Breaking! Schumer Livid As Trump To Divert 3.6 Billion In Pentagon Funds To Build The Wall

Damn that Trump! That money was supposed to go for sexual awareness classes and cultural appreciation seminars for the troops.
Be sure to use that excuse when President Biden pulls military funds for his climate change agenda

The Democrats have been playing this game since long before Trump. You're just starting to notice how government works? LOL
Just calling out the hypocrisy when I see it
Well he was elected president for 8 years so there goes your theory. Thanks for playing.

Not at all. Politico's are media creations. Just because they were "elected" doesn't prove they aren't nuts. Try again, I do so enjoy brow beating lefty's.
I don’t care what you consider nuts or not, that’s has nothing to do with the point. You said dems won’t win the white house because they aren’t sane... yet somebody who you consider not sane just served 8 years... seeing the catch there bucko? You get an F for the day in debate. Maybe next time
He served because of white guilt. He was a good mask for the house negro
Again you make statements that have nothing to do with the conversation... Fail.
Just facts
It is not against the law, the law says that the military cannot preform law enforcement functions. Defense of the border is not and should not be a law enforcement function.

18 U.S.C. § 1385 only prohibits the use of the Army and Air Force as posse comitatus and while 10 U.S.C. § 375 prohibits direct participation by a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps in a search, seizure, arrest, it doesn't mention the National Guard.

They can be mobilized at the request of a state governor.

Repelling invasions it doesn't apply.


Millions of criminals sneaking across the border isn't an "invasion"? If you entered here illegally, you're a criminal, a trespasser, and an invader.

Which is why the military should be defending the border.

Bad idea.
We must keep the human cockroaches from stepping foot on American soil as our laws are way too pussified...when they do, they become our human pets for a year at minimum.
Soldiers standing guard on our border sounds cool....but the directive would be temporary and only issued by legitimate Presidents....The second a piece of shit Mexicrat is elected the directive would be lifted.
A wall will stand for eternity. Nobody could ever order demolition of a proven, effective, $25B barrier.
Further, much of the expense related to a wall would be that of a one time expense whereas the expense related to soldiers would be never ending.
Drones armed with pepper spray flying random patrol missions is the future of border patrol.
How long do you think it would take for the Cartels to shoot down the drones? Five minutes? Ten minutes?
Any decent shot with a sniper scope can bring down a drone.
The Cartels will have radar and trained marksman. The drones will be a turkey shoot.
Millions of criminals sneaking across the border isn't an "invasion"? If you entered here illegally, you're a criminal, a trespasser, and an invader.

Which is why the military should be defending the border.
How would the military defend the border? By standing arm in arm in the fucking burning sun and freezing cold 24/7?
Fucking wise up.
You never said a fucking word when Clinton and BONOBO were 'building the wall'.
The DEMs in congress at the time where 100% in favor of having a wall.
Walls are built to keep in or out what people want.
They seem to be working around Schumer's/HRC/Maxine Water's/ BONOBO's et al mansions.
If the DEMs believed that the majority of illegals crossing the S. border would end up block voting for the REPs they would have antifa guarding the S. Border.

If you are ignorant of how the military operates, just say so, no reason to highlight your ignorance.

We defend the border by stationing troops along the border and patrolling it via land and air. You have a FLOT and anyone south that is considered an invader and is shot.

Your lack of confidence in our military’s ability to defend this nation is noted.

You want to give shot to kill orders? LOL!!!


Why not? Americans defending the border of South Korea have shoot to kill orders...hell, Americans defending the Air Base at Osan have them as well.

The moment the idea is floated, your leftard media will flood the airways with pictures of moms and children crossing the border, with flowers in their hair, and evul American soldiers aiming at them.

And people like you, will be crying "racist", and "Evul murderers" and other such shit.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.
The moment the idea is floated, your leftard media will flood the airways with pictures of moms and children crossing the border, with flowers in their hair, and evul American soldiers aiming at them.

And people like you, will be crying "racist", and "Evul murderers" and other such shit.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.

It is sort of cute in a disturbing way how you make up scenarios about me!
The moment the idea is floated, your leftard media will flood the airways with pictures of moms and children crossing the border, with flowers in their hair, and evul American soldiers aiming at them.

And people like you, will be crying "racist", and "Evul murderers" and other such shit.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.

It is sort of cute in a disturbing way how you make up scenarios about me!

IF, by some weird path, you did NOT join in the chorus of "racist", the chorus would continue, and would still shoot down the policy and all that would have happened, was time wasted as the problem continues to fester and kill US.
The moment the idea is floated, your leftard media will flood the airways with pictures of moms and children crossing the border, with flowers in their hair, and evul American soldiers aiming at them.

And people like you, will be crying "racist", and "Evul murderers" and other such shit.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.

It is sort of cute in a disturbing way how you make up scenarios about me!

IF, by some weird path, you did NOT join in the chorus of "racist", the chorus would continue, and would still shoot down the policy and all that would have happened, was time wasted as the problem continues to fester and kill US.

How much did your crystal ball cost you?
jasonnfree said:
Here's trumpdog telling how mexico will pay for the wall. No conditions, no 'mexico will ultimately pay...blah blah.
But I Never Cared Who Pays For It
I Just Want It Built
Illegals Are An Annual Hundreds Of $Billions Drag On Society
I'll Consider It $25 Billion Well Spent

Prove your claim as to these costs, or admit you have no clue.

That’s been proven a thousand times before.
All sane people capable of executing third grade arithmetic know this. Stop wasting people’s for your own pet human wetbacks.

Post a credible source. If you have a thousand examples, maybe one will have some evidence. I'll decide if it's probative, not leaving it up to a lame brain like you.

Nope...We’ve all played along with you ignorant wetback lovers for way too long. Try
You’re always telling us that lowlife degenerate Americans whom speak fluent English can’t be productive, positive contributing members of American Society because of low wages...are you actually making the assertion that illiterate, third grade level educated Spanish only speaking wetbacks with litters of children can be a positive contributing net gain for Americans and their treasury?
Use extreme caution before can make a complete ignorant ass of yourself very easily....GO!


The moment the idea is floated, your leftard media will flood the airways with pictures of moms and children crossing the border, with flowers in their hair, and evul American soldiers aiming at them.

And people like you, will be crying "racist", and "Evul murderers" and other such shit.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.

It is sort of cute in a disturbing way how you make up scenarios about me!

IF, by some weird path, you did NOT join in the chorus of "racist", the chorus would continue, and would still shoot down the policy and all that would have happened, was time wasted as the problem continues to fester and kill US.

How much did your crystal ball cost you?

Dude. Seriously.
The moment the idea is floated, your leftard media will flood the airways with pictures of moms and children crossing the border, with flowers in their hair, and evul American soldiers aiming at them.

And people like you, will be crying "racist", and "Evul murderers" and other such shit.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.

It is sort of cute in a disturbing way how you make up scenarios about me!

IF, by some weird path, you did NOT join in the chorus of "racist", the chorus would continue, and would still shoot down the policy and all that would have happened, was time wasted as the problem continues to fester and kill US.

How much did your crystal ball cost you?

Dude. Seriously.

you are the one claiming the ability to see into the future and know what I will do...
The moment the idea is floated, your leftard media will flood the airways with pictures of moms and children crossing the border, with flowers in their hair, and evul American soldiers aiming at them.

And people like you, will be crying "racist", and "Evul murderers" and other such shit.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.

It is sort of cute in a disturbing way how you make up scenarios about me!

IF, by some weird path, you did NOT join in the chorus of "racist", the chorus would continue, and would still shoot down the policy and all that would have happened, was time wasted as the problem continues to fester and kill US.

How much did your crystal ball cost you?

Dude. Seriously.

you are the one claiming the ability to see into the future and know what I will do...

In the post you "replied" to, I allowed for the slim possibility that you would not do as I predict.

And my point stands.

Your position is a dishonest attempt to sabotage border security, not bolster it.
Of course not. Obama also used the military to pump out AGW propaganda and to provide operations for transsexuals.
Were those actions legal or illegal?
They are as legal as Trump using the military to protect out Southern border.
Yet you’re good with Trump doing it and not good with Obama. That’s called being a hack

That's called accepting reality. I don't believe in rules that only my side is required to follow.
The problem is you want the other side to follow the rules and you don’t care about what your party does. Again, that’s called being a hack
Wrong. After the Dims have been abusing the rules for years, they get all huffy because a Republican does the same thing. You have it exactly the opposite of the reality.
Wry Catcher said:
Prove your claim as to these costs, or admit you have no clue.
Since You Clearly Haven't Paid Attention To Any News For The Last 15yrs
Maybe It's Because You Can't Read Either

Since You're Clearly Clueless On Your Own
I'll Add One For States
From The Congressional Budget Office
The Cited Bibliography Should Keep You Busy Quite A While

Since You're Too Lazy To Watch Any News To Start With
Maybe We Should Just Draw You A Picture:

Cost Of illegals.png
Last edited:
I bet the Trumpublicans will line up, kneel at the opulent golden Alter, open their mouths, stick out their tongues, willing and ready to accept and swallow the Sacrament of Little Lord Donnie himself.

They say "Thank you for the Wall, Oh LL Donnie" when he feeds them.

"This is from Mexico" He mutters back.
Well he was elected president for 8 years so there goes your theory. Thanks for playing.

Not at all. Politico's are media creations. Just because they were "elected" doesn't prove they aren't nuts. Try again, I do so enjoy brow beating lefty's.
I don’t care what you consider nuts or not, that’s has nothing to do with the point. You said dems won’t win the white house because they aren’t sane... yet somebody who you consider not sane just served 8 years... seeing the catch there bucko? You get an F for the day in debate. Maybe next time
He served because of white guilt. He was a good mask for the house negro
Again you make statements that have nothing to do with the conversation... Fail.
Just facts
Debatable and distractive. That’s what trolls do when they can’t defend the argument they are in... run to a random topic. Fail
Were those actions legal or illegal?
They are as legal as Trump using the military to protect out Southern border.
Yet you’re good with Trump doing it and not good with Obama. That’s called being a hack

That's called accepting reality. I don't believe in rules that only my side is required to follow.
The problem is you want the other side to follow the rules and you don’t care about what your party does. Again, that’s called being a hack
Wrong. After the Dims have been abusing the rules for years, they get all huffy because a Republican does the same thing. You have it exactly the opposite of the reality.
Well at least you are admitting that Trump is abusing the rules. That’s a start.
Not at all. Politico's are media creations. Just because they were "elected" doesn't prove they aren't nuts. Try again, I do so enjoy brow beating lefty's.
I don’t care what you consider nuts or not, that’s has nothing to do with the point. You said dems won’t win the white house because they aren’t sane... yet somebody who you consider not sane just served 8 years... seeing the catch there bucko? You get an F for the day in debate. Maybe next time
He served because of white guilt. He was a good mask for the house negro
Again you make statements that have nothing to do with the conversation... Fail.
Just facts
Debatable and distractive. That’s what trolls do when they can’t defend the argument they are in... run to a random topic. Fail
Umm ok
Trump promised Mexico would pay for his wall

Now he is making military families pay
Way to fuck over the military!

I think allowing a sieve for a border is a bigger smack in the face, especially when these same soldiers fight for liberty around the world and other nations borders. Trump also achieved a raise for them along with a record $600B the last budget if I'm not mistaken.
In a country awash in mass murders less people are caring about 3 year olds in diapers immigrating.
What about a nation "awash" in Hispanic gang violence?...doesn't fit into your narrative so you ignore it?...
Hispanic gangs aren`t the threat to me and my family like Trump`s heavily armed goons. See the difference?
Trump's goons?...what goons?...are you making shit up?...I think you are...and when you are talking about your safety that is pretty dumb don't you think?...
Trump`s goons? I`m glad you asked.

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