BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

It's very strange Boehner is not going to complete his term. This is very sudden, too.

More to the story, I'm sure.

I think Boehner is sick and tired of trying to keep the Tea Party rabble at bay and probably realized that he's been selling his soul by trying to appease them. He should have stood up to them from the get-go and put them in their place. But he was too timid to pull the trigger, setting a bad precedent in the process. I think the Pope's visit made him realize there are more important things than protecting the politics of batshit lunatics.
"Rank and file Republicans are sick to death" of the right right's hatred and lies.
I would love to play a round of golf with John Boehner. He would start out strong but the Merlot would start hitting him around the 13th hole and he'd start missing putts right and left.

i think more accurately he'd line the putt up correctly, but his caddy would force him to readjust his aim a mile to the right.

edit: actually, his caddy would prevent him from ever laying up in front of a water hazard and would not hand him a club that would only give him clubs that had no chance of reaching the cup but would still insist that every stroke must put the ball in the hole.
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Just announced. He will retire in October.

He's a good principled man who failed himself.

Thanks for trying Speaker Boehner. Not everybody is willing to.
That's gracious of you, amidst the rightwing jackals on this site.

But I don't think he failed himself at all. I think he stayed mostly true to himself as a Reagan Conservative.

I agree, the problem is - he's dealing with a party that has shifted towards the wingnuts.

Bah, let Pelosi handle her onw party....oh, wait, you are talking about the conservative Republicans?
roflma, baby you aint seen nuthin yet!
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.
Wow are you fucking stupid.
He didnt mean as Speaker, dumbass. He meant as Congressman from Ohio.
Wow, a new low in stupidity for this site.
lol, no matter how low you thought IQs got among the libtards, they always manage to surprise you.
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Boehner is resigning his seat in Congress, not just his Speakership. Kasich will be able to appoint someone to fill the House seat.
^^^Another civics moron^^^

Kasich can't appoint a congressperson.

No governor can appoint a congressperson

A special election will need to be arranged to fill the position.

YOU might want to look up the name Paul Kirk in your research.

(and the dictionary definition of 'interim')

Never mind, I stand corrected.
Good form. You realized rather quickly Kirk was a senator. :)
Just announced. He will retire in October.

He's a good principled man who failed himself.

Thanks for trying Speaker Boehner. Not everybody is willing to.
That's gracious of you, amidst the rightwing jackals on this site.

But I don't think he failed himself at all. I think he stayed mostly true to himself as a Reagan Conservative.

I agree, the problem is - he's dealing with a party that has shifted towards the wingnuts.
But they still don't have the votes to overcome the Chamber of Commerce wing.
meeting with the pope must have sparked the remainder of a conscience in him
"your thoughts betray you, Boehner. i feel the good in you, the conflict."

seriously though, i think that he didn't have the stomach to deal with the tantrums the gop was going to throw in the coming months and realized after meeting with and hearing the pope that the best choice for him was to resign and hope new leadership can reign in the crazy a little bit.
Boner does not want government show down with Obama. He thinks it is a losing proposition and wont fight the fight.

Rank and file Republicans are sick to death of his cowardice and lies.
i think boehner doesn't want it because he knows he won't win and he'd be fighting on the wrong side of the fight, or at least fighting the wrong fight.
Boehner is putting his religion and conscience before his responsibility to leading the far right.

Good. I did not think he had it in him.
It'll be interesting. It was looking like the Senate would reject a shutdown, and that happened, but Boehner would give the TP members a shut down vote, and then let it percolate for awhile until even the potus candidates would implore them to stop the colleges sophomore tactics over PP, and then it's all go back to "normal" until after Nov 16. Now it's more like pass the popcorn.
Just announced. He will retire in October.

He's a good principled man who failed himself.

Thanks for trying Speaker Boehner. Not everybody is willing to.
That's gracious of you, amidst the rightwing jackals on this site.

But I don't think he failed himself at all. I think he stayed mostly true to himself as a Reagan Conservative.

I agree, the problem is - he's dealing with a party that has shifted towards the wingnuts.

Bah, let Pelosi handle her onw party....oh, wait, you are talking about the conservative Republicans?
roflma, baby you aint seen nuthin yet!
ain't nothing to see but far right baboons flinging feces.
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.
I think he's referring to his House seat.
Get this straight, people: Rep's are elected by the people.

Check your Constitution.

They cannot be appointed to the office.
Good point.

Article I, Section 2, Clause 4.

A special election has to be held. The seat remains vacant until then.

Should be fun!
meeting with the pope must have sparked the remainder of a conscience in him
"your thoughts betray you, Boehner. i feel the good in you, the conflict."

seriously though, i think that he didn't have the stomach to deal with the tantrums the gop was going to throw in the coming months and realized after meeting with and hearing the pope that the best choice for him was to resign and hope new leadership can reign in the crazy a little bit.
Boner does not want government show down with Obama. He thinks it is a losing proposition and wont fight the fight.

Rank and file Republicans are sick to death of his cowardice and lies.
i think boehner doesn't want it because he knows he won't win and he'd be fighting on the wrong side of the fight, or at least fighting the wrong fight.
I think he could win a speakership fight, because the tea party caucus is a minority in the house gop. But, I think Boehner saw that no compromise was possible to get the TP votes, so a fight would split the party. So, he opted out.
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.
Sorry, dipshit.

Shutting down the government favors the Republicans aren't interested.

Why does using the biggest stick that the Constitution gives the House, work against the Republican Congress?

I am curious as to why you think that when generally it is the lack of use of power that causes problems, as it atrophies and people forget that one even possesses that authority.
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Boehner is resigning his seat in Congress, not just his Speakership. Kasich will be able to appoint someone to fill the House seat.
^^^Another civics moron^^^

Kasich can't appoint a congressperson.

No governor can appoint a congressperson

A special election will need to be arranged to fill the position.

YOU might want to look up the name Paul Kirk in your research.

(and the dictionary definition of 'interim')

Never mind, I stand corrected.
Good form. You realized rather quickly Kirk was a senator. :)


You another one that has a problem reading posts?

I knew Kirk was a Senator

I was wrong about Kasich being able to appoint someone to fill Boehners seat until an election is held.

I didn't realize the rules were different for the House.

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