Breaking: Russian Troops Land In Venezuela ....WW3?


On March 23, two planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in Venezuela’s main airport carrying a Russian defense official and nearly 100 troops, according to reports in mainstream media and claims by local activists



Looks like an invasion, alright.

What is that? An assault golf cart?

On March 23, two planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in Venezuela’s main airport carrying a Russian defense official and nearly 100 troops, according to reports in mainstream media and claims by local activists



Looks like an invasion, alright.

What is that? An assault golf cart?

You don't know anything about Russia and Putin do ya?
You should read up on the Ukraine and Russia's annexations there recently.

Putin doesn't play. And he doesn't have democrats to hold him back.

No matter what he does there, it needs to be taken seriously and watched closely.

Pompeo warns Russia about its military presence in Venezuela
Instead of lobbing insults, should you not be on your way to lob gernades in Venezuela? You’re all for intervention, but the only blood you’ll ever spill is from v-jay thousands of miles of away.

Oh...because you're not......:rolleyes:

Fine, SOMEONE has to wear the Big Boy pants. Obviously you can't.
I'm done bickering with you.

The first person to throw an insult in our discussion was you. I treat each person here the way they treat me. Don’t start nothing, won't be nothing.

On March 23, two planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in Venezuela’s main airport carrying a Russian defense official and nearly 100 troops, according to reports in mainstream media and claims by local activists



Looks like an invasion, alright.

What is that? An assault golf cart?

You don't know anything about Russia and Putin do ya?
You should read up on the Ukraine and Russia's annexations there recently.

Putin doesn't play. And he doesn't have democrats to hold him back.

No matter what he does there, it needs to be taken seriously and watched closely.

Pompeo warns Russia about its military presence in Venezuela
Trump ain't gonna do shit Uncle Putin would have the sadz
Venezuela is not a flashpoint. Were I you I'd keep my eyes on Israel . Hamas fired rockets into Tel Aviv, Israel is responding now

Right....and WWIII has started all the 1000 times this has happened before, right?
Israel will retaliate as always. The only difference might be that those opposing Israel are more empowered now by all the Democrat anti-Semitic Congressshits in the US House many times over the last 25 years has RUSSIA positioned military assets in South America?

Truth is, there are a lot of "flashpoints" flaring up due to Democrats tearing down the nation.. And if you think Venezuela is not one of them I can only shake my head.
This is a differnt world, and these are different times. China has a One Road, One path policy they intend to see through. Read about it sometime.

This is what happens when dumb ass shit Democrats (mostly) get on their knees and show the world how willing they are to stab their fellow Americans and their own country in the back every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Sorry man, pay more attention. Do you think Trump knows NATO has forces on the Russian border?
Do you know we've been poking China with carriers and planes in the South China Sea?
The first person to throw an insult in our discussion was you. I treat each person here the way they treat me. Don’t start nothing, won't be nothing.

Then don't say stupid "We should not get involved with Venezuela"......etc
If you say stupid things, expect to get called out.

"Think McFly" (as I said) is not vulgarity. That's YOUR specialty. You're just a snowflake that can't take it when you get called out.

Sorry boy wonder...this is an adult political discussion forum. People speak their mind. If you can't take the heat that's your problem.
You apparently have no problem throwing vulgar insults yourself, so get off the high horse already, I couldn't care less what you call me. Have fun.

We tried the "Don't get involved" approach in WWI and WWII....and our late decision to get involved nearly gave Hitler the world on a silver platter and at the very least, ample time to build up his forces making victory MUCH more costly.
If we had decided to take your approach, the Brits would have fallen and soon after all of Europe. Congrats, you handed Adolf Hitler the world.
The Jews can thank your approach for 6,000,000 massacred. Good job (if you hate Jews).

Venezuela is in our backyard. Choosing to keep out of it will give Russia and China the green light to do as they please there, including securing the worlds largest known oil reserves. Great job again. Good luck thinking Russia and China "won't get involved" with American affairs once they have a strong foothold in the Americas.
China has already militarized the South China sea and now call it their own. You say..ahhh let them have it who needs the SCS? we shouldn't get involved.
Again, this shows your utter and complete lack of knowledge of history, world events and how things really work. There is no "Utopia".

And since your solution is to hand China and Russia new sources of immense wealth and power, they'll be even better able to put the US down going forward.

Perhaps a Communist presence in our neighborhood is appealing to you. maybe that's your point.

Iraq was probably the only recent example I can agree with. Blunders were made there. But an even bigger blunder was Obama's decision to abandon the Iraqi people and not get involved after taking out Sadam....which then gave rise to ISIS. Look at the human suffering that led to. But different situation and not at ALL similar to Russia & China in Venezuela.

If you think for ONE SECOND that having more of Russia and China in the western hemisphere is the formula for world peace, you're dumber than you sound.

The USA cannot afford to not get involved in Venezuelan OR South American affairs. We already have millions crossing our borders annually. How about the entire population of South America fleeing Communist China rule or Russian rule there and coming here? Is that what you want? You want 430 MILLION people fleeing to the USA from south America? You sure?

The simple minded stupidity of many people is frustrating to those who actually deal with reality and have to make the world a safe place.
(which is exactly Trump's dilemma dealing with democrats)
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The first person to throw an insult in our discussion was you. I treat each person here the way they treat me. Don’t start nothing, won't be nothing.

Then don't say stupid "We should not get involved with Venezuela"......etc
If you say stupid things, expect to get called out.

"Think McFly" (as I said) is not vulgarity. That's YOUR specialty. You're just a snowflake that can't take it when you get called out.

Sorry boy wonder...this is an adult political discussion forum. People speak their mind. If you can't take the heat that's your problem.
You apparently have no problem throwing vulgar insults yourself, so get off the high horse already, I couldn't care less what you call me. Have fun.

We tried the "Don't get involved" approach in WWI and WWII....and our late decision to get involved nearly gave Hitler the world on a silver platter and at the very least, ample time to build up his forces making victory MUCH more costly.
If we had decided to take your approach, the Brits would have fallen and soon after all of Europe. Congrats, you handed Adolf Hitler the world.
The Jews can thank your approach for 6,000,000 massacred. Good job (if you hate Jews).

Venezuela is in our backyard. Choosing to keep out of it will give Russia and China the green light to do as they please there, including securing the worlds largest known oil reserves. Great job again. Good luck thinking Russia and China "won't get involved" with American affairs once they have a strong foothold in the Americas.
China has already militarized the South China sea and now call it their own. You say..ahhh let them have it who needs the SCS? we shouldn't get involved.
Again, this shows your utter and complete lack of knowledge of history, world events and how things really work. There is no "Utopia".

And since your solution is to hand China and Russia new sources of immense wealth and power, they'll be even better able to put the US down going forward.

Perhaps a Communist presence in our neighborhood is appealing to you. maybe that's your point.

Iraq was probably the only recent example I can agree with. Blunders were made there. But an even bigger blunder was Obama's decision to abandon the Iraqi people and not get involved after taking out Sadam....which then gave rise to ISIS. Look at the human suffering that led to. But different situation and not at ALL similar to Russia & China in Venezuela.

If you think for ONE SECOND that having more of Russia and China in the western hemisphere is the formula for world peace, you're dumber than you sound.

The USA cannot afford to not get involved in Venezuelan OR South American affairs. We already have millions crossing our borders annually. How about the entire population of South America fleeing Communist China rule or Russian rule there and coming here? Is that what you want?

The simple minded stupidity of many people is frustrating to those who actually deal with reality and have to make the world a safe place.
(which is exactly Trump's dilemma dealing with democrats)

So many words, but so very little action. Get off your dead ass and head down to Venezuela to actually do something b/c this silly tl;dr rant of yours is doing fuck all to make the world a safe place. Like most cowards, you’ll only ever join the Font Line instead of the Front Line.
Sorry man, pay more attention. Do you think Trump knows NATO has forces on the Russian border?
Do you know we've been poking China with carriers and planes in the South China Sea?
Your point being?
Interesting that you have no problem with Russia gaining a foothold in South America in the country with the largest oil reserves on the planet
Interesting that you have no problem with Russia gaining a foothold in South America in the country with the largest oil reserves on the planet

Interesting that you want War with Russia. Did you advocate a war with Russia over Crimea?
How can Russians take America seriously after what democrats have done to this country.. they are a national embarrassment
I hear CNN is reporting things are 'dire' ... because NO ONE is buying this attempted diversion from the real crisis of the last 2 years of witch hunting and a coup attempt blowing up in their faces...

Will we ever find out Vladimir Putin’s orders to Donald Trump?

Or will trump destroy those notes too?
Interesting that you want War with Russia. Did you advocate a war with Russia over Crimea?

Interesting you don't mind Russia bringing nuclear bombers to within 15 minutes striking distance from US soil.
So where are you? The Kremlin or Bejing?

LOL. You're worried about bombers that we can see the moment they take off? You should be far more worried about the Subs patrolling just past the international water line. TWO types of people want -War, psychopaths and people who have never been in one.

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