Breaking trump fires mooch

Scaramucci worked for years to get this and he blew it in 10 days.

And it cost him his marriage.

I hope that week and a half was worth it!
Cost him his marriage? Lol wtf
You didn't hear? She filed a couple days ago, saying he was on an intolerable power trip and she was done.
Dang, he loses his head for a few days and she divorces him? I would have to think they had other problems. Either that, or she is a bitch. Lol
Scaramanga does not strike me as someone who only lost his head for a few days. No, he's an ingrained asshole.

And now his wife is going to take him to the cleaners.
Want to know what man is really like?
Ask his wife.
She does think he's a total asshole.
Funny most have said Trump hired Scarmucci because he's so much like himself.
Yeah, Trump also has someone else build his NY City high rise apartments too, cuz, he's skared
He should have stuck to defrauding investors and grabbing pussies.

A 71 year old leopard doesn't change his spots..
Expect indefinite chaos and disorganization to ensue.
Yeah, Trump also has someone else build his NY City high rise apartments too, cuz, he's skared
He should have stuck to defrauding investors and grabbing pussies.

There's a great article in the National Review today saying Trump's base think he's a " titan of industry and a self made man " but his father gave him millions to start and he was a failure in the casino business not to mention his 5 bankruptcies.

But he conned you idiots and you bought it.
News alert: The GOP still have a majority in Congress and the presidency and STILL can't anything done except rearrange the chairs on the Titanic.

The Times is reporting that the firing was at the behest of John Kelly. So, the chain of events seems to be:

1.) Trump considers hiring Scaramucci.
2.) Spicer says he'll resign if Scaramucci is hired.
3.) Trump hires Scaramucci.
4.) Spicer resigns.

5.) Scaramucci gets Trump to fire Priebus.
6.) Trump replaces Priebus with Kelly.
7.) Kelly gets Trump to fire Scaramucci.
News alert: The GOP still have a majority in Congress and the presidency and STILL can't anything done except rearrange the chairs on the Titanic.
A LOT has been accomplished by this president even without the dems or the gutless Repubs
The White House is now surrounded by a briar patch.

So what's moochi's job going to be?

About the only thing he's qualified for is Trump's tweet ghost writer.

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Does our President have any clue of what he is doing? This has been a bizarre week

Running the White House itself, is a major full time job and then some.
I think what we are seeing here is a man learning to be President.
Republican or Democrat, we should all hope that Kelly indeed takes control of the house..

President shouldn't be running the WH, that is what the Chief of Staff is for. Now he may have someone in there that might work if Trump doesn't interfere.

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