Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

Ooo! Thanks. I get to certify elections now? Better buckle up because if It's me, you will never win!🤣
And as for your name calling, you are the lying, fascist traitor that wants to destroy this country! Keep spewing your election lies and prove to the board how stupid and ignorant you are after 3 years of crying that your cult leader lost! Yes! He lost! He lost! He lost! And nothing you will ever do will change the fact that HE LOST! Go cry somewhere else.
Wrong again loser.
What they understand is the justice system has been weaponized and until this shit show gets to the SCOTUS they are fucked. When that happens everyone of them will be exonerated, including Trump.
As attorneys, they know what they did could land them in prison. It’s their actions in question. Not the actions of prosecutors.
They will be required, as a condition of their agreement, to give honest testimony. If they are found to not be doing so, they may well still face jail time.
Right. Facing 91 felonies is cause for everyone else to be desperate. MAGA logic! 😄
8 years of every trick in the book until the government went completely fascist on Trump and his supporters. Those are the facts you ignore. You are a weasel and giving weasels a bad name.
As attorneys, they know what they did could land them in prison. It’s their actions in question. Not the actions of prosecutors.
They will be required, as a condition of their agreement, to give honest testimony. If they are found to not be doing so, they may well still face jail time.
They know the government is weaponized and the courts are corrupt. That is what they know.
8 years of every trick in the book until the government went completely fascist on Trump and his supporters. Those are the facts you ignore. You are a weasel and giving weasels a bad name.
Trump gets to break any law he wants, commit any crime he wants, and laws do not apply to him.
No you said Trump could have violated it, dumbass.

He wasn't charged for a 1st Amendment violation.

That is what you said. Now tell us how Trump or anyone could do that.
No you said Trump could have violated it, dumbass.

He wasn't charged for a 1st Amendment violation.

That is what you said. Now tell us how Trump or anyone could do that.
Show me in my post where I said " Trump could have violated it". Show me you lying piece of shit! You even quoted my post! I never said what you are claiming! God damn! Read it again You LOSER!
You and trump! L O S E R S!
Trump gets to break any law he wants, commit any crime he wants, and laws do not apply to him.
Comey and Killary did it. Why is Trump an exception? Fauci, Clapper, Brennan, and McCabe did it. Not to mention Incest Joe.
Those aren't facts you clueless Snowflake. Those are just your bitch emotions. 😄
They sure are facts. Desperation, panic, false flags, and made up conspiracies about Russia has ensued since Trump came down the escalator and told Americans the truth.

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