BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

Yeah, Scalise. The House Majority Whip is among the usual heirs.

But that "I'm David Duke without the baggage" thing is quite the poison pill.


Fuck you, Steve!
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Kelly O just reported that Paul Ryan, the doofus in my avatar, will not run for Speaker, saying "It's a job for an empty-nester".

That leaves Kevin McCarthy, Republican from California, or closeted KKK member Steve Scalise of Louisiana.
Oh, McCarthy already has it lined up. The only question is whether he put a knife in Boehner's back. So far the speculaton is he's innocent of shedding blood.

House conservatives warm to McCarthy as Speaker
Kelly O just reported that Paul Ryan, the doofus in my avatar, will not run for Speaker, saying "It's a job for an empty-nester".

That leaves Kevin McCarthy, Republican from California, or closeted KKK member Steve Scalise of Louisiana.
Oh, McCarthy already has it lined up. The only question is whether he put a knife in Boehner's back. So far the speculaton is he's innocent of shedding blood.

House conservatives warm to McCarthy as Speaker
McCarthy is identical to Boehner politically, but has a much better relationship with individual members.
Kelly O just reported that Paul Ryan, the doofus in my avatar, will not run for Speaker, saying "It's a job for an empty-nester".

That leaves Kevin McCarthy, Republican from California, or closeted KKK member Steve Scalise of Louisiana.
Well if McCarthy gets it, you can kiss mothers and fathers for kids goodbye forever.
i think boehner doesn't want it because he knows he won't win and he'd be fighting on the wrong side of the fight, or at least fighting the wrong fight.

No, neither Boehner nor you know shit.

Congress has defunded plenty of programs before and shut down the government to do so.

But since they were Dimbocrats, you libtards were in full throated support of them and did not spin it as a mistake.

People are waking up to your bullshit. Enjoy it while you still can, idiot.
Prolly gonna be McCarthy, with Scalise bumped up to Majority Leader.
Wow, holy crap. I've often wondered why he stayed in that shit hole of a position.

I'd guess it's both cumulative - years of attacks from talk radio and its groupies - and specific - not wanting to go through another "hey, let's shut down the freakin' government over one issue again, you betcha!" fiasco...

Surprising it took this long.
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So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.
Sorry, dipshit.

Shutting down the government favors the Republicans aren't interested.

Why does using the biggest stick that the Constitution gives the House, work against the Republican Congress?

I am curious as to why you think that when generally it is the lack of use of power that causes problems, as it atrophies and people forget that one even possesses that authority.
As long as the media is in Obama’s hip-pocket, Republicans realize it's an exercise in futility.
As long as the media is in Obama’s hip-pocket, Republicans realize it's an exercise in futility.
I disagree. The media is far more complex and so many different news sources exist the fight can be won.

But you have to actually stand up and fight first, ya know?
The Pope's message about the wealth moving to the top must have inspired him. Maybe this will inspire a few of the greedy bastards to put a higher tax rate on the well off. What a blast....the idea of asking ol' Percy to wait a year or two before he upgrades that 2010 model yacht.
Good news but I have a feeling that they will just pick another rino to take his place.
A number of Republicans cautioned that McCarthy, a former majority whip, certainly doesn’t have the Speaker’s race sewn up. In fact, one Boehner critic, Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), said installing McCarthy in the top post amounted to “a swap with no benefits.”

But McCarthy has been shoring up his right flank this past year ahead of any future run for Speaker. His regular outreach to rank-and-file members has included phone calls, text messages and dinner invitations to members of the Freedom Caucus — a group Boehner views as a nuisance.

And McCarthy has appeared to break with Boehner on some policy issues.

This spring, the No. 2 GOP leader said he wanted to outright kill the Export-Import Bank, while Boehner warned that such a move could cost thousands of U.S. jobs. And when undercover Planned Parenthood videos surfaced this summer, McCarthy called for an immediate “moratorium” on federal funding for the nonprofit group; meanwhile, Boehner said he wanted to see “facts first” from House investigations before pledging to defund the group.

Other conservatives have been gaming out the possibilities in great detail. Another anonymous House lawmaker said one such coalition could look something like this: McCarthy as Speaker; Jordan as majority leader; National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) lands a committee gavel just like his predecessor, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas); and another conservative nabs the NRCC post.

House conservatives warm to McCarthy as Speaker
Nope. He's just decided he can retire after earning a damned good living at taxpayer expense.

We, the taxpayer, will now support him for the rest of his miserable life along with the rest of those Clowns in Congress.
McCarthy will be the new Speaker: done deal.

He will not shut down the government, working with Obama to prevent it.
LONG overdue, I'm sorry but Boehner has been Obama's punk the guy never embraced his power of a separate but equal branch of government. We need to elect someone speaker who will tell Obama and the Democrats to shove it!
I'm glad Boehner is doing the right thing by resigning now.
Gives a great chance for another Republican to be elected in the special election, then re-elected next year as an incumbent.
Republicans will remain in hold of that seat.

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