Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

Just for fun, I wanted to point out to others how simple-minded and downright stupid the average dim is.

So, let me see.... Without this deal, Sid doesn't have to turn over any evidence? Is that right? How unbelievably convenient for everyone else. Unless they make a deal with a scumbag dimocrap piece of shit persecutor, they can keep evidence hidden.


And she is the only one required to be truthful while giving testimony in Court? How nice that must be for the others??

The problem is -- dimocraps are so incredibly fucking stupid, they don't even know how stupid they are.
No rube, without this deal, Sidney aka The Kraken...goes to prison and loses her license to practice law....forever.
She made a deal to save her skin. A part of that deal I'm guessing, is to rat out every ACTION Trump took to try and overturn the election results in GA.
No rube, without this deal, Sidney aka The Kraken...goes to prison and loses her license to practice law....forever.
She made a deal to save her skin. A part of that deal I'm guessing, is to rat out every ACTION Trump took to try and overturn the election results in GA.
She dealt closely with Rudy
Rudy is next
Trump is the liar, moron. You believe him for some bizarre reason.
After 8 years of this shit you should realize he is not lying. How much or how bad could someone be? The hyperbole and pure fantasy of things they say are just not believable anymore. They have got you hating half the country. That hate does not come from Trump it comes from the hateful destroyers of this country, fucking criminals. You are one of those disgusting people.
In this case, yes it does.

She wasn't just a member, she was the 'foreperson' (is that like foreskin?)

In any case, that is one butt-ugly female. I wonder if her Mom and Dad realize they're never going to be Grandparents?
Your personal disapprobation of her comments is noted.

Pretending that she's responsible for Trump's 91 criminal felony counts is a hard sell to anyone but the most fanatical cultist.
She dealt closely with Rudy
Rudy is next
It's astounding how many folks' reputations and lives were befouled by close encounters of the Trump kind.

I feel bad about many of the Trump goons whom he provoked by his lies into assaulting outnumbered police, the same video with which he pleasured himself for hours providing damning evidence in their convictions.
Your personal disapprobation of her comments is noted.

Pretending that she's responsible for Trump's 91 criminal felony counts is a hard sell to anyone but the most fanatical cultist.
Her Fellow Travelers are responsible for the indictments.

Don't you see????

That's the whole problem with this scenario.

That's like 7 Plantation owners sitting in judgement of an escaped slave!!
The walls and vise keep on tightening viciously on Trump's neck.

2 key people, high ups who know exactly where all the bodies are buried, are set to testify and rat against Trump.
Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, 2 VIPs in Trump's criminal cabal. These 2 big time criminals were key figures in Trump's crimes, and they know everything, their testimony is set to bury Trump. Most likely other rats will follow suit and rat against Trump as well, because these people are facing real prison time for their crimes and they are not prepares to do time at all.
Broke Rudy Giuliani is next to rat.
Worse yet Trump is facing a Federal stolen documents case and a separate Federal election interference case.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are a nation of laws and nobody is above the law.

Most importantly, it requires that he [Chesebro] turn over any evidence in his possession and truthfully testify at all hearings and trials involving the case’s co-defendants, including Trump.

Attorney Sidney Powell, who was also set to stand trial beginning on Friday, accepted a plea deal on Thursday, potentially pressuring Chesebro into doing the same.

She walked with probation and some misdemeanors.

Trump will make America great again even in jail
She walked with probation and some misdemeanors.

Trump will make America great again even in jail
That means she was very valuable to the prosecutors..... Her files and testimony.

Same with Chesboro....his testimony and files and emails are very valuable to prosecute others involved in the conspiracy.

Prosecutors don't give plea deals like this for nothing in return, from what I have read on it....
That means she was very valuable to the prosecutors..... Her files and testimony.

Same with Chesboro....his testimony and files and emails are very valuable to prosecute others involved in the conspiracy.

Prosecutors don't give plea deals like this for nothing in return, from what I have read on it....
The pendulum swings both ways Twisted Sister I'm sure she knows what she was doing and she only admitted that she did what she did it doesn't mean that it was wrong

Imo.....she'll be totally vindicated when ALL the truth is out and this will backfire on you guys.
( my voice texting editor is off tonight she went to some Club in Jamaica with her girlfriend

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