Breaking! Secretary of Homeland Security Neilson Is To Submit Her Resignation To President Trump

Trump is angry that she didn’t throw more children into cages
I’m surprised she lasted this long.

If she ain't dong the job then she should have been kicked to the curb sooner.

Exactly what about her job was she not doing?

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She didn't resign for no reason. If your that interested, look it up.

She resigned because her boss told her to in an effort to shift blame from himself for the fiasco at the border.

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Oh that's a laugh. The fiasco at the border was going on long before Trump became POTUS.

We have 20 million illegals in our country right now that cost us billions every year. Not to mention thousands of fake asylum seekers at our border.

If it were up to me I'd start shooting the assholes.
If she ain't dong the job then she should have been kicked to the curb sooner.

Exactly what about her job was she not doing?

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She didn't resign for no reason. If your that interested, look it up.

She resigned because her boss told her to in an effort to shift blame from himself for the fiasco at the border.

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-------------------------------------- no balls eh GGator !!

You are correct, Trump has no balls

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-------------------------------------------- Trump has his people to do their jobs that he assigns them GGator
"Hallelujah! Secretary Nielsen has resigned!

Good news: Secretary Nielsen has resigned! Bad news: Trump considering Jorge Ramos as replacement.

Trump's immigration agenda is a full-blown catastrophe because putting anyone other than Kris Kobach at DHS is like having the ACLU advise him on judges, instead of the Federalist Society.

Kobach is easy to confirm. GOP senators who find Trump distasteful do not want a yahoo good old boy. They're more comfortable with a well-spoken Oxford grad." - Coulter
i nominate Creepy Joe Biden to replace Nielsen. he will welcome women and children with open arms!
"Trump wants asylum laws eliminated and judges gotten rid of. We should all expect mass killings next." - Maddow
----------------------- [chuckle] asylum should be eliminated BBro .

Asylum should not be eliminated. That is what makes this country great. We are willing to help people who's lives may be in peril.

Asylum can only be changed by Congress. Trump cannot do it unilaterally.
Apparently Neilsen's crime was reminding Trump of the laws. The fact that a court order prevents Trump from separating families. and the fact that Trump cannot unilaterally get rid of asylum.
"I turn on the TV, open the newspapers, and I see stories of chaos. Chaos. Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine.” - Donald Trump
Another member of Trump's inner circle, bites the dust.
Kirstjen Nielsen was unceremoniously kicked to the curb by Trump after selling her soul to the devil by lying and cheating to support Trump.
Trump uses up those who work for him. They leave his employ as damaged goods.
He is a disgusting human but those who choose to work for him are getting what they deserve.
"In addition to everything else, some in the White House have long maintained a lingering suspicion that the Secretary of Homeland Security authored the anonymous op-ed in the New York Times'
Without a leader. Without a deputy secretary. Without a head of FEMA. Without a head of I.C.E. With no one in charge of the science and technology branch. This is the least well organized that the Department of Homeland Security has been since it was stood up.
No doubt she’ll be replaced by one of His business buddies who knows nothing at all about the position other than St Trumpy owes him a favor of some sort.

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