Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

They sure are facts. Desperation, panic, false flags, and made up conspiracies about Russia has ensued since Trump came down the escalator and told Americans the truth.
They aren't facts clown boy. Biden is your president. Accept it.
They are all above the law. To say anything different is a lie.
To prosecute someone, you need to have actual evidence. The fake evidence you see on right wing media doesn’t work in court.

That is what you don’t get. You can’t tell the difference between disinformation from the internet and facts.
To prosecute someone, you need to have actual evidence. The fake evidence you see on right wing media doesn’t work in court.

That is what you don’t get. You can’t tell the difference between disinformation from the internet and facts.
The have legal theory not evidence. You have no idea of how they are abusing our justice system because you are a brainwashed scared shitless worm.
The have legal theory not evidence. You have no idea of how they are abusing our justice system because you are a brainwashed scared shitless worm.
Nonsense. You are too deep in the cult to accept anything outside of your dogma.

You have no idea how Trump abused the nation because you are a brainwashed worm.
Nonsense. You are too deep in the cult to accept anything outside of your dogma.

You have no idea how Trump abused the nation because you are a brainwashed worm.
You are in the cult if you believe this is American justice. That is a gimme.
They don't? Is that why they are raiding homes of people who support Trump? Is that why grandmothers with cancer are in jail?
No. They're in jail because they lashed out like Bingos and violated the law. Jail and prison is where you go when you're a criminal you moronic little Bingo. 😄
The walls and vise keep on tightening viciously on Trump's neck.

2 key people, high ups who know exactly where all the bodies are buried, are set to testify and rat against Trump.
Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, 2 VIPs in Trump's criminal cabal. These 2 big time criminals were key figures in Trump's crimes, and they know everything, their testimony is set to bury Trump. Most likely other rats will follow suit and rat against Trump as well, because these people are facing real prison time for their crimes and they are not prepares to do time at all.
Broke Rudy Giuliani is next to rat.
Worse yet Trump is facing a Federal stolen documents case and a separate Federal election interference case.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are a nation of laws and nobody is above the law.

Most importantly, it requires that he [Chesebro] turn over any evidence in his possession and truthfully testify at all hearings and trials involving the case’s co-defendants, including Trump.

Attorney Sidney Powell, who was also set to stand trial beginning on Friday, accepted a plea deal on Thursday, potentially pressuring Chesebro into doing the same.

Trump's flailing his soppy 'victim' card, braying insults and threats at officers of the court and their families, lying about and trying to hide evidence, intimidating and gagging witnesses, using his propaganda outlets to serve his agenda, to overcome 91 felony counts in four legal venues was always doomed to failure.

The dozens of Republican witnesses testifying against him guarantees that the American justice system will triumph, as did the nation's certified democratic election that he had attempted to extinguish.

He shall be judged, based upon the facts, by juries of his peers, after being accorded the opportunity to refute any or all of them, or discredit any or all of the Republican witnesses.

The truth will out. He shall be subject to the same just standards as the hundreds of his goons who attacked outnumbered police in a futile attempt to also deny the will of the People.

Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, pleaded guilty to related crimes this week and agreed to testify against other defendants. They had been charged with playing separate roles in an alleged multi-pronged conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Coming after a third defendant, Scott Hall, pleaded guilty in September, their deals bolster the weapons in prosecutors' toolbox, and may pressure other defendants to flip -- a move that would raise the legal stakes for Trump.

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The have legal theory not evidence. You have no idea of how they are abusing our justice system because you are a brainwashed scared shitless worm.
a grand jury determines whether there is sufficient evidence of probable cause to justify bringing the that person to trial.

then a trial jury decides if person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, which requires a higher level of evidence.
a grand jury determines whether there is sufficient evidence of probable cause to justify bringing the that person to trial.

then a trial jury decides if person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, which requires a higher level of evidence.
A Grand Jury requires hardly any evidence. They can indict a ham sandwich. Literally.

A Petit jury convicts

Here's the Foreman of the Grand Jury. A Wiccan. Real stable, huh?

You really gotta watch this. Seriously, watch it.

The walls and vise keep on tightening viciously on Trump's neck.

2 key people, high ups who know exactly where all the bodies are buried, are set to testify and rat against Trump.
Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, 2 VIPs in Trump's criminal cabal. These 2 big time criminals were key figures in Trump's crimes, and they know everything, their testimony is set to bury Trump. Most likely other rats will follow suit and rat against Trump as well, because these people are facing real prison time for their crimes and they are not prepares to do time at all.
Broke Rudy Giuliani is next to rat.
Worse yet Trump is facing a Federal stolen documents case and a separate Federal election interference case.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are a nation of laws and nobody is above the law.

Most importantly, it requires that he [Chesebro] turn over any evidence in his possession and truthfully testify at all hearings and trials involving the case’s co-defendants, including Trump.

Attorney Sidney Powell, who was also set to stand trial beginning on Friday, accepted a plea deal on Thursday, potentially pressuring Chesebro into doing the same.

LOL. Hunter, you guys can't see the forest through the trees. These people were supposed insurrectionists, really bad dudes and dudettes and yet they are only found guilty of misdemeanors, agreeing not to rat, but to tell the truth in other court cases. You just automatically assume they are going to rat.
A Grand Jury requires hardly any evidence. They can indict a ham sandwich. Literally.

A Petit jury convicts

Here's the Foreman of the Grand Jury. A Wiccan. Real stable, huh?

You really gotta watch this. Seriously, watch it.

Cherry-picking any single individual does not nullify all grand juries, nor 91 criminal felony counts, nor the nation's justice system.
Cherry-picking any single individual does not nullify all grand juries, nor 91 criminal felony counts, nor the nation's justice system.
In this case, yes it does.

She wasn't just a member, she was the 'foreperson' (is that like foreskin?)

In any case, that is one butt-ugly female. I wonder if her Mom and Dad realize they're never going to be Grandparents?
I wonder what threats the bought-and-paid-for DOJ & Courts used to force Powell and others. They likely had a choice between "do what we tell you to do" or face bankruptcy or worse. Legal blackmail is the likely culprit.

You mean the giant paper and electronic trail of their crimes they left in their wake?

The threat was, "Hey, we have enough to send you away for YEARS. Or you can cooperate."

This is how RICO prosecutions are done. Ask Rudy Giuliani. He used the same tactics when breaking up the Mafia. Flip the soldiers to get to the boss.

As part of the plea deal the Kraken and the Cheese man took, they have to turn over all documents and texts among their co-conspirators, one of whom is the mob boss Crooked Donald.
The lawyers for the January 6 defendants are pissed. Their weak-minded weaponized clients were sent away for years while the organizers of the coup are getting probation.
The lawyers for the January 6 defendants are pissed. Their weak-minded weaponized clients were sent away for years while the organizers of the coup are getting probation.
Since when is Pelosi on probation?

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