Breaking trump fires mooch

Yeah, Trump also has someone else build his NY City high rise apartments too, cuz, he's skared
He should have stuck to defrauding investors and grabbing pussies.


Is that the one with ten floors missing so he can claim it's "bigger" than it is?

Or we should say those floors were fired....

The Times is reporting that the firing was at the behest of John Kelly. So, the chain of events seems to be:

1.) Trump considers hiring Scaramucci.
2.) Spicer says he'll resign if Scaramucci is hired.
3.) Trump hires Scaramucci.
4.) Spicer resigns.

5.) Scaramucci gets Trump to fire Priebus.
6.) Trump replaces Priebus with Kelly.
7.) Kelly gets Trump to fire Scaramucci.

Well, when you put it that way, it does sound pretty fucked up. LOL
Yeah, Trump also has someone else build his NY City high rise apartments too, cuz, he's skared
He should have stuck to defrauding investors and grabbing pussies.

There's a great article in the National Review today saying Trump's base think he's a " titan of industry and a self made man " but his father gave him millions to start and he was a failure in the casino business not to mention his 5 bankruptcies.

But he conned you idiots and you bought it.

Same idiots signed up for Trump University
We have to work with the rest of the world. We're not an island.

And the rest of the world has to work with us. We are not their military and personal slush fund providers. They need to do their part to make the world safe and not just sit back and armchair quarterback everything we do...or in some cases, act like a mother-in-law.
Trump today tweeted that there's no chaos in the WH. Really? To believe that, one needs more willing suspension of disbelief than I can muster. Did you write that tweet while at a seance with a swami channeling Taylor Coleridge, Donald? Maybe you're channeling him yourself?

I think it'd be more fitting to say there'll be less with "The Mooch" gone....I had a few friends and acquaintances over for brunch yesterday where gauche guffaws broke out about "The Mooch's" apparent affinity for a gay porn performer. I'd forgotten about it until just now hearing that Mooch is gone for the WH staff. Lo and behold, Mooch does/did indeed follow the performer. Maybe he has a "thing" just for Blake Mitchell? What is one to say of that? Mooch is young-ish, reasonably handsome and very wealthy; he can probably get away with being choosey about porn performers in whom he expresses interest. ???

Perhaps it's just as well, at least for Republicans. Were "The Mooch" to stay, surely chaos would have ensued from his singular attention to Mitchell. Maybe that's what Trump meant by his remark.
Scarmucci should have been fired on the spot after his profanity laced public outburst.
Trump didn't have the balls to do it.
Now Kelly had to get rid of him.
I bet he said it's either him or me.

Trump's a pussy.
That's what Chief of staffs do idiot. FIRE people. Christ you are a moron!
Who is he going to fire next week? How about next month? How about the month after that? If he isn't firing someone every day then maybe it's only a part time job. What does it pay?
In 2018 the voters will fire more rinos and Democrats!
Moron still doesn't know Trump has hired 189 people directly from the swamp.
Most of those 189 are assistants, executive secretaries, executive assistants, researchers, directors, associate directors, etc that are selected by his principal staff members, such as his chief of staff. There are only about 10 staff members that the president hand picks plus 15 cabinet members. Out of these 25, 9 have either been fired or resigned. This swamp seems to be the creation of Trump.
Escorted off the premises. I bet Mooch was going apeshit in the White House.

Now he's out of a job, and out of his family. Wouldn't be the 1st life Trump's destroyed.
1. The WH is not the construction site in NY. Go back there and drop 'F' Bombs...

2. SOMEONE on Trump's team should seriously THINK before making these manning decisions.

What we are seeing are the amateur mistakes associated with someone who does not have a Washington / Federal Govt / Political background.....

While he is better than Hillary, this is getting really embarrassing....
The only difference seems to be the media coverage.
Obama and Hillary floated the F bomb constantly and nobody would report it.
this is Better than reality tv....unreal. dibs on who is next? Thank you WH for the hysterics. Keepthem coming....FIRE EVERYONE in the whole country....

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