BREAKING! Supreme Court Considers Case Seeking to Overturn 2020 Presidential Election

It's about damn time. The media is completely silent on this. It's time to put the real winner of the 2020 election back into the White House.

Do you remember the Mueller investigation where, for a long time, the left's mouths were watering and they constantly said, "be patient, it's right around the corner" and that Trump would be found guilty of conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election? Well, my words of wisdom are to remember that because your mouth is salivating like a dog with rabies. Your chances are right around zero, give or take a millionth of a percent. If you are going to fantasize I think some gorgeous babe would be a better bet. I personally like Elizabeth Hurley. Damn, she's nice!
Sorry bout that,

1. The sc screwed the pooch on the 2020 election.
2. And its the reason the HAND OF *G-D*, is going to smash, the USA.
3. Sometimes if protection is removed the smashing comes from elsewhere, but in reality the protection was removed.


Do you remember the Mueller investigation where, for a long time, the left's mouths were watering and they constantly said, "be patient, it's right around the corner" and that Trump would be found guilty of conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election? Well, my words of wisdom are to remember that because your mouth is salivating like a dog with rabies. Your chances are right around zero, give or take a millionth of a percent. If you are going to fantasize I think some gorgeous babe would be a better bet.
Durham. How's Durham doing these days?
Sorry bout that,

1. The 2020 election was stolen, and *G-D* himself saw it, and he also noted the after effects.
2. The sc could of protected that election, they chose not too, *G-D* will do what *G-D* will do, expect the worst.
3. Something like what fell on Sodom and Gomorrah, but with a hell raising effect, one with a flash of light first.
4. *G-D*, have mercy of the souls of the innocent.

who are you asking? The ones that denied Trumps win, or the ones that denied Bidens win?

I was thinking of those that deny Biden won, but let's extend that to the Hillary cry-babies as well.

My personal opinion is that upon consideration the Supreme Court will decline to take the matter up.
I'll also guess Kari Lake's lawsuit in Arizona gets the boot after the court hears arguments to dismiss this coming Monday.
Sorry bout that,

1. The 2020 election was stolen, and *G-D* himself saw it, and he also noted the after effects.
2. The sc could of protected that election, they chose not too, *G-D* will do what *G-D* will do, expect the worst.
3. Something like what fell on Sodom and Gomorrah, but with a hell raising effect, one with a flash of light first.
4. *G-D*, have mercy of the souls of the innocent.

God huh?
If this is real then I sincerely hope and pray that it happens and I can't emphasize that enough. Actually, I will do the exact same thing even if it isn't real. America can't take all that much more of this puppet show.
Actually there is. It's called the second amendment.


That is an illegal means.
I am not saying that it would be bad.

It simply can't be a bunch of tourists tailgating outside while the FBI and other bad actors cause havoc like Jan. 6th was.
Do you remember the Mueller investigation where, for a long time, the left's mouths were watering and they constantly said, "be patient, it's right around the corner" and that Trump would be found guilty of conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election? Well, my words of wisdom are to remember that because your mouth is salivating like a dog with rabies. Your chances are right around zero, give or take a millionth of a percent. If you are going to fantasize I think some gorgeous babe would be a better bet. I personally like Elizabeth Hurley. Damn, she's nice!

Yes Liz Hurley is super hawt!!!!!
This is America's theme song ever since Biden and Harris took office.

I wonder what excuses/conspiracies the MAGA tards will come up with when this case is thrown out.
It certainly won’t be the sudden realization that they were duped. I imagine some inspired elements are planning to “retaliate” in some incomplete and unsuccessful way.

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