BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

For fucks sake.... search for "state level simian shit ape trying to a prosecute federal crime, 2 years past the statute of limitations and will likely be sent back up into the trees when it loses", and you'll find a ton a threads on this fantasy.....

bidens sar.jpg
Supposedly FOX News has a source in the courts handling the Manhattan DA case.

Allegedly they're debating whether or not to handcuff him.

My prediction? If this is true, it plays right into Don's hands - and he will emerge stronger than ever before with martyr dark energy.

The Left always screw themselves by overplaying their hand.
There won’t be cuffs but there will be a mugshot. Spread that picture far and wide.

Ah such wonderful news.
Hey Lefties: Even John Bolton is freaking out about this.

He's saying if you want to make Trump President again, arrest him.

Not a good sign for youse. ;)

I see anything that causes Bolton to freak as probably a good thing. The man has never been right.
There won’t be cuffs but there will be a mugshot. Spread that picture far and wide.

Ah such wonderful news.
This whole thing MAY galvanize support for Trump again among Republicans tards, but it will only make Trump even more deeply unpopular with everyone else. He has no shot in the general election. He’s completely fucked. Of course, we can all predict he will whine like a bitch if he loses and we’ll have a pathetic attempt at an insurrection from his inbred moronic supporters again. That would be the only worse case scenario really.

BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week​

Why you start your thread with an unproven lie?
Haha, youre an idiot. You thought this was a fake story and never even bothered to look it up? Youre fuckin dumb bro. You should kill yourself or something. Everyone would be super stoked if you did that. :dunno:
This whole thing MAY galvanize support for Trump again among Republicans tards, but it will only make Trump even more deeply unpopular with everyone else. He has no shot in the general election. He’s completely fucked. Of course, we can all predict he will whine like a bitch if he loses and we’ll have a pathetic attempt at an insurrection from his inbred moronic supporters again. That would be the only worse case scenario really.
I think he lost because America is tired of the Trump shit show. It never stopped. Trumped out.
If the FBI puts him in handcuffs the AG and FBI Director's heads will roll.
America is WAAAY more tired of the Biden shitshow. That fucking guy is a one man wrecking ball. Everything he touches, he destroys.
The difference between him and Trump is that Biden has the DOJ on his side.

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