Breaking: Thousands In Massive Line Ten Blocks Long Waiting To Get In Trump Rally In Washington

Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington
People lining up to see the train wreck.
Ive said all along that hillary is going to be the next president, a mistake, but thats how its going to look.
However, if the lines to see hillary and Donald are any indication, Donald should walk away with the win no problem.
But hillary was promised.
Nope! it was free so they came.
Simple as that.
If I was to see a long line of people waiting to get something for free, I would put my money on them being liberals. I dont think that free is why Americans are flocking to Donald in such large numbers.
People love the circus and train wrecks.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington
The high turnout at a rally in a deep blue state in which Trump is going to lose overwhelmingly is the best evidence you have provided to date that rally attendance doesn't mean fuck-all for predicting an election outcome.
either do the polls.
Polls have proven to be far more accurate in predicting election outcomes, dipshit, no matter how much you wish it wasn't so.
Hillary just fell getting out of a van while entering a Garden Club attended by 7 there mistakenly, thinking it was flower arrangement night. :p

Lol .. it's just as funny the second time, too!!!
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington
The high turnout at a rally in a deep blue state in which Trump is going to lose overwhelmingly is the best evidence you have provided to date that rally attendance doesn't mean fuck-all for predicting an election outcome.
either do the polls.
Polls have proven to be far more accurate in predicting election outcomes, dipshit, no matter how much you wish it wasn't so.
why is it that liberals always feel the need to name call? I think it shows a great deal about who you all are, and in my opinion, there is no room for that in our country.
Now go sit in the corner and slap yourself until you have had time to think about what you have done.
Im going to vote for the candidate that is most likely to cut funding from science just to watch all the unemployed scientists asking me if I want fries with my order.
You'd be needing to recover too if you were pounding back a 26er of Bombay gin every day.
On the bright side, after she wins she will be our first president that requires bubble wrap suits when she leaves to white house.
its going to be good for laughs.
why is it that liberals always feel the need to name call?

There are crowds turning out for The Emperor Has No Balls campaign, too. Check it out on YouTube.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington
People lining up to see the train wreck.
Ive said all along that hillary is going to be the next president, a mistake, but thats how its going to look.
However, if the lines to see hillary and Donald are any indication, Donald should walk away with the win no problem.
But hillary was promised.
Virtually every potential voter who turns out at a Trump rally equals about twenty K who will turn out for Trump on election day.
I bet there are 80 percent of those polled who say they are undecided will vote for Trump.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington
People lining up to see the train wreck.
Ive said all along that hillary is going to be the next president, a mistake, but thats how its going to look.
However, if the lines to see hillary and Donald are any indication, Donald should walk away with the win no problem.
But hillary was promised.
Nope! it was free so they came.
Simple as that.
If I was to see a long line of people waiting to get something for free, I would put my money on them being liberals. I dont think that free is why Americans are flocking to Donald in such large numbers.
LIBs are the party of Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.
Wake up, rubes. Washington is a deep blue state. It has not voted Republican since 1984, and Donald Trump is no Reagan.

Remember this topic and the idiotic mistake you made when November 8 rolls around.
Let me explain to you rubes what kind of state Washington is, mm-kay?

Washington just did away with Columbus Day. They have changed it to "Indigenous Peoples' Day" in recognition of what they consider to be a Holocaust perpetrated by Europeans on Indians.

Now tell me about Trump's rally and how it indicates an election outcome again so we can all have a big belly laugh.

Trump will probably get the Italian-American vote in Washington, but not much more.
Wake up, rubes. Washington is a deep blue state. It has not voted Republican since 1984, and Donald Trump is no Reagan.

Remember this topic and the idiotic mistake you made when November 8 rolls around.
You're a lying idiot and apparently don't care who knows it. Dino Rossi WON the gubernatorial election. He WON the recount the Dems demanded than after tossing in enough illegal votes they declared victory.

WA State is NOT deep blue. The liberals in King, Snohomish and Pierce county generally tilt the scales.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington
The high turnout at a rally in a deep blue state in which Trump is going to lose overwhelmingly is the best evidence you have provided to date that rally attendance doesn't mean fuck-all for predicting an election outcome.
either do the polls.
Polls have proven to be far more accurate in predicting election outcomes, dipshit, no matter how much you wish it wasn't so.
why is it that liberals always feel the need to name call? I think it shows a great deal about who you all are, and in my opinion, there is no room for that in our country.
Now go sit in the corner and slap yourself until you have had time to think about what you have done.
Im going to vote for the candidate that is most likely to cut funding from science just to watch all the unemployed scientists asking me if I want fries with my order.
Jealousy rears it's mishapen head.
Let me explain to you rubes what kind of state Washington is, mm-kay?

Washington just did away with Columbus Day. They have changed it to Indigenous Peoples' Day in recognition of what they consider to be a Holocaust perpetrated by Europeans on Indians.

Now tell me about Trump's rally and how it indicates an election outcome again so we can all have a big belly laugh.

Trump will probably get the Italian-American vote in Washington, but not much more.
You know, again, I would be surprised as hell if hillary does not win however, Maryland has pretty much been a democratic state for the last 50 years. This last time around the race for governor was between Hogan -R and Brown-D. Brown was the Lt Governor for OweMalley, the polls suggested that he would be the next governor, he was democrat and black.
Hogan walked away with the win because the people in Maryland had finally gotten tired of the failed leadership of the democratic party.
Point is, the country is going to do the same thing sooner or later. I do doubt that the time for that will come in November, though it would be a nice surprise to see competence in the White House again after these last 16 years.
Let me explain to you rubes what kind of state Washington is, mm-kay?

Washington just did away with Columbus Day. They have changed it to "Indigenous Peoples' Day" in recognition of what they consider to be a Holocaust perpetrated by Europeans on Indians.

Now tell me about Trump's rally and how it indicates an election outcome again so we can all have a big belly laugh.

Trump will probably get the Italian-American vote in Washington, but not much more.
Idiot. Many of these dipshit laws are due to the dumb initiative process where people walking out of a grocery store read a cutesy title and put their name on the ballot then vote for it without even reading up on it. Mr. Washington State expert.

Partisan composition of state houses - Ballotpedia
Party Number Percentage
Democratic state representatives 2,336 43.17%
Republican state representatives 3,026 55.9%
Independent state representatives 18 0.33%
Third party representatives 8 0.14%
Vacancies 32 0.591%
Hillary just fell getting out of a van while entering a Garden Club attended by 7 there mistakenly, thinking it was flower arrangement night. :p

Lol .. it's just as funny the second time, too!!!
There is no way to tell what the ignorant will find funny.

In between whippings from hired Leather Daddies, are you? Run out of money this week already?
Ohhhh no not the false yur gay ploy again.

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