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Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

the premise of the 1965 immigration act reads like it was drafted by a hippie cult.

we should pick our immigrants like the NE Patriots pick their players. they get the best and brightest, not the blind kid with one leg, and his cousin to keep him company.

entire Somali villages have emigrated to Minneapolis. this needs to stop!

Absolutely...I could not have said it better mahself. hehheh
How many Americans can illegals RAPE and KILL in exchange for cheaper goods from Mexico? How many American women do you want to be raped by illegals so you can save $5k on your made in Mexico new car?
Three years ago, I never would have believed that there were enough ignorant people in the USA to elect a man because he was going to make Mexico pay for a wall, and then still support the same man when he raised the prices of food, cars, clothing and everything else from one of our largest trade partners instead,

Yup...Trump is not the most depressing part of Trump's reign as POTUS.

His unwavering support from his brown shirts is...and just how many of them there are.

Hey chump....you related to rocket man? hehheh
Well, Trump will show them who the boss is! The base will be so thrilled at Trump throwing his weight around that it will ignore Mueller's failure to exonerate.

Yikes, are you the same person that said it's all about immigration?

I didn't say "all", but yes, I'm the person who pointed out Trump's purported proximate cause for the imposition of tariffs, is immigration. And Trump's strongest appeal to the base is he's going to show everyone who the boss is.

Perhaps, but much better than showing everyone who the sucker is.

It's not a zero sum game. Every non-boss isn't a sucker. Every deal made before Trump took office isn't a "loser". That's Trump propaganda.

I didn't say "every" deal prior to Trump is a loser deal...but there certainly are a bunch.

Obama would not know a good deal if one jumped up and bit him in the ass.
why should we keep losing money on right wing implications when faithful execution of the expressions enumerated would better promote the general welfare?

There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

Could you repeat that in American?
Three years ago, I never would have believed that there were enough ignorant people in the USA to elect a man because he was going to make Mexico pay for a wall, and then still support the same man when he raised the prices of food, cars, clothing and everything else from one of our largest trade partners instead,

Yup...Trump is not the most depressing part of Trump's reign as POTUS.

His unwavering support from his brown shirts is...and just how many of them there are.

I swear that Trump supporters have got to be the same people who believe in black helicopters, the New World Order, aliens abducting Elvis, and Jade Helm, with Walmart's in West Texas being converted to detainment centers for Americas.
Three years ago, I never would have believed that there were enough ignorant people in the USA to elect a man because he was going to make Mexico pay for a wall, and then still support the same man when he raised the prices of food, cars, clothing and everything else from one of our largest trade partners instead,
-------------------------------- and we shoulda done that type election right around the 'reagan - bush' amnesty in 86 VS . Course the TRUMP wasn't around at that time VS .
President Trump is the first president in a long, long while that cares about the White Working Class...and he understands how the democratic party has hurt the white working class by shipping good jobs oveseas....America must take care of Ameicans first and perhaps once the American middle class is restored then we can indulge in some charity work...but it should be on a personal level...or by churches....the government has no business sending our tax monies overseas to help foreign folks whilst folks here at home have been and are being neglected......Ameica First boyos.

Why Tariffs Will Benefit American Consumers

Well, Mac, I think that we are getting to the bottom of your ignorance of economic affairs. The government does not send foreign aid money overseas. The government buys food and arms, for the most part, from American manufacturers, produced by American workers, and sends THAT overseas. Unfortunately, that doesn't even scratch the surface of what you don't know about economics, let alone, Trump.
------------------------------------------- I think that we send lots of taxpayer money , foreign aid to 'mexico' don't we . And then more taxpayer money to 'central american' zhitholes don't we VS ?? Plus , i wouldn't mind sending them guns and ammo if they would use them properly VS .
How many Americans can illegals RAPE and KILL in exchange for cheaper goods from Mexico? How many American women do you want to be raped by illegals so you can save $5k on your made in Mexico new car?

Jesus on a pogo stick! It has GOT to be a full moon!

Fact, illegals RAPE and KILL Americans. Are you a traitor who sides with illegals and Mexico or an American?
Yikes, are you the same person that said it's all about immigration?

I didn't say "all", but yes, I'm the person who pointed out Trump's purported proximate cause for the imposition of tariffs, is immigration. And Trump's strongest appeal to the base is he's going to show everyone who the boss is.

Perhaps, but much better than showing everyone who the sucker is.

It's not a zero sum game. Every non-boss isn't a sucker. Every deal made before Trump took office isn't a "loser". That's Trump propaganda.

I didn't say "every" deal prior to Trump is a loser deal...but there certainly are a bunch.

Obama would not know a good deal if one jumped up and bit him in the ass.

Obama has no experience, NONE. The guy's career was a total blank before going on the public dole as a state senator. Never run a business, no executive experience. Even with a law degree from Harvard the guy failed to accomplish anything in the 20+ years since he graduated from college.
President Trump is the first president in a long, long while that cares about the White Working Class...and he understands how the democratic party has hurt the white working class by shipping good jobs oveseas....America must take care of Ameicans first and perhaps once the American middle class is restored then we can indulge in some charity work...but it should be on a personal level...or by churches....the government has no business sending our tax monies overseas to help foreign folks whilst folks here at home have been and are being neglected......Ameica First boyos.

Why Tariffs Will Benefit American Consumers

Well, Mac, I think that we are getting to the bottom of your ignorance of economic affairs. The government does not send foreign aid money overseas. The government buys food and arms, for the most part, from American manufacturers, produced by American workers, and sends THAT overseas. Unfortunately, that doesn't even scratch the surface of what you don't know about economics, let alone, Trump.
------------------------------------------- I think that we send lots of taxpayer money , foreign aid to 'mexico' don't we . And then more taxpayer money to 'central american' zhitholes don't we VS ?? Plus , i wouldn't mind sending them guns and ammo if they would use them properly VS .
----------------------------------- USA Money has built 'mexico' even though lots of 'mexico' falls down in an earthquake , eh VS !!
I didn't say "all", but yes, I'm the person who pointed out Trump's purported proximate cause for the imposition of tariffs, is immigration. And Trump's strongest appeal to the base is he's going to show everyone who the boss is.

Perhaps, but much better than showing everyone who the sucker is.

It's not a zero sum game. Every non-boss isn't a sucker. Every deal made before Trump took office isn't a "loser". That's Trump propaganda.

I didn't say "every" deal prior to Trump is a loser deal...but there certainly are a bunch.

Obama would not know a good deal if one jumped up and bit him in the ass.

Obama has no experience, NONE. The guy's career was a total blank before going on the public dole as a state senator. Never run a business, no executive experience. Even with a law degree from Harvard the guy failed to accomplish anything in the 20+ years since he graduated from college.

Cmon now, he was a community organizer.
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

I don't know if this was the wisest move just as I don't know if a lot of the President's thinking outside the box initiatives are the wisest move. But I think he had to do something, and since Congress won't act, this was pretty much the only tool he has at his disposal.

The Border Patrol is completely overwhelmed, and can't do their jobs effectively because of the tens of thousands already here that they have to take care of. And Mexico is doing nothing to help, in fact seem to be helping the migrants. We'll see how it turns out.
Foxfyre, do you remember when Trump told Feinstein he would pass her immigrtion plan on camera, then backed out when he found he could use immigration as a weapon, and McConnell wouldn't let the plan come to the floor? Nah, probably not, since it was about a year ago...about a thousand 'crises' ago. But some HAVE tried to bring up a plan for debate. Congress not acting on immigration is exactly what Trump wants, so using Congress' inaction as Trump's excuse is a circle-jerk.

The President is not known to make idle threats. And he does not do things deliberately to hurt people like the Democrats do. He is serious about wanting to secure the border. So I don't think you're reading way back then accurately at all.
All his threats are idle. I suppose you do not remember his threats against Kim Jong Un before the fell in love over his missle testing...which is still being done. And his call of treason for investigating possible crimes is specifically designed to hurt people.

I say baloney. Is there no length of dishonesty the TDS crowd is unwilling to sink to in order to trash the President? Even as they ignore Brennan, Clapper, dozens of media types, and entertainers calling him treasonous.

And the missiles are not flying over South Korea and Japan as they were. Yes there have been a couple of 'test our resolve' firings, but nothing like what was happening before. And at least we are talking and they are making some indications a deal is possible which did not happen under previous Presidents. We have our MIAs back. They released their hostages. Progress is being made.

I wonder what would need to happen to get the TDS crowd to develop some intellectual honesty and put their talking points into full honest context before they spew the stuff they spew?
Perhaps, but much better than showing everyone who the sucker is.

It's not a zero sum game. Every non-boss isn't a sucker. Every deal made before Trump took office isn't a "loser". That's Trump propaganda.

I didn't say "every" deal prior to Trump is a loser deal...but there certainly are a bunch.

Obama would not know a good deal if one jumped up and bit him in the ass.

Obama has no experience, NONE. The guy's career was a total blank before going on the public dole as a state senator. Never run a business, no executive experience. Even with a law degree from Harvard the guy failed to accomplish anything in the 20+ years since he graduated from college.

Cmon now, he was a community organizer.

LOL he sucked at that too. Seriously would you have hired him to do anything?
It's not a zero sum game. Every non-boss isn't a sucker. Every deal made before Trump took office isn't a "loser". That's Trump propaganda.

I didn't say "every" deal prior to Trump is a loser deal...but there certainly are a bunch.

Obama would not know a good deal if one jumped up and bit him in the ass.

Obama has no experience, NONE. The guy's career was a total blank before going on the public dole as a state senator. Never run a business, no executive experience. Even with a law degree from Harvard the guy failed to accomplish anything in the 20+ years since he graduated from college.

Cmon now, he was a community organizer.

LOL he sucked at that too. Seriously would you have hired him to do anything?

Actually I can probably think of a few things....none that he would like though.
Three years ago, I never would have believed that there were enough ignorant people in the USA to elect a man because he was going to make Mexico pay for a wall, and then still support the same man when he raised the prices of food, cars, clothing and everything else from one of our largest trade partners instead,

Yup...Trump is not the most depressing part of Trump's reign as POTUS.

His unwavering support from his brown shirts is...and just how many of them there are.

I swear that Trump supporters have got to be the same people who believe in black helicopters, the New World Order, aliens abducting Elvis, and Jade Helm, with Walmart's in West Texas being converted to detainment centers for Americas.

Trumpbots are what you get when a large number of ignorant and/or unintelligent and/or practically uneducated people who are scared feel empowered by a man (Trump in this case).

Additionally, Trump is scum. He brags about sexually assaulting women, openly craves sex with his eldest daughter, tries to destroy anyone who criticizes him, is a staggering liar, lazy, fools around on his wife like it's a body function, is a physical coward and resents those whom are/were not (like McCain), is openly xenophobic/misogynistic, quietly racist and he even cheats at golf (brazenly). There is nothing honorable or respectable about the man.
And all those of his supporters who share these 'qualities' now can feel proud of these shortcomings...they have a 'hero'.

Trump is the hero to the disgusting.

At least we now know whom they are.
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"Former Mexican President Vicente Fox told me, "Trump has a dangerous mindset, and these tariffs will impact tens of thousands of jobs for U.S. workers, and further alienate the U.S. from their economic partners.” He noted that, "the big three, General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler, all have large production sites in Mexico."

"Trump’s trade war with Mexico also threatens passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. For all of the rhetoric coming from the White House, NAFTA was actually a miracle. It wasn’t a perfect agreement, and it certainly needed to be revised, but according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, NAFTA supports 14 million jobs for U.S. workers. According to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, more than $583 billion is traded each year with Mexico. That’s $1 million every minute in trade going back and forth between our two economies."

On the issue of illegal immigration, Fox told me:

“This is not a national emergency for Trump, it’s a political emergency because for too long, he has painted Mexico as the enemy, and campaigned that he was going to build a wall, and that Mexico would pay for it. Let me be clear, Mexico is not paying for that wall. And now, he struggles to find the funding from Congress to pay for a silly campaign promise.”

Trump's lose-lose-lose Mexican tariffs
How many Americans can illegals RAPE and KILL in exchange for cheaper goods from Mexico? How many American women do you want to be raped by illegals so you can save $5k on your made in Mexico new car?

And where is your link from an UNBIASED SOURCE that proves that illegal immigrant males rape Americans at a significantly higher ratio then poor American men do?

Because without such a link, your words mean NOTHING.

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