Breaking! Secretary of Homeland Security Neilson Is To Submit Her Resignation To President Trump

Every time the toadies think they are being a good enough yes-man Trump ups the bar. He'll probably have all these acting secretaries and directors genuflecting before it's over.
The kitchen got too hot. She couldn't stand it. It was obvious that she was there for a paycheck and resume builder.

Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.
Regardless of her orientation, I bet she's a fun date until she brings out her car batter, wires and clips and wet towels.
"In addition to everything else, some in the White House have long maintained a lingering suspicion that the Secretary of Homeland Security authored the anonymous op-ed in the New York Times'
God Bless her if she did. The lying and cheating to cover the lying and cheating done by this President is amazing.
"In addition to everything else, some in the White House have long maintained a lingering suspicion that the Secretary of Homeland Security authored the anonymous op-ed in the New York Times'
God Bless her if she did. The lying and cheating to cover the lying and cheating done by this President is amazing.
If she ever comes out and says "judge me for what Trump didn't do" I'll think very bad things.
The kitchen got too hot. She couldn't stand it. It was obvious that she was there for a paycheck and resume builder.

Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.

Your CNN talking point is duly noted.

Are you ever going to have an original thought?
The odds are Slim to none; and Slim left town.
The kitchen got too hot. She couldn't stand it. It was obvious that she was there for a paycheck and resume builder.

Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.

Your CNN talking point is duly noted.

Are you ever going to have an original thought?
The odds are Slim to none; and Slim left town.

I don't have cable news. I only have access to CBC. This is being reported around the world.

The rest of the world found this policy to be inhuman and deplorable. This is how we view Americans under Donald Trump.
The kitchen got too hot. She couldn't stand it. It was obvious that she was there for a paycheck and resume builder.

Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.

Your CNN talking point is duly noted.

Are you ever going to have an original thought?
The odds are Slim to none; and Slim left town.

I don't have cable news. I only have access to CBC. This is being reported around the world.

CBC gets their main feed from CNN.
"Hallelujah! Secretary Nielsen has resigned!

Good news: Secretary Nielsen has resigned! Bad news: Trump considering Jorge Ramos as replacement.

Trump's immigration agenda is a full-blown catastrophe because putting anyone other than Kris Kobach at DHS is like having the ACLU advise him on judges, instead of the Federalist Society.

Kobach is easy to confirm. GOP senators who find Trump distasteful do not want a yahoo good old boy. They're more comfortable with a well-spoken Oxford grad." - Coulter

That means more Republican Senators will lose their seats. Kobach lost to a Democrat in a red state.
The kitchen got too hot. She couldn't stand it. It was obvious that she was there for a paycheck and resume builder.

Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.

Your CNN talking point is duly noted.

Are you ever going to have an original thought?
The odds are Slim to none; and Slim left town.

I don't have cable news. I only have access to CBC. This is being reported around the world.

CBC gets their main feed from CNN.

No they don't. I know it makes you idiots crazy when your FOX News kiss Trump's ass at all cost narrative isn't echoed in the rest of the world media, but this is the reality. Fox News is lying to you when it comes to how Trump is being perceived throughout the world.

Quite frankly, it becomes impossible to believe that any thinking, decent, moral person could vote for policies which deliberately and permanently harm families and children. Families are the foundation of our society. And yet here we are. That ANYONE has to remind you that this policy is CRUEL, INHUMANE, AND MORALLY WRONG, shows how far your nation has sunk in terms of decency and humanity.
The kitchen got too hot. She couldn't stand it. It was obvious that she was there for a paycheck and resume builder.

Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.

Your CNN talking point is duly noted.

Are you ever going to have an original thought?
The odds are Slim to none; and Slim left town.

I don't have cable news. I only have access to CBC. This is being reported around the world.

CBC gets their main feed from CNN.

No they don't. I know it makes you idiots crazy when your FOX News kiss Trump's ass at all cost narrative isn't echoed in the rest of the world media, but this is the reality. Fox News is lying to you when it comes to how Trump is being perceived throughout the world.

Quite frankly, it becomes impossible to believe that any thinking, decent, moral person could vote for policies which deliberately and permanently harm families and children. Families are the foundation of our society. And yet here we are. That ANYONE has to remind you that this policy is CRUEL, INHUMANE, AND MORALLY WRONG, shows how far your nation has sunk in terms of decency and humanity.

You're just in a bad mood today because your idiot nation's curling team was blown out by Sweden yesterday.
Too bad!
What is inhumane and morally wrong is keeping children in the hands of human traffickers.

This is what Democrats are desperate to keep going.
Migrants, young and old, are not always related. Border Patrol says fear of child trafficking forces separations
U.S. Placed Immigrant Children With Traffickers, Report Says

It raises the question. What are democrats getting? Are they getting a cut? Are they getting access to the children?

Someone should investigate.

Maybe Joe Biden should go down there and groom......., I mean soothe them.
The kitchen got too hot. She couldn't stand it. It was obvious that she was there for a paycheck and resume builder.

Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.

Your CNN talking point is duly noted.

Are you ever going to have an original thought?
The odds are Slim to none; and Slim left town.

I don't have cable news. I only have access to CBC. This is being reported around the world.

CBC gets their main feed from CNN.

No they don't. I know it makes you idiots crazy when your FOX News kiss Trump's ass at all cost narrative isn't echoed in the rest of the world media, but this is the reality. Fox News is lying to you when it comes to how Trump is being perceived throughout the world.

Quite frankly, it becomes impossible to believe that any thinking, decent, moral person could vote for policies which deliberately and permanently harm families and children. Families are the foundation of our society. And yet here we are. That ANYONE has to remind you that this policy is CRUEL, INHUMANE, AND MORALLY WRONG, shows how far your nation has sunk in terms of decency and humanity.
---------------------------------- no sane American cares what the world thinks of Trump , America , Americans or Trump Supporters DLady .
What is inhumane and morally wrong is keeping children in the hands of human traffickers.

This is what Democrats are desperate to keep going.
Migrants, young and old, are not always related. Border Patrol says fear of child trafficking forces separations
U.S. Placed Immigrant Children With Traffickers, Report Says

It raises the question. What are democrats getting? Are they getting a cut? Are they getting access to the children?

Someone should investigate.

That is ridiculous. Only a small number have been flagged for potential human trafficking. This is just a excuse.
Trump is the great reputation killer. Here is this woman who was a reasonably admired bureaucrat. For the rest of her life, people will look at her and think, Oh, that’s the woman who put children in cages.
from The Atlantic:

"At times, Nielsen seemed resistant to the Trump agenda. In late 2018, Trump was reportedly close to firing her because of her reluctance to impose directives she believed were illegal. Nielsen quickly embarked on a campaign of tough talk that seemed to convince Trump she was a hard-liner, and he backed down. The problem was that to prove her loyalty, she had to hug Trump harder, thus further reducing any ability she had to restrain him."
Kirsten Nielsen will forever be remembered as enacted and enforced the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. She doesn't know how many people died in her custody. And she was fired because she wasn't brutal enough.

Your CNN talking point is duly noted.

Are you ever going to have an original thought?
The odds are Slim to none; and Slim left town.

I don't have cable news. I only have access to CBC. This is being reported around the world.

CBC gets their main feed from CNN.

No they don't. I know it makes you idiots crazy when your FOX News kiss Trump's ass at all cost narrative isn't echoed in the rest of the world media, but this is the reality. Fox News is lying to you when it comes to how Trump is being perceived throughout the world.

Quite frankly, it becomes impossible to believe that any thinking, decent, moral person could vote for policies which deliberately and permanently harm families and children. Families are the foundation of our society. And yet here we are. That ANYONE has to remind you that this policy is CRUEL, INHUMANE, AND MORALLY WRONG, shows how far your nation has sunk in terms of decency and humanity.
---------------------------------- no sane American cares what the world thinks of Trump , America , Americans or Trump Supporters DLady .
All sane Americans think Trump is a disgusting human being without ethics or morals. As is all of those who support him.
Trump is the great reputation killer. Here is this woman who was a reasonably admired bureaucrat. For the rest of her life, people will look at her and think, Oh, that’s the woman who put children in cages.
All who work for and support Trump come out as damaged goods. As will all the disgusting US citizens who support him.

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