BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you.

That is fine with me, I'll scrape you off my shoe then.

What I said was simply the truth.
What you said was disgusting. You're more concerned the islamic scum that did the murdering than the victims of the attack.

You're sickening and pathetic.

I'm concerned with all innocent victims.

Are you?
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.

There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

ISIS kills more Muslims than Christians


ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

Should it matter who they're killing? Murder is murder. Terrorism is terrorism. Religion? Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Doesn't matter. These terrorists kill indiscriminately.
The degree of glee over the deaths of over 150 French is despicable

Hey, cool....lets mock the liberals

There has been no glee save by a few of your progressive buddies. The rest of the posts here have been very concerned about the victims of this horrible crime. Take your mock outrage and piss off.

I see a glee from those who are happy to find yet another reason hate Muslims and refugees...

I don't. I see a very real concern for the victims and justifiable anger at a attack on innocent people.

Look at the posts West. How many are "real concern" and how many are simply a vehicle for hate? Seriously...maybe I'm jaded but I'm not seeing a lot of distinction here.
Had one or more of your relatives been murdered just now, you'd hate too, and don't tell me you wouldn't.

You want to keep looking at the world through your rose colored glasses until exactly that happens, until it hits you right between your eyes, because you've been thoroughly indoctrinated into warped liberal think.

If I had relatives murdered I hope I would have the sense and humanity to recognize that the only ones to blame would be the ones who killed them.
There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

ISIS kills more Muslims than Christians


ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

Should it matter who they're killing? Murder is murder. Terrorism is terrorism. Religion? Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Doesn't matter. These terrorists kill indiscriminately.


That is what I've been saying.

And the only one's responsible are the terrorists.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

ISIS kills more Muslims than Christians


ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

Should it matter who they're killing? Murder is murder. Terrorism is terrorism. Religion? Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Doesn't matter. These terrorists kill indiscriminately.


That is what I've been saying.

And the only one's responsible are the terrorists.

It's good you make that clear right about now.
There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you.

That is fine with me, I'll scrape you off my shoe then.

What I said was simply the truth.
What you said was disgusting. You're more concerned the islamic scum that did the murdering than the victims of the attack.

You're sickening and pathetic.

One of her favorite collage students.. CAIR has a habit of defending muslim scum


Should it matter who they're killing? Murder is murder. Terrorism is terrorism. Religion? Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Doesn't matter. These terrorists kill indiscriminately.


That is what I've been saying.

And the only one's responsible are the terrorists.

It's good you make that clear right about now.

It's always been clear.
I'm concerned with all innocent victims.

No you're not.

Like you fucking know you sanctimonius prig.

Hah! I do know! You made it clear! You were the one coming in here acting all sanctimonious. You were wailing about all those poor Muslims, caring not one iota about the victims.

You were pontificating to all of us, remaining unsympathetic to people here who witnessed 9/11 and how they must feel seeing this happen to someone else.

Don't preach to me woman.
If that was true, then why haven't we seen TOTAL backlash FROM MUSLIMS against this sort of thing?

We HAVEN'T, so I don't believe muslims really object to the extremist muslims doing all this killing. They SILENTLY APPROVE.

Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you.

That is fine with me, I'll scrape you off my shoe then.

What I said was simply the truth.
What you said was disgusting. You're more concerned the islamic scum that did the murdering than the victims of the attack.

You're sickening and pathetic.

One of her favorite collage students.. CAIR has a habit of defending muslim scum

Thanks sweetcheeks - I knew I could count on you for an out of context nonsequiter :)

Should it matter who they're killing? Murder is murder. Terrorism is terrorism. Religion? Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Doesn't matter. These terrorists kill indiscriminately.


That is what I've been saying.

And the only one's responsible are the terrorists.

It's good you make that clear right about now.

It's always been clear.

Yeah right.
I'm concerned with all innocent victims.

No you're not.

Like you fucking know you sanctimonius prig.

Hah! You were the one coming in here acting all sanctimonious. You were wailing about all those poor muslims, caring not one iota about the victims.

Like you - railling on about Muslims?

I showed concern for the victims right off the bat. It took you what? An hour? An hour to finally be called off that perch of yours and finally shift your focus to the victims?

You aren't fooling anyone.
Muslims are diverse and are also the primary victims of groups like ISIS.

When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's lame.

ALL this KILLING and BLOOD THIRSTY MURDERING keeps coming from ONE CULT... ISLAM... PERIOD... and it just keeps HAPPENING, OVER and OVER and OVER.

And then here comes you leftists DEFENDING them, with NO MENTION to the BLOOD THIRSTY KILLING they JUST DID... AGAIN... you're more concerned about the KILLERS than the VICTIMS.

You really are a disgusting sons a bitch. I'm done talking with the shitty likes of you.

That is fine with me, I'll scrape you off my shoe then.

What I said was simply the truth.
What you said was disgusting. You're more concerned the islamic scum that did the murdering than the victims of the attack.

You're sickening and pathetic.

One of her favorite collage students.. CAIR has a habit of defending muslim scum

Thanks sweetcheeks - I knew I could count on you for an out of context nonsequiter :)

You're a terrorist apologist, when these attacks happens you're the first person to come running in defending the muslim scum
I'm concerned with all innocent victims.

No you're not.

Like you fucking know you sanctimonius prig.

Hah! You were the one coming in here acting all sanctimonious. You were wailing about all those poor muslims, caring not one iota about the victims.

Like you - railling on about Muslims?

I showed concern for the victims right off the bat. It took you what? An hour? An hour to finally be called off that perch of yours and finally shift your focus to the victims?

You aren't fooling anyone.
That's the CAIR way
I'm concerned with all innocent victims.

No you're not.

Like you fucking know you sanctimonius prig.

Hah! You were the one coming in here acting all sanctimonious. You were wailing about all those poor muslims, caring not one iota about the victims.

Like you - railing on about evil Muslims with nothing to say about victims?

Perhaps you weren't reading my posts. And this post only reiterates your lack of sympathy for the victims. Don't you dare. I can sense the sarcasm.

Did I ever once say all Muslims were evil? Are you so consumed with emotion that you can't quote me correctly?

It's funny how you resort to tu quoque when you've been plastered through and through by other posters on this thread for your lack of sympathy.

I think there is nothing left to talk about now except maybe feeling really bad for those poor people not going home tonight because they are dead.

Tonight is a new beginning of....something really bad.
When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
Then surely you can find thousands of videos that show moderate Muslims celebrating American victories and deploring ISIS abuses, other than the King of Jordan, a truly stand up guy.

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