BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

The Islamic State’s staggering successes come at a cost. After all, it’s not cheap to wage war and manage territorial conquests whose population is now roughly the size of Austria’s.

So how can ISIS, cut off from the rest of the world by financial and trade sanctions, and under daily aerial and land bombardment by some of the richest countries in the world, afford to maintain a well-armed military and pay other bills?

Interviews with Iraqi, Kurdish, European, Syrian and American government officials, analysts and intelligence agents sketch a portrait of ISIS’s robust, sprawling, and efficient financial operation. The terrorist group relies on a relatively complex system to manage its far-reaching networks. Its currencies of choice—cash, crude oil and contraband—allow it to operate outside of legitimate banking channels. Turkey’s southern corridor, Iraq’s northwestern corridor and Syria’s northeastern corridor are key weak spots, well away from the prying eyes of outside investigators.
I just heard that some Americans are among the victims in Paris. I haven't heard any details yet though. Geraldo's daughter is safe.
That whole 'Geraldo' episode on FOX last night was disgusting!
Spending national air time watching the asshole and his little fucking snowflake act like fucking blubbering babies.
Some more interesting info from the link I posted in #935.

Kuwait, as of late last month, was the single largest donor of “uncommitted” aid to Syria—which means the funds between donor and recipient are not guaranteed to reach a specific cause or destination. Until October 22, around $200 million since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011 had been donated to Syria without any official paper trail for the funds, according to the Financial Tracking Service (FTS), a global monitoring service managed by the U.N. Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. At the same time, FTS said that around $11 million had been given to anonymous Syrian “charities” by Qatari investors, without any documentation disclosing exactly who received the cash.

Few established worldwide humanitarian agencies have genuine links to the region, the Red Cross and Red Crescent tell Newsweek. As a result, any donations to smaller “humanitarian aid” groups provide no guarantee that they will actually reach genuine aid workers in the region.

Donations come in all forms, but ISIS has strong preferences for how it likes to receive money or payment in kind. “The transfers are made in cold cash or in the form of arms deliveries,” says Haras Rafiq, head of outreach at London’s anti-radicalization think tank Quilliam Foundation. “The physical transfer is usually delivered into Syria via the Turkish border, because it is much less perilous. Crossing into Iraq or Syria from the Saudi border is policed much more heavily.”

Activists on the Turkish-Syrian border, who told Newsweek they would rather not be named for their own safety, confirmed that the flow of terrorists and rebel fighters between the two countries was virtually unpoliced.

Across the Turkish Border

Border crossings between Turkey and Syria—for instance, in the town of Gaziantep in southeast Turkey—were noted as key places where funds heading for ISIS could be transferred. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security confirmed to Newsweek that, despite ISIS’s dependence on high technology, the group does not yet appear to be using virtual currencies like Bitcoin to avoid engaging with the global financial system.

A Homeland Security Department agent said that due to ISIS’s dependence on criminal networks, it is forced to trade mainly in cash. Operating in such a fashion is not difficult, as $1 million to $2 million can easily fit into a briefcase, and that is not an unusual practice in the Middle East among executives and businessmen. Combined with lax controls on the bags and briefcases that pass through many Middle East airports—particularly for the wealthy traveling in private planes—it’s not hard to see how large quantities of cash can quietly exchange hands across borders.
I just heard that some Americans are among the victims in Paris. I haven't heard any details yet though. Geraldo's daughter is safe.

among the injured, not those killed
The little 'snowflake' wasn't injured. She's back in her five star hotel sipping Pernod.
Not sure if her 'daddy' has landed yet in his charter jet to take her back home to his million dollar mansion.
It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
You have lost already

We cannot defeat radical Islam by making Islam the enemy

Without the support and assistance of the Islamic world, we cannot weed out the terrorists

I don't really think that will ever happen. Honestly. I think the key is going after whoever is providing the funding for these nuts. That is what we need to destroy. they can always make new terrorist babies, but money and resources are much more hard to come by.
Who is funding?

My guess would be our dear friends in Saudi Arabia
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
You have lost already

We cannot defeat radical Islam by making Islam the enemy

Without the support and assistance of the Islamic world, we cannot weed out the terrorists

I don't really think that will ever happen. Honestly. I think the key is going after whoever is providing the funding for these nuts. That is what we need to destroy. they can always make new terrorist babies, but money and resources are much more hard to come by.
The Muslim leaders in the US already have thousands on automatic weapons, tens of thousands of rounds, thousands of grenades hidden in thousands of private Muslim homes. The FBI/CIA/DHS knows this and the Muslims know they know.
When instructed the Islamofascists will attack in the US just like in France.
The Islamofascists in say Dearborn don't need any outside money. Everytime a Muslim gets behind the wheel of his taxi a portion of what he earns goes straight to the Mullah's war chest.
I just GOTTA see a link on this
I just heard that some Americans are among the victims in Paris. I haven't heard any details yet though. Geraldo's daughter is safe.

among the injured, not those killed
The little 'snowflake' wasn't injured. She's back in her five star hotel sipping Pernod.
Not sure if her 'daddy' has landed yet in his charter jet to take her back home to his million dollar mansion.

an american was injured in the attacks, fortunately not among the dead

Geraldo's daughter reported by phone what see saw as she was at the stadium.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
You have lost already

We cannot defeat radical Islam by making Islam the enemy

Without the support and assistance of the Islamic world, we cannot weed out the terrorists

I don't really think that will ever happen. Honestly. I think the key is going after whoever is providing the funding for these nuts. That is what we need to destroy. they can always make new terrorist babies, but money and resources are much more hard to come by.
Who is funding?

My guess would be our dear friends in Saudi Arabia

There is very informative link in post #935. :)

And (from the link) . . .

The ringleaders of the “humanitarian” and other fund-raising movements include Qatar-based Tariq bin al-Tahar al-Harzi, 32, named in September by the U.S. Treasury as an ISIS fundraiser who gathered around $2 million from Qatari funders that was sent straight to ISIS.

Abd al-Rahman bin 'Umayr al Nu'ayai U.S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT

Treasury also singled out Qatari Salim al-Kuwaru, who secured “hundreds of thousands of dollars” for ISIS, as well as acting as the financier for the terror group’s Iraqi affiliates. A third Qatari targeted by Treasury is Abd al-Rahman bin ‘Umayr al-Nu’aymi, a funder and fixer for ISIS-linked Islamist groups in Syria and Iraq who, according to a December Treasury report, “oversaw the transfer of over $2 million per month to [Al-Qaeda] in Iraq for a period of time.”

Many of the fund-raising campaigns are not explicitly advertised as benefitting ISIS, observes Rafiq. But with Islamist fighting dominated by ISIS, he says the terrorists “can have their pick of any resources sent to Syria or Iraq, especially to smaller Islamist groups.… They are the biggest beast in the jungle now.”

ISIS is currently receiving enough steady supplies of funds to sustain itself for the foreseeable future, says Kurdish Intelligence’s Barzani, noting that “many people who believe in these extremist ideologies believe it is their duty to donate.”

More Mammon Than Islam

ISIS has made it clear its mission is less about Islam than about mammon. In June, when ISIS took Mosul, Iraq, and commandeered its 12 bank branches, its fighters went straight to the homes of bank employees—who weren’t working, in observation of the holy month of Ramadan—and forced them to reopen the Iraqi Central Bank, the former governor of Nineveh province Atheel al-Nujaifi told Newsweek.

Along with cash kept in bank vaults in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, an estimated total of $1.5 billion has been seized from banks by ISIS, witnesses in Iraq toldNewsweek. “ISIS was inside the banks,” says an Iraq-based American refugee worker in Erbil, whose circle of associates in Mosul includes a Christian teacher who “went to the bank to take out money and was not allowed to.… No other employees were there, just ISIS militants.… People in Mosul believe ISIS has stolen the money.” Others making withdrawals from banks in ISIS-occupied cities are “taxed” up to 10 percent, according to Treasury, which says ISIS routinely robs banks.
Clearly, France made a big mistake by not creating enough Safe Space for the Jihadis.
Very classy in light of the terror

How would you react if France mocked 9-11
Clearly the "safe place" joke is about you leftists, and it went right over your head.

Wise up.
The degree of glee over the deaths of over 150 French is despicable

Hey, cool....lets mock the liberals

RW is getting desperate now that Peak Progressivism has exploded.

There has been no glee save by a few of your progressive buddies. The rest of the posts here have been very concerned about the victims of this horrible crime. Take your mock outrage and piss off.

They were muslims terrorist carryout several coordinated attacks killing more than a hundred people.

You want us to call them misunderstood natives of France who were not influenced or acting on the behest of terrorist from other part of the world?

Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!

Don't you think YOUR timing is a little bad tarring all people with the same bigoted brush?

I oppose extremists of any stripe - whether religious or ideological. It's people like you that drive genocidal campaigns against an entire group - people like you, and people like ISIS.

They were muslims terrorist carryout several coordinated attacks killing more than a hundred people.

You want us to call them misunderstood natives of France who were not influenced or acting on the behest of terrorist from other part of the world?

Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!

Don't you think YOUR timing is a little bad tarring all people with the same bigoted brush?

I oppose extremists of any stripe - whether religious or ideological. It's people like you that drive genocidal campaigns against an entire group - people like you, and people like ISIS.
Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?

Freedom of religion dude. It's what our country and many others support as a right. It's what allows you to believe in what ever it is you believe in without being jailed, persecuted or murdered. Sounds like you're proposing genocide. Wow. Un-fucking-believable.

@RamiAlLolah: #BreakingNews A plane heading to #France forced to made emergency landing in #Amsterdam after received a threat of bomb onboard #Netherlands

@HoseinMortada: #حسين_مرتضى #هولندا

السلطات العولندية : طائرة متجهة إلى فرنسا تضطر للهبوط في مطار أمستردام بعد تلقي تهديد عبر تويتر
Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger

A big part of what generated ISIS and is continuing to fuel ISIS is regional issues and divides. Any solution has to be led by the regional powers - and supported by outside powers.

They were muslims terrorist carryout several coordinated attacks killing more than a hundred people.

You want us to call them misunderstood natives of France who were not influenced or acting on the behest of terrorist from other part of the world?

Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
Even with this tragedy, there will be many who continue to spin for them.

Just watch this board over the next few days.

Spin for who?
Terrorists? No one is spinning for terrorists.
How? By returning billions to Iran, one of the biggest supporters of terror out there?
War, unfortunately, can only contain it. No war? It spreads like wild fire.
Aside from nuking the entire region or just isolating them, I really don't see how "war" is going to end this. There are going to be new terrorists born and raised all the time. It is an IMPOSSIBLE task. A war that could last . . . forever.

That's why I say we have to hurt them in the purse.
Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger

A big part of what generated ISIS and is continuing to fuel ISIS is regional issues and divides. Any solution has to be led by the regional powers - and supported by outside powers.
You are correct

It is much, much more complex than going in to Syria and kicking some ISIS ass

There are multiple factions in Syria and a dictator who is just as bad
It is a case of choosing your poison
Terrorists? No one is spinning for terrorists.
Those who, when confronted of the evils of Jihadism:
  • Deflect to events like the Crusades
  • Deflect to (and equate Jihadism with) "the American Taliban"
  • Deflect to (and attack) "stupid, trailer park Christians"
And plenty more. And you can find all that right on this board every single day, whether there is a terrorist attack or not.

Maybe you're just not paying attention.

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