BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

I see a glee from those who are happy to find yet another reason hate Muslims and refugees...

and the glee of muslims for the attacks on europe and calls for US blood. Or did you miss that?

I'm sure you didn't, since you are quite gleeful for attacks on Muslims.
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

ISIS kills more Muslims than Christians
I see no glee I see fear, mistrust and anger. That is a normal reaction to an abnormal and horrific situation

From some yes. From others? Seriously? You are, I know, familiar with their posting history and should know better.

You are the only one I see here more concerned for the Muslims than you are for those who died in these attacks.

Your zeal is misplaced.

I'm concerned for evryone and for the future. Is that so hard to comprehend? Events like these have multiple victims - those affected in the immediacy and those affected down the road in the aftermath. Do you even fucking care?
I see no glee I see fear, mistrust and anger. That is a normal reaction to an abnormal and horrific situation

From some yes. From others? Seriously? You are, I know, familiar with their posting history and should know better.

You are the only one I see here more concerned for the Muslims than you are for those who died in these attacks.

Your zeal is misplaced.

That is ridiculous, he is simply stating the obvious. There are many here that use even THIS as some us vs them mental crapfest. Only blinders can keep someone from seeing it.

Wake up.
I see no glee I see fear, mistrust and anger. That is a normal reaction to an abnormal and horrific situation

From some yes. From others? Seriously? You are, I know, familiar with their posting history and should know better.

You are the only one I see here more concerned for the Muslims than you are for those who died in these attacks.

Your zeal is misplaced.

That is ridiculous, he is simply stating the obvious. There are many here that use even THIS as some us vs them mental crapfest. Only blinders can keep someone from seeing it.

Wake up.

and the glee of muslims for the attacks on europe and calls for US blood. Or did you miss that?

I'm sure you didn't, since you are quite gleeful for attacks on Muslims.
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.


And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you.
I'm sure you didn't, since you are quite gleeful for attacks on Muslims.
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you.

That is fine with me, I'll scrape you off my shoe then.

What I said was simply the truth.
I'm sure you didn't, since you are quite gleeful for attacks on Muslims.
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you. one kills other people.....just Muslims.
I see a glee from those who are happy to find yet another reason hate Muslims and refugees...

Can you blame them? Having been witnesses to one of the single largest mass casualty terrorist attacks in American history, their anger, not glee, is understandable, and seeing this happen to someone else in another country only stokes that anger.

Am I gleeful? No. Because there are civilized, I stress, civilized, Muslims out there who will experience more anger and condescension directed at them after these attacks, and I feel sorry for them because of that.

But to say people are happy to have an excuse to hate these people is a bit much.

Coyote, you asked if I cared. I do. Read carefully.
and the glee of muslims for the attacks on europe and calls for US blood. Or did you miss that?

I'm sure you didn't, since you are quite gleeful for attacks on Muslims.
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

ISIS kills more Muslims than Christians
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you. one kills other people.....just Muslims.
Tonight in Paris? Yes

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Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you. one kills other people.....just Muslims.
Go ahead, play stupid, that's easy for you.
Pray for Paris

Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you.

That is fine with me, I'll scrape you off my shoe then.

What I said was simply the truth.
What you said was disgusting. You're more concerned the islamic scum that did the murdering than the victims of the attack.

You're sickening and pathetic.
The degree of glee over the deaths of over 150 French is despicable

Hey, cool....lets mock the liberals

There has been no glee save by a few of your progressive buddies. The rest of the posts here have been very concerned about the victims of this horrible crime. Take your mock outrage and piss off.

I see a glee from those who are happy to find yet another reason hate Muslims and refugees...

I don't. I see a very real concern for the victims and justifiable anger at a attack on innocent people.

Look at the posts West. How many are "real concern" and how many are simply a vehicle for hate? Seriously...maybe I'm jaded but I'm not seeing a lot of distinction here.
Had one or more of your relatives been murdered just now, you'd hate too, and don't tell me you wouldn't.

You want to keep looking at the world through your rose colored glasses until exactly that happens, until it hits you right between your eyes, because you've been thoroughly indoctrinated into warped liberal think.
Geraldo took his rose colored glasses off tonight. He even said Trump is right and would do something about it and Obama needs to wake the fuck up. Not exactly those words, but close enough.
I'm sure you didn't, since you are quite gleeful for attacks on Muslims.
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

ISIS kills more Muslims than Christians


ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

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