BREAKING: the illegal immigrant murderer who escaped prison on the run for two weeks has been captured

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Hmmm, what state has a death penalty by hanging?
None. Unfortunately. It’s deemed too cruel, but I’d like to see it restored for heinous criminals like this illegal. The young woman died a painful death, and her children witnessed it.
What are you calling for, a Klan rally. That's what your ancestors used to do.
You know what they should?

Not put him back in jail.

Just let him go in one of these Democrat controlled big city shithole "Sanctuary Cities". You know, the cities that invite dipshits like him to come with the expectation they will contribute to diluting the White population and that they will vote for Democrats.

That way he can continue to do his murdering among the low IQ dumbasses that wanted him here. Kinda like Darwin at work.
You know what they should?

Not put him back in jail.

Just let him go in one of these Democrat controlled big city shithole "Sanctuary Cities". You know, the cities that invite dipshits like him to come with the expectation they will contribute to diluting the White population and that they will vote for Democrats.

That way he can continue to do his murdering among the low IQ dumbasses that wanted him here. Kinda like Darwin at work.
Actually, they should just deport him, and control the border so that scum like him don’t enter. Gd only knows how many terrorists have snuck in since Biden and Democrats incentivized illegals.
Why is Bodecca laughing over the idea we should deport the scumbag and stop incentivizing illegals? I wish the election were THIS November. The damage the America-hating Dems can do by Jan 2025 is unimaginable.

Mine all came to NY and New England, AFTER the war was over.

Yet whitey IM2 thinks I need to be paying for what people did in this country while my blood was still in Europe.


Same with me. And probably the same with half of all whites living today. All those impoverished, huddled masses who streamed through Ellis Island between 1880 and 1924 sure didn’t own slaves!

And of the half or so whose families were in this country pre-1865, only a small minority owned slaves.
This I KNOW!

And you know what is unbelievable, and shows how stupid Dems are? Even though illegals are taking over NY, and interfering with their own kids ability to attend school, most still don’t want a border wall.
Well, we know that Democrats are not exactly the best and the brightest, don't we?

All of them are dumbshits. They never get anything right.
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