Breaking trump fires mooch

No The Donald knows exactly what he's doing, unlike your type.

What's he doing then? Explain this, idiot:

Anthony Scaramucci

Anthony Scaramucci.Thomson Reuters
Anthony Scaramucci was hired as White House Communications Director and dismissed in 10 days. The decision came at the urging of new White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to a report from The New York Times.

Scaramucci came into the role making headlines, most notably in an interview with the New Yorker, in which Scaramucci unleashed an expletive-filled tirade against members of the Trump administration.

Reince Priebus

Former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus arrives for a joint news conference with President Donald Trump and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in the Rose Garden of the White House, Tuesday, July 25, 2017, in Washington.Associated Press/Alex Brandon
Reince Priebus, the former White House chief-of-staff, was resigned just six months into his tenure after a public feud with Anthony Scaramucci, the White House communications director.

Trump announced that General John F. Kelly, the former Homeland Security secretary, would take over for Priebus in a tweet on June 28. Priebus resigned less than a week after former press secretary Sean Spicer, who was considered a Priebus ally in the White House.

Sean Spicer

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Sean Spicer, the embattled White House press secretary, resigned on Friday after telling Trump he vehemently disagreed with the selection of Anthony Scaramucci as White House communications director.

Spicer's tenure as press secretary was marred by controversy and a sometimes-awkward relationship with the president. Spicer will stay in his role until August.

Michael Dubke

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
Michael Dubke, the former White House communications director, resigned in May. Dubke was replaced by Anthony Scaramucci, the founder of a hedge fund and a top Trump donor.

Walter M. Shaub Jr.

Walter Shaub.AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics, resigned earlier this month after clashing with the White House over Trump's complicated financial holdings.

Shaub called Trump's administration a "laughingstock," following his resignation, and advocated for strengthening the US's ethical and financial disclosure rules, per The New York Times.

James Comey

REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
Trump fired James Comey as FBI director in May.

Comey was handling the investigation into the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 election at the time of his ouster, creating a firestorm of controversy for Trump's administration.

Comey was just the second FBI director to be fired by a president, after President Bill Clinton fired William S. Sessions in 1993.

Michael Flynn

Mario Tama/Getty Images
Former National Security Advisor Michael resigned in February after serving in the position for less than a month.

Flynn misled Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials about the contents of his phone conversations with Sergey Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the US. Flynn reportedly discussed the Obama administration's sanctions against Russia with Kislyak prior to Trump assuming office.

Sally Yates

Trump fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general and an appointee of former President Barack Obama, just ten days after assuming office. Yates had refused to uphold the Trump administration's controversial travel ban in January.

Yates denounced the travel ban, which Trump enacted through an executive order, as unlawful. Yates was also instrumental in the events that led to Flynn's ouster, as she had informed Trump that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail days after Trump assumed office.

Preet Bharara

Thomson Reuters
Trump fired Preet Bharara, the former US Attorney for the Southern District of Manhattan and 'Sheriff' of Wall Street, in March after Bharara refused to submit a resignation letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Bharara, an Obama appointee, was fired along with a number of Obama-era US attorneys. Trump had initially promised Bharara he would keep his job during the transition period.

Katie Walsh

REUTERS/Carlos Barria/Files
Katie Walsh, the former deputy chief of staff and close ally to chief of staff Reince Priebus, left the White House just nine weeks into the job to run America First, a pro-Trump group outside of the government.
WH just announced his long term of 6 or 7 days serving the Orange One is over!

Excuses to follow from the White House!
attacks w/o facts to follow from the left.

btw - do you bother to look and see if this has already been posted or are you just anxious to get your digs in?
Tissue comrade?
heh - russia. i get it. you don't have shit so you call people names you believe have a negative connotation as if they will fold at that point vs. continue to tell you what an ass you're being.

so - you're still being an ass and your dimestore insults suck. get some good ones if you really wanna go at it.
Wow meltdown noted :lol:

Sorry for hurting your feelings Little guy
Doesnt surprise me in the least. I'd wondered if this might happen when Gen. Kelly was appointed. Kelly is going to attempt to run an air tight ship. Mooch could not or would not play within the rules. So he walks away before he ends up getting fired.

Uh huh. So he'll be firing Rump by next week?
I guess Huckabee and her giant fake eyelashes will be promoted. Because nepotism has been working so well for Trump.
Remember this? Donald Trump’s frequent assertion that he hires only the best people is once again being challenged, this time by revelations of a domestic violence accusation against his freshly minted campaign CEO.
Yeah, Trump also has someone else build his NY City high rise apartments too, cuz, he's skared
He should have stuck to defrauding investors and grabbing pussies.

If he doesn't quit soon his Russian money-laundering biz will be outed by Mueller. If he quits now, he'll be able to keep it because whoever takes his place, like Pence, will fire Mueller and end the investigation.
WH just announced his long term of 6 or 7 days serving the Orange One is over!

Excuses to follow from the White House!
attacks w/o facts to follow from the left.

btw - do you bother to look and see if this has already been posted or are you just anxious to get your digs in?
Tissue comrade?
heh - russia. i get it. you don't have shit so you call people names you believe have a negative connotation as if they will fold at that point vs. continue to tell you what an ass you're being.

so - you're still being an ass and your dimestore insults suck. get some good ones if you really wanna go at it.
Wow meltdown noted :lol:

Sorry for hurting your feelings Little guy
aaaaand still insulting cause you don't have anything else to go on. so you make up shit on me, giggle at your own ignorance, and deflect cause - in the end - you still don't have shit but dimestore insults.
Scaramouch should have been fired on the spot after his profanity laced public outburst.
Trump didn't have the balls to do it.
Now Kelly had to get rid of him.
I bet he said it's either him or me.

Trump's a pussy.
That's what Chief of staffs do idiot. FIRE people. Christ you are a moron!
Who is he going to fire next week? How about next month? How about the month after that? If he isn't firing someone every day then maybe it's only a part time job. What does it pay?
In 2018 the voters will fire more rinos and Democrats!
When Trump said, he would drain the swamp, I never guessed he meant the swamp creatures he hired. Scaramucci is now the 9th victim of the madman in WhiteHouse after just 6 months.

Looks like Kelley's calling the shots now.

Only malakas voted for this joke of an administration.

This is what happens when you put the fox in charge of the hen house.
Only a malaka malaka, plural, "malakes".

Don't try to speak Greek or on politics. You know nothing about either...malaka.

I love it! All the stupid old greek ladies who asked me a million times growing up, "why don't you speak greek?" Guess what? None of their grandkids are learning how to speak greek either. And these are people who insisted everyone in their family will always know how to speak greek. Sorry but WRONG. As each generation comes they become less and less greek. My brother married a greek girl and their first son speaks greek a lottle but can't speak well and can't even Greek dance. But not their second child. I remember they just couldn't understand what was wrong with my parents that they didn't teach me Greek well now they are seeing whats wrong with THEM! LOL. I love it! Fucking arrogant Greeks.

And Greek ignorant fucks like my Papou and my uncle and a lot of my Greek friends are always the most vocal adament Republicans. As far back as I can remember it's always been the dumbest most arrogant spoiled selfish Greeks who either were born into money or didn't have shit yet still they felt that for some reason they were Republicans.

I'm serious. Greek Republicans are probably some of the dumbest Republicans. They don't know shit about their government but they think they do because they invented democracy.[/QUOTE]

Here's a word for you: "Alliti" - punk.

Just thought you should know.

Your "papou and theo" were probably not the entitled moocher you've become. That's why they were Republican.
WH just announced his long term of 6 or 7 days serving the Orange One is over!

Excuses to follow from the White House!
attacks w/o facts to follow from the left.

btw - do you bother to look and see if this has already been posted or are you just anxious to get your digs in?
Tissue comrade?
heh - russia. i get it. you don't have shit so you call people names you believe have a negative connotation as if they will fold at that point vs. continue to tell you what an ass you're being.

so - you're still being an ass and your dimestore insults suck. get some good ones if you really wanna go at it.
Wow meltdown noted :lol:

Sorry for hurting your feelings Little guy
aaaaand still insulting cause you don't have anything else to go on. so you make up shit on me, giggle at your own ignorance, and deflect cause - in the end - you still don't have shit but dimestore insults.

Are you crying?
And BTW - this is a good thing. Kelly already showing his ability.
Scaramuchi was a "little Trump"...a bit of wild card, cowboy... loose with his temper and mouth. Somebody Trump probably liked, but not good for the team. The last thing Trump team needed was another person like himself.

So he'll be "firing" Alex Jones next?

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