to "dupe" anyone as Page already had a years long history of being a foreign agent.

Like Hillary Chief of Staff John Podesta?

The Podesta Group, which received $1.2 million for the work, is operated by Tony Podesta, a major Democratic donor and the brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

The AP first reported Manafort’s and Podesta Group’s work for the European Centre last summer. The group is reportedly controlled by Viktor Yanukovych, the former president of Ukraine and a close ally of Putin’s. Manafort has done other consulting work for Yanukovych and reportedly oversaw that work done by Podesta Group and another lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs.}

Clinton-Connected Lobbying Firm Registers As Foreign Agent Of Pro-Putin Ukrainian Group

No. Not like that at all. You really don't see the difference between disclosing work with a foreign govt and not? Page still doesn't acknowledge that he is acting as a foreign agent. That's why he's been under surveillance for years.

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