Breaking trump fires mooch

Does our President have any clue of what he is doing? This has been a bizarre week

Running the White House itself, is a major full time job and then some.
I think what we are seeing here is a man learning to be President.
Republican or Democrat, we should all hope that Kelly indeed takes control of the house..
what we see here is a president so far over his head that even 15 year olds can see it

As he takes one last whiff of Trumps ass...

See ya lata, Alley Gater!
Somehow, despite going through 3 Chiefs of Staff in three years, Obama managed to get a health care bill passed in his first year.

And Frank-Dodd a few months after that.

Amazing what you can do with a veto-proof super majority
Trump: Obama looked weak having three Chiefs of staff in 2 years.

Trump's had 3 in 6 months. Lol

Now two communications directors in 2 weeks.
The world is laughing at us.

The world could care less.
Wrong.. did you see the new report out today?
Under Obama we were at 64 % of the world having a positive view of America. In 6 months it's dropped into the 30's under Grump.
Sure to keep on plummeting.

You think they asked everyone in the world?
Have you ever been outside of America?
They have their own lives, oustide of the usual Eu
I know people like to keep saying Trump fired him...he did not. It was Kelly.
Probably. Outside the confines of a game show, Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone directly.

Nope, a long article last week from people who worked for him, he does not like firing and leaves it to others.
Yep, Trump is gutless. I confusing g5000 with someone else? You don't post anything like g5000.
Scarmucci should have been fired on the spot after his profanity laced public outburst.
Trump didn't have the balls to do it.
Now Kelly had to get rid of him.
I bet he said it's either him or me.

Trump's a pussy.
That's what Chief of staffs do idiot. FIRE people. Christ you are a moron!
Who is he going to fire next week? How about next month? How about the month after that? If he isn't firing someone every day then maybe it's only a part time job. What does it pay?

Looks like Kelley's calling the shots now.

Only malakas voted for this joke of an administration.

This is what happens when you put the fox in charge of the hen house.[/QUOTE]Only a malaka malaka, plural, "malakes".

Don't try to speak Greek or on politics. You know nothing about either...malaka.
Scaramucci worked for years to get this and he blew it in 10 days.

And it cost him his marriage.

I hope that week and a half was worth it!
Cost him his marriage? Lol wtf
You didn't hear? She filed a couple days ago, saying he was on an intolerable power trip and she was done.
Power trip short circuited.
Hey Mooch! Suck your own dick you dumb Goomba. Hey, fogetabout it.
Scaramucci worked for years to get this and he blew it in 10 days.

And it cost him his marriage.

I hope that week and a half was worth it!
Cost him his marriage? Lol wtf
You didn't hear? She filed a couple days ago, saying he was on an intolerable power trip and she was done.
Dang, he loses his head for a few days and she divorces him? I would have to think they had other problems. Either that, or she is a bitch. Lol
The President killed two birds with one stone. Spicer quit when he found out that Scaramucci was hired. Priebus was humiliated to the 9th degree and left over it. The President got what he wanted. The show is over folks. He will probably move him to another position..behind the scene.
Scaramucci worked for years to get this and he blew it in 10 days.

And it cost him his marriage.

I hope that week and a half was worth it!
Cost him his marriage? Lol wtf
You didn't hear? She filed a couple days ago, saying he was on an intolerable power trip and she was done.
Dang, he loses his head for a few days and she divorces him? I would have to think they had other problems. Either that, or she is a bitch. Lol
Scaramanga does not strike me as someone who only lost his head for a few days. No, he's an ingrained asshole.

And now his wife is going to take him to the cleaners.
Scarmucci should have been fired on the spot after his profanity laced public outburst.
Trump didn't have the balls to do it.
Now Kelly had to get rid of him.
I bet he said it's either him or me.

Trump's a pussy.
That's what Chief of staffs do idiot. FIRE people. Christ you are a moron!
Who is he going to fire next week? How about next month? How about the month after that? If he isn't firing someone every day then maybe it's only a part time job. What does it pay?
In 2018 the voters will fire more rinos and Democrats!

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