BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

He's probably resigning because he can't get his party to pull together and actually do their job. I'm betting with him gone we will see no real legislation because they are incapable of anything beyond making ideological stands that go nowhere. Without the ability to compromise and work with the opposition - legislation will go nowhere.
Yeah...the Rs should always compromise with big ears, but big ears should never compromise with the Rs. Is that it?

Or...Obama should always compromise with the R's but the R's should never compromise with Obama. I hear that a lot.

The thing is - if you want accomplish anything - you need to be able to make deals. This Congress is rated among the worst for good reason.

Other - President Obama Job Approval | RealClearPolitics
Congressional Job Approval Rating: 15.2%

GOP’s Favorability Rating Takes a Negative Turn
R's: 32%
D's: 48%
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Boehner is resigning his seat in Congress, not just his Speakership. Kasich will be able to appoint someone to fill the House seat.
Why are Republicans such quitters? Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Larry Craig, Eric Cantor...

It's a long list of conservatives unwilling to respect the oath they took, with their hands on the bible.
You would be well to use your hands to pull your Messiahs member out yo butt.
Well, we now know what YOU think about.
He's probably resigning because he can't get his party to pull together and actually do their job. I'm betting with him gone we will see no real legislation because they are incapable of anything beyond making ideological stands that go nowhere. Without the ability to compromise and work with the opposition - legislation will go nowhere.
Yeah...the Rs should always compromise with big ears, but big ears should never compromise with the Rs. Is that it?

Or...Obama should always compromise with the R's but the R's should never compromise with Obama. I hear that a lot.

The thing is - if you want accomplish anything - you need to be able to make deals. This Congress is rated among the worst for good reason.

Other - President Obama Job Approval | RealClearPolitics
Congressional Job Approval Rating: 15.2%

GOP’s Favorability Rating Takes a Negative Turn
R's: 32%
D's: 48%
Wheb has Obama ever compromised with the GOP? Never.
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Boehner is resigning his seat in Congress, not just his Speakership. Kasich will be able to appoint someone to fill the House seat.
^^^Another civics moron^^^

Kasich can't appoint a congressperson.(HofR)

No governor can appoint a congressperson (HofR)

A special election will need to be arranged to fill the position.
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Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

^^^Another civics moron^^^

Boehner is resigning his seat in Congress, not just his Speakership. Kasich will be able to appoint someone to fill the House seat.
I like Kasich, don't get me wrong. But, does anyone really think Kasich and Boehner are very dissimilar on how they view issues and whether they'd really choose to reach a bipartisan compromise on issues .... if their own party would let them?

So, I just don't see this optimism that his campaign will somehow catch fire .... well, it may do that, but most likely from a bunch of village tea party idiots with torches and pitchforks.
He's probably resigning because he can't get his party to pull together and actually do their job. I'm betting with him gone we will see no real legislation because they are incapable of anything beyond making ideological stands that go nowhere. Without the ability to compromise and work with the opposition - legislation will go nowhere.

From what I saw from CNN last week Boehner is facing rebellion with in his party to oust him. Last night CNN showing Boehner get emotional wiping his tears in 2 occasions. One showing at the balcony with the pope.
Just announced. He will retire in October.

He's a good principled man who failed himself.

Thanks for trying Speaker Boehner. Not everybody is willing to.
That's gracious of you, amidst the rightwing jackals on this site.

But I don't think he failed himself at all. I think he stayed mostly true to himself as a Reagan Conservative.
Good. It's a shame but I don't think the republicans will be wise enough to appoint a new leader.
It's very strange Boehner is not going to complete his term. This is very sudden, too.

More to the story, I'm sure.

Kasich being a Presidential candidate, and being able to appoint Boehner's replacement is an interesting wrinkle which makes me wonder if that is part of the story.

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