BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

France's President just called this an act of war

So is this the straw that broke the camels back?
Will the western powers go in and wipe ISIS off the map?

One can only hope someone will do something about this problem that seems to be spreading like a plague.

France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem

Agree. While my heartfelt sympathies are with the victims and their families and France, I don't want us to lose anymore of OUR people to these losers. To think of any of our troops dying over these guys just sickens me.
France's President just called this an act of war

So is this the straw that broke the camels back?
Will the western powers go in and wipe ISIS off the map?

One can only hope someone will do something about this problem that seems to be spreading like a plague.

France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem
You're right for once. The entire WORLD should FINALLY get together and END this muslim bull shit. Enough is enough.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridicules for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU.

WE haven't even seen the worst of it yet. When we have our next 9-11, the left today will oppose any effort to take common sense steps to improve security.

Just look at the no-profiling nonsense that they place on our security already, but it is going to be a lot worse than that.
You're right for once. The entire WORLD should FINALLY get together and END this muslim bull shit. Enough is enough.
True, but we will fail because we have one hand tied behind our backs and subversives leading a fight from the inside.
So is this the straw that broke the camels back?
Will the western powers go in and wipe ISIS off the map?

One can only hope someone will do something about this problem that seems to be spreading like a plague.

France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem
You're right for once. The entire WORLD should FINALLY get together and END this muslim bull shit. Enough is enough.

Na. Obama and Europe will keep taking in more Islamic men aged 18-35.
I don't mind us providing support, but I don't want us to be the "leaders" (for lack of a better word - lol) of this. More than willing to help out where ever possible, but I really don't want it to be us to provide "boots on the ground." Good grief, this could be another endless war.
I could care less what others think. If we have allies, which I believe in this fight we would have, great, if not, too bad. We have to do what is best for us.
France's President just called this an act of war

So is this the straw that broke the camels back?
Will the western powers go in and wipe ISIS off the map?

One can only hope someone will do something about this problem that seems to be spreading like a plague.

France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.
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Aside from nuking the entire region or just isolating them, I really don't see how "war" is going to end this. There are going to be new terrorists born and raised all the time. It is an IMPOSSIBLE task. A war that could last . . . forever.
One can only hope someone will do something about this problem that seems to be spreading like a plague.

France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem
You're right for once. The entire WORLD should FINALLY get together and END this muslim bull shit. Enough is enough.

Na. Obama and Europe will keep taking in more Islamic men aged 18-35.
Then terrorist attacks like the one in France will just continue.

I'm real curious to see what will happen to that tidal wave of muslims to the west now though. I think it'll end, and I even think some will get shipped back. But, we'll see. I think there's a concerted effort by the Bilderbergs or the Illuminati to import this muslim scourge over the entire world, to take down the top countries, to subvert the people so they want the government to protect them, and that means more control. I think there's a deep method to this madness.
Aside from nuking the entire region or just isolating them, I really don't see how "war" is going to end this. There are going to be new terrorists born and raised all the time. It is an IMPOSSIBLE task. A war that could last . . . forever.
The world has to make it known, that if you're a muslim and you start talking radical shit, YOU, WILL, DIE... PERIOD.
Aside from nuking the entire region or just isolating them, I really don't see how "war" is going to end this. There are going to be new terrorists born and raised all the time. It is an IMPOSSIBLE task. A war that could last . . . forever.
The world has to make it known, that if you're a muslim and you start talking radical shit, YOU, WILL, DIE... PERIOD.

Probably the best way to hurt them is in their "pocketbooks." Where is their funding coming from? Bomb anything that would possibly make them any kind of profits.

How many have died here in attacks within our midst? How many more could have? Just off the top of my head, at least 3 bases hit, and recruiting offices, as well, in the last few years and individual soldiers killed her. How many base plots of attacks have been thwarted?
Right now, the fbi has files on isis terrorists open in all 50 states!
So is this the straw that broke the camels back?
Will the western powers go in and wipe ISIS off the map?

One can only hope someone will do something about this problem that seems to be spreading like a plague.

France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem

Agree. While my heartfelt sympathies are with the victims and their families and France, I don't want us to lose anymore of OUR people to these losers. To think of any of our troops dying over these guys just sickens me.
How many have died here in attacks within our midst? How many more could have? Just off the top of my head, at least 3 bases hit, and recruiting offices, as well, in the last few years and individual soldiers killed her. How many base plots of attacks have been thwarted?
Right now, the fbi has files on isis terrorists open in all 50 states!
One can only hope someone will do something about this problem that seems to be spreading like a plague.

France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem

Agree. While my heartfelt sympathies are with the victims and their families and France, I don't want us to lose anymore of OUR people to these losers. To think of any of our troops dying over these guys just sickens me.

And us going over there is going to prevent attacks from those who go rogue here in our own country how? I am all for nixing anymore immigration from those parts of the world that are known to harbor terrorists. What else would you suggest?
How many have died here in attacks within our midst? How many more could have? Just off the top of my head, at least 3 bases hit, and recruiting offices, as well, in the last few years and individual soldiers killed her. How many base plots of attacks have been thwarted?
Right now, the fbi has files on isis terrorists open in all 50 states!
France is very pissed. I don't see them shrugging it off and sending in a couple of bombing attacks
Will NATO forces support them and go in and wipe them out?

I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem

Agree. While my heartfelt sympathies are with the victims and their families and France, I don't want us to lose anymore of OUR people to these losers. To think of any of our troops dying over these guys just sickens me.

And us going over there is going to prevent attacks from those who go rogue here in our own country how? I am all for nixing anymore immigration from those parts of the world that are known to harbor terrorists. What else would you suggest?

Deporting anyone with any hint of radical associations.

Halting the naturalization process of everyone else.

Profiling out Muslims from all the OTHER areas of the world, such as Europe.

Reviewing the citizenship of recently naturalized Muslims who give US any reason to suspect they lied when they Pledged their Allegiance.

For starters.
They were muslims terrorist carryout several coordinated attacks killing more than a hundred people.

You want us to call them misunderstood natives of France who were not influenced or acting on the behest of terrorist from other part of the world?

Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
It is a generational conflict, just as Bush stated. It has to be fought or attacks on western nations and their way of life will continue to be upended like in France, in Spain, like 9/11, like Fort Hood, Canada, etc. I no more want to see my family, which is in the military, have to fight than anyone else. Unfortunately, many in the world do not want peace and will take the fight wherever they can.
I don't mind us providing support, but I don't want us to be the "leaders" (for lack of a better word - lol) of this. More than willing to help out where ever possible, but I really don't want it to be us to provide "boots on the ground." Good grief, this could be another endless war.
How many have died here in attacks within our midst? How many more could have? Just off the top of my head, at least 3 bases hit, and recruiting offices, as well, in the last few years and individual soldiers killed her. How many base plots of attacks have been thwarted?
Right now, the fbi has files on isis terrorists open in all 50 states!
I don't know. :dunno: I just don't want it to be left up to US to deal with while everyone "tsk-tsk" us for it.

I would like to see France and Russia take the lead with the U.S. Providing special forces, intelligence and air support

Not everything is our problem

Agree. While my heartfelt sympathies are with the victims and their families and France, I don't want us to lose anymore of OUR people to these losers. To think of any of our troops dying over these guys just sickens me.

And us going over there is going to prevent attacks from those who go rogue here in our own country how? I am all for nixing anymore immigration from those parts of the world that are known to harbor terrorists. What else would you suggest?

Deporting anyone with any hint of radical associations.

Halting the naturalization process of everyone else.

Profiling out Muslims from all the OTHER areas of the world, such as Europe.

Reviewing the citizenship of recently naturalized Muslims who give US any reason to suspect they lied when they Pledged their Allegiance.

For starters.

Right, you mention a lot about controlling immigration like I did. My real question is, how do you think going to war with them is going to prevent people who are already here from going rogue and committing terrorist acts? The answer is, it will not prevent that from happening.

I don't see any reason why we need to accept any immigrants that we think might cause trouble, so I agree with your post. I don't know how viable some of your ideas are though. I don't want the United States to be the ones who are the main aggressors in any kind of war because . . . well, it's a never ending task if you put your emotions aside and think about the bigger picture. There is just no way we can kill all the terrorists. We can focus our attentions on their funding. That would hurt their entire organization a lot more, IMO. I'm not against us bombing ISIS strongholds, etc., but I don't really think I can agree with "boots on the ground" in this instance.
Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger

ISIS is the enemy
islam is the problem.
Western culture and islam are not compatible. Period.

The radical left likes gays, negroes and "rights".comical..They hang gays, there are no equal rights for women and they wouldn't put up with the american pavement ape and its antics.They'd slaughter the negroes....but the radical left WILL make an exception for the muzzies intolerance .....because they hate america worse than they hate the muslims.

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