BREAKING! Supreme Court Considers Case Seeking to Overturn 2020 Presidential Election

Sorry bout that,

1. "That thou does't quickly"
2. Is all it takes for *G-D* to curse a soul.
3. Permission to go dark, is followed by other darkness.
4. Get your ass whipping pants on in Washington DC, its about to hit!
5. Your darkest night.

You are right up there with Faun. Nothing to be proud of.
How else would it go? It is more than clear they sided with the alleged fraud. The SC but have one Hell of an excuse if those members are found innocent.

The Supreme Court doesn't take up all cases that get to it. I suspect this one also gets nowhere.
This case makes as much sense as booting a president for issuing an Executive Order that is later ruled unconstitutional.
Do you believe Trump violated his oath when he did that? I don't.
The Supreme Court doesn't take up all cases that get to it. I suspect this one also gets nowhere.
This case makes as much sense as booting a president for issuing an Executive Order that is later ruled unconstitutional.
Do you believe Trump violated his oath when he did that? I don't.
So defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic makes no sense to you? What a piss poor American you really are.
Sorry bout that,

1. The effects of the stolen election of 2020 are reverberating all across the world, even today.
2. Only a fool can't see it.
3. America delegated to a third world shit hole, by the sc allowing an election to be stolen.
4. It was a horrific thing, to see the stolen election, but the sc doing nothing about it, was a double whammy, they doomed America, and what the founding fathers stood up for and started.
5. Justice will be served up, i doubt the sc will correct the election of 2020, *highly doubt it*, the election of 2020, will be the demise of America.
6. One case in point, Biden gave Putin, permission to invade Ukraine in a limited form.

Sorry bout that,

1. The effects of the stolen election of 2020 are reverberating all across the world, even today.
2. Only a fool can't see it.
3. America delegated to a third world shit hole, by the sc allowing an election to be stolen.
4. It was a horrific thing, to see the stolen election, but the sc doing nothing about it, was a double whammy, they doomed America, and what the founding fathers stood up for and started.
5. Justice will be served up, i doubt the sc will correct the election of 2020, *highly doubt it*, the election of 2020, will be the demise of America.

I was w/ you in total agreement until you said this

5. Justice will be served up, i doubt the sc will correct the election of 2020, *highly doubt it*, the election of 2020, will be the demise of America.

The first thing contradicts the stuff that follows it
How does it lack merit when it got to the SC?

The SC took it to put an end to it. It has lost at every level of court and it will lose with the SC. But if they had not taken it then there would be copy cat suits wasting the courts time till they made it to the SC.

Thus, after Jan 6th, 2023 this will be a dead issue and I will get to laugh my ass off at you again. This will be even better than when you were pushing Pillow Dude in front of the SC.
Do you remember the Mueller investigation where, for a long time, the left's mouths were watering and they constantly said, "be patient, it's right around the corner" and that Trump would be found guilty of conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election? Well, my words of wisdom are to remember that because your mouth is salivating like a dog with rabies. Your chances are right around zero, give or take a millionth of a percent. If you are going to fantasize I think some gorgeous babe would be a better bet. I personally like Elizabeth Hurley. Damn, she's nice!

this is what is wrong w/ America................

watch what's going on, what's happening to your country (I advise young people and everyone else)

watch that, not some good looking woman, who may be doing... who knows what when no one is looking.. How utterly shallow
I was w/ you in total agreement until you said this

5. Justice will be served up, i doubt the sc will correct the election of 2020, *highly doubt it*, the election of 2020, will be the demise of America.

The first thing contradicts the stuff that follows it
Sorry bout that,

1. From my prospective its over.
2. America had a good run.
3. But unless the sc acts, even at this late date, its just another nail in the coffin of America.
4. I don't see the sc reversing what they already did.
5. Its my view its far too late for reversals.
6. Like calling back the Titanic after it sunk.
7. To late so sorry.
8. That shit don't float now.

The SC took it to put an end to it. It has lost at every level of court and it will lose with the SC. But if they had not taken it then there would be copy cat suits wasting the courts time till they made it to the SC.

Thus, after Jan 6th, 2023 this will be a dead issue and I will get to laugh my ass off at you again. This will be even better than when you were pushing Pillow Dude in front of the SC.
Not investigating the 2020 election was an insult to every American. So I guess it does not bother you. Scumbag.

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