Breaking trump fires mooch

"I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and my followers would still support me."

That's not loyalty that's cult like and we hear the cult speaking loudly and clearly in this thread.
This isn't on Drudge yet, so I question it's validity.
"I'm not Steve Bannon, I'm not trying to suck my own cock," he said. "I'm not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the President."

Bannon declined to comment on Scaramucci's charge that he sucks his own cock.
What did he last two weeks?
Proving once again Trump has no idea what he's doing.
Rebuked by both the country's police depts , Boy Scouts and Congress last week, now fires his " right hand man " after two weeks!

Ha ha ha

How anyone can spin this as being " decisive or a good thing" has no idea how a competent White House is run.
It's not like we didn't warn you stooges this type of chaos would occur when you hire someone with no experience for the job.
Trump: Obama looked weak having three Chiefs of staff in 2 years.

Trump's had 3 in 6 months. Lol

Now two communications directors in 2 weeks.
The world is laughing at us.

The world could care less.
Wrong.. did you see the new report out today?
Under Obama we were at 64 % of the world having a positive view of America. In 6 months it's dropped into the 30's under Grump.
Sure to keep on plummeting.

Who the fuck gives a single fuck about what the rest of the fucked up world thinks of us? How big a pussy do you have to be to care about what these loser countries think?


"The world loved Obama!"
We have to work with the rest of the world. We're not an island.
attacks w/o facts to follow from the left.

btw - do you bother to look and see if this has already been posted or are you just anxious to get your digs in?
Tissue comrade?
heh - russia. i get it. you don't have shit so you call people names you believe have a negative connotation as if they will fold at that point vs. continue to tell you what an ass you're being.

so - you're still being an ass and your dimestore insults suck. get some good ones if you really wanna go at it.
Wow meltdown noted :lol:

Sorry for hurting your feelings Little guy
aaaaand still insulting cause you don't have anything else to go on. so you make up shit on me, giggle at your own ignorance, and deflect cause - in the end - you still don't have shit but dimestore insults.

Are you crying?
is that important to you?
Yeah, Trump also has someone else build his NY City high rise apartments too, cuz, he's skared
He should have stuck to defrauding investors and grabbing pussies.

If he doesn't quit soon his Russian money-laundering biz will be outed by Mueller. If he quits now, he'll be able to keep it because whoever takes his place, like Pence, will fire Mueller and end the investigation.
Creative argument, but I doubt he buys it.
Scarmucci should have been fired on the spot after his profanity laced public outburst.
Trump didn't have the balls to do it.
Now Kelly had to get rid of him.
I bet he said it's either him or me.

Trump's a pussy.
That's what Chief of staffs do idiot. FIRE people. Christ you are a moron!
Who is he going to fire next week? How about next month? How about the month after that? If he isn't firing someone every day then maybe it's only a part time job. What does it pay?
Yeah hiring his " right hand man" and then firing him days later screams he hasn't a freaking clue what he's doing.
The fact Trump needed a military guy to be the 3rd chief of staff shows Trump can't survive without a babysitter.

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