Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

Wrong. You have been hand fed this "free speech" lie. You are being gaslighted, and the only reason your lying propagandists get away with it is because they know you don't have the intellectual bandwidth to read the indictments.

Creating illegal fake electors in six states has fuck-all to do with free speech. Trying to extort a Republican Secretary of State to fraudulently overthrow an election has fuck-all to do with the First Amendment.

Proof? You want proof? It's all there in the indictments. And on audio tape!
They're called "alternate electors," and there's nothing new about them. The claim that they are "illegal" is purely a Dim fantasy. Contesting elections is the essence of Democracy.

There isn't a shred of proof in the indictments. Those are accusations, and nothing more.
Firstly, learn to capitalize the first word of a sentence. Did you even pass first grade? Secondly, questioning the veracity and integrity of any election is legal and lawful under the Constitution of the USA. Grow up, low brow!!
Only a NAZI would claim it's illegal to contest an election.
The deep state seems to like to take "players" or "gladiators" out of the arena. They will crush your professional, and personal, life with armies of lawyers...And suck your wealth from you by forcing you to "fight back" against the "law fare Goliath" that they threaten you with. Of course if you play along with them, all is well, no jail time "let's forget the whole thing"......Every one of Trumps inner circle has been ruthlessly attacked...Except one man...Mike Pence!...Mike played along and did what he was told.
Let's not forget that Pence was caught red handed having classified documents.....swept under the rug and totally forgotten....If he had not sold out and done what he was told, he would surely be facing legal battles. But hey he's doing just fine. Is this really what Americans want?
The walls and vise keep on tightening viciously on Trump's neck.

2 key people, high ups who know exactly where all the bodies are buried, are set to testify and rat against Trump.
Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, 2 VIPs in Trump's criminal cabal. These 2 big time criminals were key figures in Trump's crimes, and they know everything, their testimony is set to bury Trump. Most likely other rats will follow suit and rat against Trump as well, because these people are facing real prison time for their crimes and they are not prepares to do time at all.
Broke Rudy Giuliani is next to rat.
Worse yet Trump is facing a Federal stolen documents case and a separate Federal election interference case.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are a nation of laws and nobody is above the law.

Most importantly, it requires that he [Chesebro] turn over any evidence in his possession and truthfully testify at all hearings and trials involving the case’s co-defendants, including Trump.

Attorney Sidney Powell, who was also set to stand trial beginning on Friday, accepted a plea deal on Thursday, potentially pressuring Chesebro into doing the same.

Jenna Ellis will be the next to plead guilty & blow the whistle on the Mango Ape. Fani Willis only needs a couple more of Trump's cohorts to flip on him & his ass is cooked.
Actually it is quite simple. Trump is contesting an obviously stolen election. Here are the reasons why. Below are facts and they prove GA. should have never certified the election.

(16 Electoral votes: 12,670 vote gap*)
Georgia law allows federal elections to be contested under specific provisions if
sufficient to change or place doubt in the result. The relevant provisions are 1) if there
was misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by election officials and 2) when illegal votes have
been received or legal votes rejected.

Georgia officials allowed approximately 100,000 unqualified persons to register
and cast votes that are illegal under the above provisions as follows:

66,247 Underage persons allowed to register illegally, then voted
8,718 Potential number of persons deceased prior to the date the state
records accept votes, relying on available records re: name and birth
year. Only the Secretary of State has the full birthdate information to
ascertain the exact number of illegal votes cast in the name of
deceased persons. Witness affidavits show that absentee ballots
were sent to dead persons in Georgia
2,560 Felons
2,423 Unregistered persons
4,926 Persons registered in another state after moving from Georgia
1,043 Persons registered using a P.O Box, not a legal residence
15,700 Persons who had filed a national change of address with the USPS as
having relocated to another state prior to Election Day, and
40,279 Persons who moved without reregistering/ voting in their new county.

 Secretary of State Raffensperger violated Georgia law, which requires voters to
request absentee ballots, no earlier than 180 days before the election for which the
absentee ballot is requested
 Raffensperger sent unsolicited absentee ballot applications to all persons on the
active voter rolls before the 2020 Georgia primary, and allowed requests for
absentee ballots for the general election by checking a box on the application for
the primary.
At least 305,701 persons, according to State records, applied for absentee ballots
more than 180 days prior to Election Day, violating state law.

Again, GA. knew all of the above and certified. They are the criminals.
Well, golly gee. Why isn't Trump using any of that $250 million he raised from suckers like you to prove that the election was stolen? How about it, genius?

Here's a hint you moron. Trump wants to keep the lie going because his asslickers like you can't face the truth that the motherfucker got his ass whupped by Biden.

Take your head out of your ass.
"His ass is cooked" seriously??? Will that be a glorious moment in American history and propel our nation into unimaginable prosperity? Or might it plunge us all into a very dark era. Divided as a nation. With all trust lost in our justice system. Absurd government spending leaving us unable to afford basic needs. Frightened of even speaking out or protesting. Sure ......Just throw Trump in jail,, all of his 70 million supporters will just happily vote for Chris Christie....Think people! At least a little.
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If Trump's "ass gets cooked" a can assure every reader of this post that their life will be harder afterwords. Any American that thinks otherwise is a fool.
After 8 years of this shit you should realize he is not lying. How much or how bad could someone be? The hyperbole and pure fantasy of things they say are just not believable anymore. They have got you hating half the country. That hate does not come from Trump it comes from the hateful destroyers of this country, fucking criminals. You are one of those disgusting people.
Yes. Trump is lying. He’s constantly lying. Everyone knows he’s lying except you cultists.

You say the hate doesn’t come from Trump, but you call me “one of those disgusting people”. It sure feels like there is hate coming from you.
Trump has more integrity and concern for the future of our country than the entire Biden Administration combined and the people living in the real world outside of your mainstream media, imaginary left-wing bubble all know it.
What integrity? Trump will say anything to get applause and attention. Truth makes no difference.
Well, golly gee. Why isn't Trump using any of that $250 million he raised from suckers like you to prove that the election was stolen? How about it, genius?

Here's a hint you moron. Trump wants to keep the lie going because his asslickers like you can't face the truth that the motherfucker got his ass whupped by Biden.

Take your head out of your ass.
If you cannot see the obvious fraud I think it is the inside of your ass you are looking at.
Yes. Trump is lying. He’s constantly lying. Everyone knows he’s lying except you cultists.

You say the hate doesn’t come from Trump, but you call me “one of those disgusting people”. It sure feels like there is hate coming from you.
You have hate confused with bitter disappointment. Next.

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