Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

If you take a wild monkey and you let him live in your home. the monkey will trash and destroy it until it looks like the jungle he came from. He'll shit and piss all over the place, smash up your belongings, and wreak havoc. Why? because it is in its nature. it's a fucking monkey!! No sane person would let a wild monkey loose in their house.

But the LWNJ's both here and around the word want to allow mobs of untamed Allah Monkeys to overrun entire cities, states, and nations.....All in the name of "inclusion" and "compassion".
So what? You're a sexist now?
Is it sexist to point out a Fact?

First of all it's not a fact - just your sexism, bigotry and stupidity showing itself. Moslem bitches are supporting these terrorists. They're every bit a part of this terrorism. Wise up.
Wait...are you contesting the Fact that almost all violent terrorists are male? Lets see your stats saying otherwise.

This is the Kurdish suicide bomber who killed dozens in Ankara
German lack of border security allowed for attack. If citizens had guns in Germany the scum would be dead right now. Again, this shit wouldn't happen in Houston or Dallas.
Um....Dallas? Where the Men with Open Carry ran away like little boys from the Man shooting at them and at the cops?
No bitch. Where Black Lives Matter had streets cleared of common civilians. On an average work day in downtown Dallas...and we know BLM wouldn't be out of bed yet...fucker would have been neutralized real quick.
Wait...are you going to contest that the shooter was MALE and that all the open carry people were MALE and that they all ran away when the shooting started? Leaving the Male AND Female police to run to danger?
It was in the evening downtown...not a typical work day when civilians would have killed the BLM shooter.
So what? You're a sexist now?
Is it sexist to point out a Fact?

First of all it's not a fact - just your sexism, bigotry and stupidity showing itself. Moslem bitches are supporting these terrorists. They're every bit a part of this terrorism. Wise up.
Wait...are you contesting the Fact that almost all violent terrorists are male? Lets see your stats saying otherwise.

If you didn't have such a lesbo hatred towards men, you may have read my comment.
It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

The blame belongs to ISIS. Not ordinary Muslim citizens.
With you it's NEVER "ordinary muslims" but it's funny EVERY FUCKING attack IS by a "ordinary muslim".
When are you going to have the fucking spine to face the truth.
EVERY TIME a muslim terrorist commits mass murder the 'mood' in shitholes like Dearborn goes sky-high!
Isn't it funny how many times after a violent male attack, everyone who knew them said they were just an "ordinary man"?
Looks like President Shit for Brains doesn't recognize Germany as being an "advanced country".

It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

The blame belongs to ISIS. Not ordinary Muslim citizens.
With you it's NEVER "ordinary muslims" but it's funny EVERY FUCKING attack IS by a "ordinary muslim".
When are you going to have the fucking spine to face the truth.
EVERY TIME a muslim terrorist commits mass murder the 'mood' in shitholes like Dearborn goes sky-high!

Got any evidence to base that claim on? know...massive eruptions of violence in Dearborn? A couple of placards even?
German lack of border security allowed for attack. If citizens had guns in Germany the scum would be dead right now. Again, this shit wouldn't happen in Houston or Dallas.
Um....Dallas? Where the Men with Open Carry ran away like little boys from the Man shooting at them and at the cops?
No bitch. Where Black Lives Matter had streets cleared of common civilians. On an average work day in downtown Dallas...and we know BLM wouldn't be out of bed yet...fucker would have been neutralized real quick.
Wait...are you going to contest that the shooter was MALE and that all the open carry people were MALE and that they all ran away when the shooting started? Leaving the Male AND Female police to run to danger?
It was in the evening downtown...not a typical work day when civilians would have killed the BLM shooter.
Were there not open carry MALES present? Did they not run way?

Open carry creates confusion during Dallas police ambush, but supporters say law works
Looks like Germany is having another really, really bad day.

Oh wait. I forgot. Some idiots on this board think Muslims are peaceful, loving, acclimated to the country and non violent. Never mind.
Some might think that Males are peaceful, loving, acclimated to the country and non-violent too.

Yes they might till that peaceful non violent Muslim decides to kill you.

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their Muslim co worker would shoot them either.
It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

The blame belongs to ISIS. Not ordinary Muslim citizens.

Has this been identified as an ISIS attack?

Good point. I haven't heard anything on motive or who.
Why are you habitually jumping up and defending muslim terrorists?
My five year old grandchild KNOWS it was fucking sand monkeys who committed the mass murder of innocents in Munich.
You're fucking sick in the head.
Please oh Please invite your muslim friends to your next Christmas party.
So what? You're a sexist now?
Is it sexist to point out a Fact?

First of all it's not a fact - just your sexism, bigotry and stupidity showing itself. Moslem bitches are supporting these terrorists. They're every bit a part of this terrorism. Wise up.
Wait...are you contesting the Fact that almost all violent terrorists are male? Lets see your stats saying otherwise.

If you didn't have such a lesbo hatred towards men, you may have read my comment.
"Such a lesbo hatred towards men" that your excuse to shake off the FACT that almost all violent acts are committed by men?

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