BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

If they arrest him then I will say if you live long enough you can see anything
Here's CNN grooming the left for how they want to respond to Trump's reelection next year.
Check out the last paragraph in this article....

Law enforcement officials who are privy to the discussions said several concerns have been discussed in the planning process, including courthouse security and the potential for demonstrations or rallies outside of the courthouse by Trump supporters or counter demonstrations by anti-Trump protesters, with the risk of the two groups clashing.

Do you have your checkbook out Mr Soros ?
Wait till the real charges come for the other more worthy criminal investigations going on in Georgia, and the two with Jack Smith...... If charges do come, which is likely for some of his alleged crimes.

That's your time to destroy and end the World as we know it.... This is piddly shit.... But Trump's begging for an unpeaceful riot to scare the other AGs and grand juries from bringing charges in their cases.

Y'all really don't know your scheming guy Trump, very well imo....

We have no country already. When you are obsessed with this but could not care less that your demented, corrupt president is owned by China, it's over.

I mean that. It's already over. We know it. You're about to find out I guess.

Twitter is funny as heck this morning. Great start to the weekend.
If Charging Trump is a Stunt, it’s brilliant. The Trump Idiots will show up and riot. They’ll be arrested and convicted and be ineligible to vote. The narrow margins that Trump win some States in 2020 will vanish. The margins he lost states by will expand.

The problem is for you all who think he is the greatest ever is this. Most people don’t think that indicting Trump is a stunt.

And Trumps favorability is lower than it has been even among Republicans since 2016.

I don’t think this is going to help him at all. I think this is Napoleon’s escape from Elba. A dream where he reclaimed his lost glory. A dream that died on a far more inhospitable island much farther away.

While you're all dancing around like buffoons, the rest of us--including a lot of moderates--are watching this as our trust in every single govt institution erodes even further.

And let me tell you: there's not much lower it can go.

But dance on.
If they arrest him they better have enough to convict or he will for sure come out the other side of it stronger. It will lend credence to his witch-hunt/persecution rhetoric.
oh all we gotta do is SEE them take a former president out in cuffs and this guy is going to win next election. epicly.
Hell yes! Hillary broke the law with her unsecure/hacked bathroom server.
Not to mention her Russian Collusion to buy the Steele Dossier made up by Russians.
Who cares about Hillery?
This is all about Trump...and no amount of 'whataboutism' is going to change that.
Has it occurred to you that the NY DA would never, ever bring charges in a case like this..unless he felt he had it totally wrapped up?

Only real question is whether or not we can find 12 people who are impartial. Most likely verdict is a hung jury, IMO.
The facts really don't matter, despite the endless repetition. Nobody on either side really cares if the dude is guilty or not..they just want their 'gotcha' moment.
Unless another Republican takes his place.

Then the entire and complete arsenal of the mainstream Lefty media propaganda will be aimed at eviscerating whoever replaces him.

HEY BLACKPILLED RIGHTIES: This truth will set you free.
If its anybody other than Trump running against Biden, the left knows Biden will lose for sure.

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