Breaking! The Former Poster Steve McGarrett Has Passed Away

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Tell us…why do you cheer black pride, Latino pride and gay pride? Why can’t white people be proud to be white?
You can’t really logically explain can you?
Personally, I’m not into the idea of having pride in something that you didn’t accomplish yourself.

I think what you’re going for is more about embracing the culture that you were randomly born into. I don’t have a problem with that. An Indian person can enjoy their Indian customs for example. Same with any other race.

Where it goes too far is when people like you believe you’re superior and others are inferior over this kind of stuff. You know, white supremacists, it kind of says it in the name.
I'm not going to rejoice in anyone's passing.

But White Supremacy is vile and stupid. Yes, stupid. For so many reasons, but how about this one? How pro-American, are, say, lily white liberal women in the Northeast? I'd take a cross section of Hispanics over those harpies any day, all day.

In short

Get out of here with that garbage
It's not really white's more of we have a right to exist.
We also have the right to criticize anyone and anything we want....

They'll call us racists anyway so fuck it all

Personally, I’m not into the idea of having pride in something that you didn’t accomplish yourself.

I think what you’re going for is more about embracing the culture that you were randomly born into. I don’t have a problem with that. An Indian person can enjoy their Indian customs for example. Same with any other race.

Where it goes too far is when people like you believe you’re superior and others are inferior over this kind of stuff. You know, white supremacists, it kind of says it in the name.
Sometime self confidence and stubbornness can be mistaken as _____ superiority.
Yeah, yeah…there’s no reason to take pride in anything, after all, somebody in your lineage somehow, someway manifested whatever it is that you may accomplish in your life. Pride sucks!
I remember when America was exceptional, all Americans took pride in America, in their faith, in their roots/family, YES, and even in their skin color. You know, like you allow ALL dark people to do today.


We used to live in a meritocracy. And I endorse that wholeheartedly--you should be proud of what you work for, what you accomplish, and leave for others and your children, etc.

Being proud of attributes you had nothing to do with--even as superficial as skin color--is stupid. Any skin color.
Here's another reason White Supremacy is stupid.

Race is a genetic adaptation. Do you know why whites adapted with lighter skin and hair? Because we got caught living too far north in the Ice Age. That's right. While Africans were still doing pretty well in the plains, we were stuck out on icebergs trying to survive.

So everytime someone boasts about "White Pride" or some absolute garbage, all I hear is: "Yay us! We were too stupid to flee the icebergs and so adapted with light hair and skin that burns every summer!"

Humanity is just that stupid
Ever see a white eskimo?

No, their skin is as dark as any injun.

So that theory don't jive.
Please, divinely protect us from the criminal element that Satan would use to destroy us. Send Your angels to keep us safe.

I pray for that every day.

Many people in Los Angeles are now afraid to walk to the store, lest they be assaulted by some criminal.
The point raised by Sue is legitimate (is racial pride OK or not?) and should be debated but not in the middle of a process of genocide where a federal government is pouring non-whites into America like a madman and the US mass media is one or two steps away from explicitly demanding the american youth to marry or just have sexual intercourse with non-whites.

TheParser probably lives in LA... Let's imagine he's at home debating the philosophical ideas of William James with his family members when all of a sudden the Big One starts...

What do you think he should do? Continue to debate the validity of James' pragmatism as if nothing was happening or run for his life?

Debating the legitimacy of racial pride in the middle of a genocide is like discussing philosophy in the middle of an earthquake!

The debate is legitimate but the timing is horrendous! As Yankee said, survival, the right of the white race to exist trumps the issue of racial pride.

Let's first overthrow the genocidal US government, stop the deluge of non-whites into the US, stop the genocidal indoctrination perpetrated by the US mass media, AND THEN, ONLY THEN, Sue, Brokeloser, Chaos, JohnDoe, Care4all, Vastator, Bulldog will be more than welcome to debate racial pride to their heart's content.
They crossed over from Asia way, way, way way way way way AFTER the ice age
I thought it was during. They're mongoloids though, not euroweenies. To me, race is a bullshit concept invented to divide people, and allow elitist asswipes to pretend they're superior. Skin color should not be such a hang up.
race is a bullshit concept invented to divide people


The concept that race is a bullshit concept is a bullshit concept itself invented to keep white people docile while they are subjected to a process of genocide through miscegenation.
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