Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

Honest prosecutors offer simply plea deals. What the DOJ, FBI, and leftie courts are doing goes beyond the norm.
Nope. Wrong.

Actually what they are doing is the norm. Just ask Rudy Giuliani. He used the exact same tactics when breaking up the Mafia in New York.

This is what the feds do when breaking up organized crime. Always.
It's the government job to prove you broke the law, not the other way around. All Trump did is exercise his First Amendment rights.
Wrong. You have been hand fed this "free speech" lie. You are being gaslighted, and the only reason your lying propagandists get away with it is because they know you don't have the intellectual bandwidth to read the indictments.

Creating illegal fake electors in six states has fuck-all to do with free speech. Trying to extort a Republican Secretary of State to fraudulently overthrow an election has fuck-all to do with the First Amendment.

Proof? You want proof? It's all there in the indictments. And on audio tape!
I am sure that the latest insurrection will result in 0 prosecutions. Justice is gone. Fascism is here.
I'm sure you'll have an equally laughable conspiracy for any convictions as you do to people admitting guilt of their own admission. 😄
More than likely a plea was preferable to multiple felony convictions and prison time. As attorneys, they no doubt understood what the evidence against them was and that protecting their freedom and livelihoods were preferable.
Questioning a fraudulent election isn't a felony, no matter how vibrant one's imagination is.
Questioning a fraudulent election isn't a felony, no matter how vibrant one's imagination is.
Creating fake electors in six states IS illegal.

You really should not parrot your gaslighting propagandists, rube. You clearly have not read the indictments, and are broadcasting your massive ignorance to all.
so. why queef about stuff you evidently have zero knowledge of, loser?
Firstly, learn to capitalize the first word of a sentence. Did you even pass first grade? Secondly, questioning the veracity and integrity of any election is legal and lawful under the Constitution of the USA. Grow up, low brow!!

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