Breaking: Russian Troops Land In Venezuela ....WW3?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009

On March 23, two planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in Venezuela’s main airport carrying a Russian defense official and nearly 100 troops, according to reports in mainstream media and claims by local activists


Last I heard was that the U.S. and Russia share NASA discoveries in the "International Space Station" . Do we really care if they give aid and comfort to the starving people in Venezuela?
Last I heard was that the U.S. and Russia share NASA discoveries in the "International Space Station" . Do we really care if they give aid and comfort to the starving people in Venezuela?

The response above would be fitting for a boot licking Communist loving Dictator hugger.
Do the Russians care if the US gets involved militarily with EUROPE? What about the Ukraine?
Last I heard was that the U.S. and Russia share NASA discoveries in the "International Space Station" . Do we really care if they give aid and comfort to the starving people in Venezuela?

The response above would be fitting for a boot licking Communist loving Dictator hugger.
Do the Russians care if the US gets involved militarily with EUROPE? What about the Ukraine?
The shoe is on the other foot now.
Maybe they are there to stop Madura's people from burning aid and supplies when they come in.
Maybe the Russians can help us fight the violent, rioting, and looting BLM and ANTIFA now that Trump is vindicated.
All the more reason to get Trump and Putin at the negotiation table to straighten things out and start a productive relationship instead of pointing fingers.

Is not up to DJT , is up to criminally insane John Bolton and the deep state.
Last I heard was that the U.S. and Russia share NASA discoveries in the "International Space Station" . Do we really care if they give aid and comfort to the starving people in Venezuela?
We do if they're using the humanitarian crisis as an excuse to establish a military presence in the Western Hemisphere.
Breaking: Russian Troops Land In Venezuela ....WW3?

On March 23, two planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in Venezuela’s main airport carrying a Russian defense official and nearly 100 troops, according to reports in mainstream media and claims by local activists
Only if the US insists on starting it. There are US troops in every nation on Russia’s western borders and the Russians haven’t started shooting yet.
Well 100 Russian soldiers doesn't sound like an invasion to me.

I'd bet they are there to render aid.

Oh and I cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give.
Russia sends troops to Venezuela


One of the major stances of American foreign policy about the Americas has always been one of opposing interference by non-American governments. Russia is rubbing our noses in this.

The Russian Defense Ministry send An-124 military transport aircraft, IL-62M jet airliner and more than 100 troops to Caracas, against the backdrop of growing tensions between Venezuela and the U.S.

Some source claims that Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces Col. Gen. Vasily Tonkoshkurov have arrived with troops.

But, what can we do about it? The country has descended into chaos with people eating garbage and killing pets. Those that can, are fleeing to other countries.

I don’t think the idea of our taking part in armed intervention is very popular.

The emergence of a large number of the Russian military is the desire of Moscow to show their determination to Trump administration. Moreover, some sources say that a new Russian military base may appear in Venezuela in the near future.

More plus Tweets @ Russia sends troops to Venezuela in message to Trump administration – Defence Blog
One of the major stances of American foreign policy about the Americas has always been one of opposing interference by non-American governments. Russia is rubbing our noses in this.
Trump is a pussy?
Well 100 Russian soldiers doesn't sound like an invasion to me.

I'd bet they are there to render aid.

Oh and I cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give.
yea, it's not like they're flying over tanks and a ton of forces.

venezuela can take care of themselves or fall. why are we pressed to do much of anything at all one way or another? i can see some humanitarian aide but why are we the united way of the world? they built that shit, let them clean it up.
Pretty easy to pick out the Communists in this thread isn't it?

Russia is there for ONE reason.....OIL and other resources.
Well over a year ago on this board I stated that Russia (and or China) would eventually become involved in Venezuela.....and quite a few scoffed, saying the notion was ridiculous.

August 1, 2017
Venezuela - The Next Step

This is more serious than many are capable of comprehending.
Russia knows that the left is adamant about weakening America from the inside and are positioning because of it. China is not ignoring the situation but is more cautious.
China is maneuvering in South America and Venezuela right now...but much more subtly and mainly in economic ways at the moment.
For those who never get more time....this is a very big deal.
This could lead to another Cuban missile crisis situation, but this time Russia won't back down.

If Putin suggest nuclear strikes against the US for putting defensive missiles in EUROPEAN countries, why would he not expect the US to react similarly to placing military assets in South America (and he will).

And the Left still wants Trump impeached based on Russian "Collusion". Bunch of ignorant fucktwads.
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