BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

LOL.....It's funny, so many posters that I have put on ignore are posting here that the thread keeps blinking in and out on the Active Topics page like a Eat At Joes sign....They must be riled. ;)

Legal eagle on Fox said his informants told him Secret Service has already been informed. Said they will NOT surrender him to them.
Oh really? Then Biden can fire every goddam one of them.

Btw, Trump is a pathalogical liar looking for sympathy from his idiot cult & he's trying to stir up trouble. Further truth that he's a first class scumbag.
Before it happens (and it will happen), just know that when they indict President Trump, it will guarantee him a 2024 election win. They've got jack shit on him, and the more they try and harass him, the more sympathetic ordinary American's will be. That's OUR President.

LOL. They wouldn't be able to make this case without Rudy and Rudy knows where the bodies are buried. Trump is toast. They are starting with the easiest case to prove. After that, it will be World War III between two egomaniacs and all the chips will fall onto the table.
His call reaches out and it will be honored Tuesday in the streets of Manhattan. His supporters must be LOYAL, DILIGENT, DEFIANT and TRIUMPHANT in TAKING AMERICA BACK that historic day. IT'S JUST THE BEGINING!

About time; they should have nailed his sorry ass years ago! Bigly!!!
If you decide to protest, you must do it differently than Jan. 6.

When Washington was raising up an army, colonists asked what they should do in the meantime.

Washington said, “RESIST!”



Protest in front of every affiliate of the mainstream media in every city!

The media is the reason the enemies if this country are getting away with this outrage.
This is utterly sad....What we are witnessing is historical in reality...This was the first President in history to have been hounded like this ever....And for what? So, we can signal to the world that we are no better than some tin horn socialist hell hole, jailing our former leaders when the opposing political party comes to power?

Well, congratulations...You got him...Where most people in this country would receive a ticket, and a fine, you are going to make a spectacle of arresting the man...What a petty display...

Meanwhile we have a President in office right now that is bought and paid for by the Chinese, documented. And nothing about that....
If the Manhattan DA indicts President Trump, he will ultimately win even bigger than he is already going to win. And those Republicans that stand by and cheer for his persecution or do nothing to stop it will be exposed to the people and will be remembered, scorned, and punished by the base. President Trump did nothing wrong and has always fought for the American people, and we all know it, which is why we love him. And any Republican who thinks the Democrats will stop this madness once Trump is out of the way is fooling themselves. Weaponized Government and Political Persecution are new chapters in their playbook and they will use those methods against anyone who stands in their way. And we are absolutely fed up with the two-tiered justice system or rather INJUSTICE system in America. The base has had enough of Republicans that won’t stand up for the people and against the Democrats war against Trump, his admin, his supporters, and traditional values.
Only a thug would do this shit again and incite violence.
That arrest date and time was suppose to be a secret, to protect Trump and his secret service and law enforcement....
But Trump decided he wants the civil unrest.
Did John Edwards call for war when he was charged with breaking campaign finance....?
Would you call for rioting if you were being charged? Would I? Would any of our previous presidents? ALL CAPS IS A CALL TO RIOT.... imo.
You go to court like a normal human being, and you face your charges in a court of law....
And if the charges are bogus, the Judge will not proceed and drop the case
Trump is demented, deranged, deceitful, and a Destroyer of this Nation.
He has ZERO CHANCE of becoming president again.
1. He didn't incite violence, protests are warranted. The charges are unlawful, so says Professor Turley.
2. Everyone breaks campaign finance laws, Obama too. Its not prosecutable. Can't prove "intent".
3. You're projecting. There is no call to riot.
4. True, the charges are bogus.
5. After Biden's disgusting presidency, Trump would be a fresh breath of sanity.
It doesn't fucking matter. Trump didn't know where the money came from. He just said pay Stormy. The accountants are responsible to follow the laws.
Yes, it does matter.

His unfaithful dick got him in the shit again.
1. He didn't incite violence, protests are warranted. The charges are unlawful, so says Professor Turley.
2. Everyone breaks campaign finance laws, Obama too. Its not prosecutable. Can't prove "intent".
3. You're projecting. There is no call to riot.
4. True, the charges are bogus.
5. After Biden's disgusting presidency, Trump would be a fresh breath of sanity.
turley whirly shirly......he's been wrong so many times....

If charges are brought, it won't be for simply a misdemeanor campaign finance law...

You don't convene a Grand Jury for simply a misdemeanor charge....I don't believe....
Fuck you national socialist and the swastika you marched in under.
Interviewer: The Soviets use the phase, “ideological subversion”. What do they mean by that?

Bezmenov: Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate overt and open. You can see it with your own eyes. All you have to do, all the American mass media has to do is to unplug their bananas from their ears, open up their eyes and they can see. There’s no mystery. There’s nothing to do with espionage. I know espionage intelligence gathering looks more romantic, it sells more deodorants through their advertising, probably. That’s why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond type of thrillers. But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all! According to my opinion, and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures, (2 Russian words, активные something, I couldn’t catch it) in the language of the KGB, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality of every American to such as extent that in spite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.

It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages, the first one being demoralization. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which is required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of your enemy. In other words, Marxism / Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generations of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

And then, there was otto.
If the Manhattan DA indicts President Trump, he will ultimately win even bigger than he is already going to win. And those Republicans that stand by and cheer for his persecution or do nothing to stop it will be exposed to the people and will be remembered, scorned, and punished by the base. President Trump did nothing wrong and has always fought for the American people, and we all know it, which is why we love him. And any Republican who thinks the Democrats will stop this madness once Trump is out of the way is fooling themselves. Weaponized Government and Political Persecution are new chapters in their playbook and they will use those methods against anyone who stands in their way. And we are absolutely fed up with the two-tiered justice system or rather INJUSTICE system in America. The base has had enough of Republicans that won’t stand up for the people and against the Democrats war against Trump, his admin, his supporters, and traditional values.

You hearted Madison Cawthorn too. Look how wrong you were on that. The Donald is a political Medusa. You have gazed into his eyes a bit too long.

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