BREAKING! Supreme Court Considers Case Seeking to Overturn 2020 Presidential Election

It's about damn time. The media is completely silent on this. It's time to put the real winner of the 2020 election back into the White House.

So defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic makes no sense to you? What a piss poor American you really are.
great point that people have lost sight of

But then again, I guess the US Constitution is just a bunch of words... like everything is to the dims and other illogicals... words can be changed, they claim.. and they are correct, that word changes can change society

but only if people do not get it that they are being deceived by the word changers
Sorry bout that,

1. From my prospective its over.
2. America had a good run.
3. But unless the sc acts, even at this late date, its just another nail in the coffin of America.
4. I don't see the sc reversing what they already did.
5. Its my view its far too late for reversals.
6. Like calling back the Titanic after it sunk.
7. To late so sorry.
8. That shit don't float now.

I don't feel that pessimistic.. but who knows? I also cannot say you are wrong
"During this Proceeding over 100 members of U.S. Congress claimed factual evidence that the said election was rigged. The refusal of the Respondents to investigate this congressional claim (the enemy) is an act of treason and This 4 fraud by Respondents."

It's a joke. Just considering it diminishes the courts falling reputation.

All it takes is one member from each chamber to force a debate on any state, which they did. The last minute phony objections failed. Congress followed the statute. By design the state elections are administered by the state and by design a partisan Congress cannot launch a phony partisan investigation to overturn a state's certified results. Congress has the Constitutional duty to count the votes, that's all.
Sorry bout that,

1. But this shit show is coming to a head.
2. The target is acquired.
3. Only thing left is a huge darkness.
4. And the grieving over the innocent lost.

Sorry bout that,

1. You hold onto your stolen election of 2020.
2. You can howl all you want it was fair and all.
3. Make outlandish claims how the sc, and other courts didn't see anything that amounted to a fart in a whirlwind.
4. Clap your hands and rejoice, right before the thunder clap and the bright light streams through your window.
5. Rejoice, answers you've always wondered are approaching.
6. To late, the sc won't act to save you either.

It has been investigated more than any election in our nations history and you all yet to find one bit of proof of any sort of widespread fraud.
No it has not. The swing states withheld the evidence that would have proven the fraud. To this day GA. is withholding ballot images and there are still chain of custody issues.
No it has not. The swing states withheld the evidence that would have proven the fraud. To this day GA. is withholding ballot images and there are still chain of custody issues.

Yes, it has. It has been investigated non-stop since NOV 2020. And so far you all have NOTHING
I was thinking of those that deny Biden won, but let's extend that to the Hillary cry-babies as well.

My personal opinion is that upon consideration the Supreme Court will decline to take the matter up.
I'll also guess Kari Lake's lawsuit in Arizona gets the boot after the court hears arguments to dismiss this coming Monday.
I just like clarifying who "election deniers" are. Seems a lot of people like to forget those that deny Trump won.

Im glad you aren't in that camp!
I don't believe that the suit is designed to overturn the election.

It is simply designed to illustrate that Congress did not properly execute its mandate to uphold The Constitution.
:thankusmile: The fact you triggered our resident paid trolls from Langley,you obviously hit a home run there.:2up:

this is what is wrong w/ America................

watch what's going on, what's happening to your country (I advise young people and everyone else)

watch that, not some good looking woman, who may be doing... who knows what when no one is looking.. How utterly shallow
Care to make any bets? This is like if you were a Houston Texans fan playing the Eagles and you were down 40-3 in the fourth quarter and you honestly believed your team would come back and win. Sometimes, you just have to accept reality. I'm going to be having some great sex with Elizabeth Hurley in my fantasies while you are going to be left crying in yours, just like the left were left crying when Mueller found no Russian/Trump collusion.
I just like clarifying who "election deniers" are. Seems a lot of people like to forget those that deny Trump won.

Im glad you aren't in that camp!
I'll ask you too.

Do you guys plan on proving any of this in a court of law? You've had 65+ chances so far. No luck.

Or are you just saying this stuff for the hell of it? Are you pretending you're doing a talk radio show?
The real issue in this case is whether third parties (state judges and officials) can overrule the Constitutional authority of state legislatures to conduct elections. Whatever relief might be granted is a secondary issue and extremely unlikely to affect past elections.

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