BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

IF that's true, then he is trying to stir up violence just for the heck of it?
I have no idea what he’s trying to do, but I never thought I’d see a president criminally charged. We’ll see what happens
"Your whole nation" you're not even an American, comrade?

Post-America. Soon. In whatever Hellscape you think your Leftist Utopia will be, it won't. It will be like Leftists cities. Almost every single one a tragic failure.
Who cares about Hillery?
This is all about Trump...and no amount of 'whataboutism' is going to change that.
Has it occurred to you that the NY DA would never, ever bring charges in a case like this..unless he felt he had it totally wrapped up?
Just proving the "double-standard". Dismissing democrat "real crimes" while prosecuting republican "bogus crimes".
The NY DA is a partisan hack who obviously would bring bullshit charges for a headline, knowing that the courts will dismiss them.

Only real question is whether or not we can find 12 people who are impartial. Most likely verdict is a hung jury, IMO.
The facts really don't matter, despite the endless repetition. Nobody on either side really cares if the dude is guilty or not..they just want their 'gotcha' moment.
I'm not sure this will ever get to a trial, if the judge knows the law and is NOT a political hack.
Exactly right, this is a "spite indictment". A supposed "Trump scalp" on the DA's wall.
There is no reason to believe Joe Biden is corrupt, or demented..... This is all in your brainwashing circle of right wing fake news media.

President Biden has had a lot on his plate since he took office, and he and his administration have in no way been perfect, but overall he's done a pretty good job, considering it all.....

You wouldn't know it because NOT ONE of any of your right biased media has ever reported anything, anything at all, positive about Biden, or the USA.

You're lost.

What a shame
This is utterly sad....What we are witnessing is historical in reality...This was the first President in history to have been hounded like this ever....And for what? So, we can signal to the world that we are no better than some tin horn socialist hell hole, jailing our former leaders when the opposing political party comes to power?

Well, congratulations...You got him...Where most people in this country would receive a ticket, and a fine, you are going to make a spectacle of arresting the man...What a petty display...

Meanwhile we have a President in office right now that is bought and paid for by the Chinese, documented. And nothing about that....
Don't commit the crime if you don't want to do the time. WHat ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?
1. He didn't incite violence, protests are warranted. The charges are unlawful, so says Professor Turley.
2. Everyone breaks campaign finance laws, Obama too. Its not prosecutable. Can't prove "intent".
3. You're projecting. There is no call to riot.
4. True, the charges are bogus.
5. After Biden's disgusting presidency, Trump would be a fresh breath of sanity.
Your #4 con-tradicts your #2.

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