BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

Yeah...the Rs should always compromise with big ears, but big ears should never compromise with the Rs. Is that it?

Or...Obama should always compromise with the R's but the R's should never compromise with Obama. I hear that a lot.

The thing is - if you want accomplish anything - you need to be able to make deals. This Congress is rated among the worst for good reason.

Other - President Obama Job Approval | RealClearPolitics
Congressional Job Approval Rating: 15.2%

GOP’s Favorability Rating Takes a Negative Turn
R's: 32%
D's: 48%
Wheb has Obama ever compromised with the GOP? Never.

Consider the ACA. Many of the ideas incorporated into it were originated by Republicans - yet they refused to work with him on it, or support it in any way even though they had previously supported portions of it - because it had Obama's name on it.
LOL! There were no Republican idea incorporated in the ACA. Republicans were shut out of the process early on by Dems. Remember "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"?
you aren't that ignorant.
Oh, yes he is!
Perfect summation:

"John Boehner is a Republican ..... who has to pretend to be a madman .... in order to beg for votes ... from a group of madmen ... pretending to be Republicans."
Or...Obama should always compromise with the R's but the R's should never compromise with Obama. I hear that a lot.

The thing is - if you want accomplish anything - you need to be able to make deals. This Congress is rated among the worst for good reason.

Other - President Obama Job Approval | RealClearPolitics
Congressional Job Approval Rating: 15.2%

GOP’s Favorability Rating Takes a Negative Turn
R's: 32%
D's: 48%
Wheb has Obama ever compromised with the GOP? Never.

Consider the ACA. Many of the ideas incorporated into it were originated by Republicans - yet they refused to work with him on it, or support it in any way even though they had previously supported portions of it - because it had Obama's name on it.
LOL! There were no Republican idea incorporated in the ACA. Republicans were shut out of the process early on by Dems. Remember "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"?
You're wrong, just like you're wrong about Eric Cantor, you coward.
You're a fucking coward, and everyone knows it.

In June 2014, in his bid for re-election, Cantor lost the Republican primary to economics professor Dave Brat in an upset that surprised political analysts. In response Cantor announced his early resignation as House Majority Leader, and several weeks later, he announced his resignation from Congress, which took effect August 18, 2014.
The Pope's message about the wealth moving to the top must have inspired him. Maybe this will inspire a few of the greedy bastards to put a higher tax rate on the well off. What a blast....the idea of asking ol' Percy to wait a year or two before he upgrades that 2010 model yacht.

Nope. Remember, the hard right looks at Boehner as if he were a border line communist. They see themselves as moderate. And anyone left of them as socaialists or Trotskyists.

Alas, even among the republican party the hard right isn't particularly popular.
LOL! There were no Republican idea incorporated in the ACA. Republicans were shut out of the process early on by Dems. Remember "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"?

Two lies.

First, here is a list of 160 Republican amendments added to the ACA: 160 Republican Amendments to ACA

And don't forget, the individual mandate originated with the Right.

Second, Republicans were not shut out early. It is a blatant lie to say they were. It can be argued they were shut out in the final hours, but it is a willful lie to say they were shut out before that.

How did 160 GOP amendments get passed if they were "shut out early"?
Republicans will continue to force out all of the moderates so that only the true nutjobs are left in the party. The Republican Party is killing itself slowly but surely.

You need to catch up on the latest facts. It is the Republicans that control a majority of state governments, the federal congress and has a majority appointments on SCOTUS.

It is also the Republicans that have a healthy diversity to their POTUS candidates while the Dimbocrats cant find anyone that isn't white or under 60 to run.

The Dimbocrats are sucking hind tit and everyone with a brain knows it.

Winning the battle but losing the war is not a good strategy. For years this country has moved from the left to the right. Now it's starting to move back to the left. It's early, but you will see this over the next twenty years.
Tea Party,

You guys REALLY have a thing about shooting the messenger.

The message is:
1) the public really turns south on a Congress that shuts down the government.
2) if the President's going to veto something and we don't have the numbers to override it, then what was the point?

It doesn't make you a squishy moderate to accept this. So at some point it begs the question: are your objectives policy? or just puffing up your chest among each other as you demonize the folks unlucky enough to deliver the message to your team?

John Boehner did good. History will take notice.
John Boehner did good.

Of all the laughable things I have read in this topic, this one pole vaults to the funniest of all.

John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand. He leaves behind a party known for its bigotry, hypocrisy, lies, big spending, big government, corruption, and incompetence.

That's his legacy. Even the worms are going to spit him out.
The Pope's message about the wealth moving to the top must have inspired him. Maybe this will inspire a few of the greedy bastards to put a higher tax rate on the well off. What a blast....the idea of asking ol' Percy to wait a year or two before he upgrades that 2010 model yacht.

Do you have an objective rationale for raising taxes on the wealthy, or is it just personal envy?
Wheb has Obama ever compromised with the GOP? Never.

Consider the ACA. Many of the ideas incorporated into it were originated by Republicans - yet they refused to work with him on it, or support it in any way even though they had previously supported portions of it - because it had Obama's name on it.
LOL! There were no Republican idea incorporated in the ACA. Republicans were shut out of the process early on by Dems. Remember "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"?
You're wrong, just like you're wrong about Eric Cantor, you coward.
You're a fucking coward, and everyone knows it.

In June 2014, in his bid for re-election, Cantor lost the Republican primary to economics professor Dave Brat in an upset that surprised political analysts. In response Cantor announced his early resignation as House Majority Leader, and several weeks later, he announced his resignation from Congress, which took effect August 18, 2014.
Thank you for confirming what I wrote. Yes, he lost an election.
NOw fuck off.
The Pope's message about the wealth moving to the top must have inspired him. Maybe this will inspire a few of the greedy bastards to put a higher tax rate on the well off. What a blast....the idea of asking ol' Percy to wait a year or two before he upgrades that 2010 model yacht.

Do you have an objective rationale for raising taxes on the wealthy, or is it just personal envy?

Sure. If you want fish, fish where the fish are.
Of all the laughable things I have read in this topic, this one pole vaults to the funniest of all.

John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand.
If so, it was because he was too lenient and afforded too much democratic leash to an unruly caucus. Gingrich, for all his talk, was a bare-knuckle power tripper to the caucus. Boehner even made Hastert look despotic. If the caucus drifted right, it's because Boehner let it. Did the caucus deserve it? We're about to find out...
John Boehner did good.

Of all the laughable things I have read in this topic, this one pole vaults to the funniest of all.

John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand. He leaves behind a party known for its bigotry, hypocrisy, lies, big spending, big government, corruption, and incompetence.

That's his legacy. Even the worms are going to spit him out.
This is why the gOP has won 9000 seats since 2007?

Boehner was a nice decent guy. That was part of his problem. Decent people think others are decent too. Like Bush Boehner didnt get it that Democrats play for keeps and they arent going to compromise unless there's a gun to their head. As a result he got taken to the cleaners every single time.
Time to put someone in who understands that you cannot negotiate with (Democrat) terrorists. You destroy them by any means possible.
John Boehner did good.

Of all the laughable things I have read in this topic, this one pole vaults to the funniest of all.

John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand. He leaves behind a party known for its bigotry, hypocrisy, lies, big spending, big government, corruption, and incompetence.

That's his legacy. Even the worms are going to spit him out.

And who's responsible for the Democrat brand.. which is bigotry, hypocrisy, lies, big spending, big government, corruption, and incompetence... you know the same shit. There's barely a distinction between then two parties any longer.
As long as the media is in Obama’s hip-pocket, Republicans realize it's an exercise in futility.
I disagree. The media is far more complex and so many different news sources exist the fight can be won.

But you have to actually stand up and fight first, ya know?
Fighting and being stupid are too different things.

Boner doesn't know how to use the media. Nobody cares what he says. This fight has to be conducted in the media, not just the House floor.

One of the best ways I know to get headlines is tell the media to get screwed. That is how you get support from your base and the general public.
LOL! There were no Republican idea incorporated in the ACA. Republicans were shut out of the process early on by Dems. Remember "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"?

Two lies.

First, here is a list of 160 Republican amendments added to the ACA: 160 Republican Amendments to ACA

And don't forget, the individual mandate originated with the Right.

Second, Republicans were not shut out early. It is a blatant lie to say they were. It can be argued they were shut out in the final hours, but it is a willful lie to say they were shut out before that.

How did 160 GOP amendments get passed if they were "shut out early"?
The individual mandate did not "originate with the right." That is anotherr lie spread by the piss guzzlers like you. The idea appeared in one article in a different context by one person in Heritage, which last I checked is not a GOP publication.

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