Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Let's see.... what to do, what to do......

European countries declare war on Jihadi Islamists.

Canada and the United States declare war on Jihadi Islamists.

I don't know..... just a crazy thought.
Drop a big fucking bomb on every known city that either harbors terrorists or is a terrorist stronghold. And not a fucking drone strike, a BIG ASS BOMB.


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Bioweapons are better for the environment....and oil wells.
I am sure if we let the refugees rape enough European women they will settle down....You want to lead negotiations Bodecea? bring up a mostly male problem. It's a male issue.

Yes Muhammed was a male.........................................but not all muslims are male.
Yes he was. Excellent point. Thank you.
It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

I agree and if I were a German citizen I'd be demanding my Govt. kick every Muslim out of my country.

This is only the beginning

You'd support Germans picking an entire religion of people and shipping them en masse? I think we can see where your politics are.
Muslims are vermin! They contribute NOTHING to any country they live in except violence and misogyny.
Kick EVERY sand monkey out of Europe NOW before WW111 begins. THEN the fucking sand monkeys will go whimpering back to the fucking desert they came from!
Have we had ENOUGH?
Why are you ignoring only part of the male problem with violence?
Munich shooting: Several killed at shopping mall, report says -

Number of dead is unclear at this time.......

Maybe we should have Hillary up the % of Syrian refugee's coming to America to 1000% increase!!:2up:
You be sure and let us know when they announce it was a Syrian refugee, mm-kay?

Will do........guess there is a good chance its a Christian bad guy!!!:bye1::bye1::coffee:
About as good a chance its a Syrian refugee.

In fact, Germany is crawling with White Nationalists, a.k.a. "Christian bad guys".

But nobody is caring about them except the radical progressives..........all 183 of them. The rest of the world is thinking we got a big-ass problem here and majority ends up ruling last time I checked!!!:2up::bye1::bye1:
Looks like Germany is having another really, really bad day.

Oh wait. I forgot. Some idiots on this board think Muslims are peaceful, loving, acclimated to the country and non violent. Never mind.
Note completely. That would just deal with the Muslim males....what about the other males committing most of violent acts?

What others commit most of violent acts? 99% terrorism is M-O-S-L-E-M.
I'd like to see where you get that figure. Where ever you got is, I can guarantee that whatever the percentage is Muslim....a HIGHER % is male.

So what? You're a sexist now?
Is it sexist to point out a Fact?
German lack of border security allowed for attack. If citizens had guns in Germany the scum would be dead right now. Again, this shit wouldn't happen in Houston or Dallas.
Um....Dallas? Where the Men with Open Carry ran away like little boys from the Man shooting at them and at the cops?
No bitch. Where Black Lives Matter had streets cleared of common civilians. On an average work day in downtown Dallas...and we know BLM wouldn't be out of bed yet...fucker would have been neutralized real quick.
Let's see.... what to do, what to do......

European countries declare war on Jihadi Islamists.

Canada and the United States declare war on Jihadi Islamists.

I don't know..... just a crazy thought.
Drop a big fucking bomb on every known city that either harbors terrorists or is a terrorist stronghold. And not a fucking drone strike, a BIG ASS BOMB.


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Robust Nuclear Earth Penatrators.

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