Breaking: Russian Troops Land In Venezuela ....WW3?

I have a marvel idea: How about we stay the fuck out of it and let Venezuela deal with it?

You mean, Venezuela, Russia and China......

Think McFly.....THINK :rolleyes:

I don’t give a fuck what they do. *We* should stay out of it. If you want get involved so bad, hop on a flight to Caracas and join the resistance or whatever.
Every time a major nation sends troops to prop up an unpopular regime in a lesser country, it completely backfires on them. The more troops they send the worse it gets for them.

Russia just stepped in it. All we need to do is keep U.S. troops out but continue to support democratic forces....and let Russia stew it's it's own shit.
With the whole 'Trump Collusion' coup attempt blowing up in their faces, snowflakes / Dems/ the faux news media is desperate to blow this story up into a 'WWW3' level distraction.....

Every time a major nation sends troops to prop up an unpopular regime in a lesser country, it completely backfires on them. The more troops they send the worse it gets for them.

Russia just stepped in it. All we need to do is keep U.S. troops out but continue to support democratic forces....and let Russia stew it's it's own shit.
We are supporting the democratic forces. :auiqs.jpg:
I don’t give a fuck what they do. *We* should stay out of it. If you want get involved so bad, hop on a flight to Caracas and join the resistance or whatever.

Poor little Snowflake.
You have no CLUE how the world works, do ya?
She thinks the world will join hands and collectively sing Kumbaya given no intervention.

Were you one of those on the Train in NewYork recently videoing the poor 78 year old woman getting beat by the thug....but wouldn't lift a finger to help her?
You stayed out of it didn't ya???
You see, there's a time to stay out....and a time to get involved.

JUST THINK....if your advice was followed during the Cuban missile crisis we'd have a Russian nuclear war base just off our coast today. Congrats douche.

FAR TOO MUCH AT STAKE with Venezuela to "Stay out of it"
So, you're willing to just let millions of Venezuelans starve and die then (or be shot by Maduros troops)??

Again......THINK McFLY!!!! (if you can that is)
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I don’t give a fuck what they do. *We* should stay out of it. If you want get involved so bad, hop on a flight to Caracas and join the resistance or whatever.

Poor little Snowflake.
You have no CLUE how the world works, do ya?

Were you one of those on the Train in NewYork recently videoing the poor 78 year old woman getting beat by the thug....but wouldn't lift a finger to help her?
You stayed out of it didn't ya???
You see, there's a time to stay out....and a time to get involved.

JUST THINK....if your advice was followed during the Cuban missile crisis we'd have a Russian nuclear war base just off our coast today. Congrats douche.

FAR TOO MUCH AT STAY with Venezuela to "Stay out of it"

Again......THINK McFLY!!!! (if you can that is)

Yup, this just like the Cuban Missle Crisis or someone getting assaulted on a NYC subway. lol.

Have fun on your trip to Venezuela. Bring any pets that you’re not fond of in case you get hungry.
Yeah.....sure snowflake. whatever you say.

Do the world a favor and stay in mommies basement watching cartoons

Besides your gigantic pussy, what’s stopping you from heading to Venezuela and getting involved?
Venezuela is not a flashpoint. Were I you I'd keep my eyes on Israel . Hamas fired rockets into Tel Aviv, Israel is responding now
Venezuela is not a flashpoint. Were I you I'd keep my eyes on Israel . Hamas fired rockets into Tel Aviv, Israel is responding now

Right....and WWIII has started all the 1000 times this has happened before, right?
Israel will retaliate as always. The only difference might be that those opposing Israel are more empowered now by all the Democrat anti-Semitic Congressshits in the US House many times over the last 25 years has RUSSIA positioned military assets in South America?

Truth is, there are a lot of "flashpoints" flaring up due to Democrats tearing down the nation.. And if you think Venezuela is not one of them I can only shake my head.
This is a differnt world, and these are different times. China has a One Road, One path policy they intend to see through. Read about it sometime.

This is what happens when dumb ass shit Democrats (mostly) get on their knees and show the world how willing they are to stab their fellow Americans and their own country in the back every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
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On March 23, two planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in Venezuela’s main airport carrying a Russian defense official and nearly 100 troops, according to reports in mainstream media and claims by local activists


Was Hillary and Obama there to greet them?
Yeah.....sure snowflake. whatever you say.
Do the world a favor and stay in mommies basement watching cartoons
Besides your gigantic pussy, what’s stopping you from heading to Venezuela and getting involved?

Hey. if I did have a gigantic pussy, that's none of your business.
And get off your knees trying to inspect between people's legs already.....perverted fucktwat.
Try being a man for once in your life and not a mommies boy.
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Yeah.....sure snowflake. whatever you say.
Do the world a favor and stay in mommies basement watching cartoons
Besides your gigantic pussy, what’s stopping you from heading to Venezuela and getting involved?

And get off your knees trying to inspect between people's legs already.....perverted fucktwat.

Instead of lobbing insults, should you not be on your way to lob gernades in Venezuela? You’re all for intervention, but the only blood you’ll ever spill is from v-jay thousands of miles of away.
With the whole 'Trump Collusion' coup attempt blowing up in their faces, snowflakes / Dems/ the faux news media is desperate to blow this story up into a 'WWW3' level distraction.....


Hmmmmm......that does make sense.

But I have a feeling with all the other events going on around the world, with the US in europe and the South China sea for example, not to mention the vast oil resources in Venezuela, that Putin may be doing this to give the US the middle finger.

It's a delicate situation regardless.
Putin has been letting the Democratic party divide and weaken this nation for 2 years...and he's taking advantage of it.
Instead of lobbing insults, should you not be on your way to lob gernades in Venezuela? You’re all for intervention, but the only blood you’ll ever spill is from v-jay thousands of miles of away.

Oh...because you're not......:rolleyes:

Fine, SOMEONE has to wear the Big Boy pants. Obviously you can't.
I'm done bickering with you.

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