BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

One of the worst legacies for a Speaker of the House

Zero accomplishments
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Boehner is resigning his seat in Congress, not just his Speakership. Kasich will be able to appoint someone to fill the House seat.
^^^Another civics moron^^^

Kasich can't appoint a congressperson.(HofR)

No governor can appoint a congressperson (HofR)

A special election will need to be arranged to fill the position.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Not really. You're absolutely correct. I just don't like change and prefer to maintain established patterns. Touche.
The report I heard said he'd already announced it to his staff, and that he'd announce publicly later.

One report indicates he's not only departing from the Speakership, but from the House. We'll see.

Boehner (R-OH) was a well meaning but ineffectual leader; not very good at herding cats.
Boehner is a liar and a conniving backstabbing punk.

Good damned riddance.
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Boehner is resigning his seat in Congress, not just his Speakership. Kasich will be able to appoint someone to fill the House seat.
^^^Another civics moron^^^

Kasich can't appoint a congressperson.

No governor can appoint a congressperson

A special election will need to be arranged to fill the position.

YOU might want to look up the name Paul Kirk in your research.

(and the dictionary definition of 'interim')

Never mind, I stand corrected.
Btw, the speaker doesn’t have to be an elected member of the House of Representatives, according to the US Constitution. Speaker of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
True. Maybe the teabaggers will nominate Poor Sarah Palin?

What's your secret?
Sarcasm is no secret.
Palin would do a better job than Boner did.
He's probably resigning because he can't get his party to pull together and actually do their job. I'm betting with him gone we will see no real legislation because they are incapable of anything beyond making ideological stands that go nowhere. Without the ability to compromise and work with the opposition - legislation will go nowhere.
Yeah...the Rs should always compromise with big ears, but big ears should never compromise with the Rs. Is that it?

Or...Obama should always compromise with the R's but the R's should never compromise with Obama. I hear that a lot.

The thing is - if you want accomplish anything - you need to be able to make deals. This Congress is rated among the worst for good reason.

Other - President Obama Job Approval | RealClearPolitics
Congressional Job Approval Rating: 15.2%

GOP’s Favorability Rating Takes a Negative Turn
R's: 32%
D's: 48%
Wheb has Obama ever compromised with the GOP? Never.

Consider the ACA. Many of the ideas incorporated into it were originated by Republicans - yet they refused to work with him on it, or support it in any way even though they had previously supported portions of it - because it had Obama's name on it.
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.
Wow are you fucking stupid.
He didnt mean as Speaker, dumbass. He meant as Congressman from Ohio.
Wow, a new low in stupidity for this site.
lol, no matter how low you thought IQs got among the libtards, they always manage to surprise you.
Btw, the speaker doesn’t have to be an elected member of the House of Representatives, according to the US Constitution. Speaker of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
True. Maybe the teabaggers will nominate Poor Sarah Palin?

What's your secret?
Sarcasm is no secret.
Palin would do a better job than Boner did.
She would impeach Obozo.

Joe Biden being POTUS is main stumbling block.
Just announced. He will retire in October.

He's a good principled man who failed himself.

Thanks for trying Speaker Boehner. Not everybody is willing to.
That's gracious of you, amidst the rightwing jackals on this site.

But I don't think he failed himself at all. I think he stayed mostly true to himself as a Reagan Conservative.

I agree, the problem is - he's dealing with a party that has shifted towards the wingnuts.
I would love to play a round of golf with John Boehner. He would start out strong but the Merlot would start hitting him around the 13th hole and he'd start missing putts right and left.

meeting with the pope must have sparked the remainder of a conscience in him
"your thoughts betray you, Boehner. i feel the good in you, the conflict."

seriously though, i think that he didn't have the stomach to deal with the tantrums the gop was going to throw in the coming months and realized after meeting with and hearing the pope that the best choice for him was to resign and hope new leadership can reign in the crazy a little bit.
Boner does not want government show down with Obama. He thinks it is a losing proposition and wont fight the fight.

Rank and file Republicans are sick to death of his cowardice and lies.
Boehner is putting his religion and conscience before his responsibility to leading the far right.

Good. I did not think he had it in him.

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