BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

You've proven yourself to have a very Low-IQ.

Elon Musk is a genius. SPACEX, TESLA, PAYPAL, STARLINK, NEURALINK, TWITTER...Elon saved the US from fascism.
  • He had nothing to do with Tesla - that was Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning - until Obama/Biden gave him nearly a billion dollars to buy the company.
  • He had nothing to do with PayPal - that was Peter Theil, later bought by Pierre Omidyar.
  • He had nothing to do with Twitter - that was Jack Dorsey.
  • He used his U.S. government money to buy Tesla, then used that money to start SpaceX (moderately successful), Starlink (moderately successful), Neuralink (still in development), The Boring Company (some success, but seemingly idle), and to buy Twitter (a complete disaster).
Thanks Obama!
People are so freaking gullible.
They are MANIPULATING you.
They WANT you to get mad and vote for Trump because he CANNOT win in 2024......and even if he did, he will do the bidding of the establishment. Folks are just so easy.
My error and of course you think that makes my assertion invalid. Bragg, wherever the hell he came from or is, is still a POS.
No. I thought you simply made a mistake.

I don’t agree that Bragg is a POS. But I think he is a poor prosecutor.
The funniest part is you think this helps you.
Lol it does. It may make him more popular among Republicans because you’re morons like that but it will only make him more unpopular with literally anyone else. He has no shot in 2024. He’s fucking done.

Let me expand on why your ilk flocking to him will make you morons. It’s not even a matter that you think he’s innocent or not. It’s that regardless of his innocence, this would somehow make him a better choice for president?! It makes no goddamn sense lol. Like the perceived persecution makes you like him more as a policy maker? It’s fucking stupid. It really is. Sorry.
You're like 0 for 1741 on the breathless "We got him this time for reals!!!!"

The fucking nerve....
This whole thing MAY galvanize support for Trump again among Republicans tards, but it will only make Trump even more deeply unpopular with everyone else. He has no shot in the general election. He’s completely fucked. Of course, we can all predict he will whine like a bitch if he loses and we’ll have a pathetic attempt at an insurrection from his inbred moronic supporters again. That would be the only worse case scenario really.
And then he will run as an independent, splitting the Republican vote. Either four more years of Joseph Biden (God's choice) or eight years of Gavin Newsom.
English, please. I now realize there was another thread, but why was this never Breaking News?

OK then, you were just too fuckin' lazy to bother to see that there was already a 50-odd post thread about it.

Why not breaking news?

Because the guy that posted it first did not choose to put it there.....Sue him.

Clear enough for you now Skippy?
Even the freakin' New York Times argued this case is total bologna:

Trump is about to be arrested on charges that he paid $130,000 to a prostitute, Stormy Daniels, in order to buy her silence over their liaison. Even the New York Times admits that this is a far-fetched basis for handcuffing the man and subjecting him to a perp walk. The Times conceded on March 9, in an article about how criminal charges were pending against Trump that “hush money is not inherently illegal.” Working hard to justify this looming pseudo-legal banana-republic action of arresting the sitting president’s principal opponent, the Times continued by suggesting that “the prosecutors could argue that the $130,000 payout effectively became an improper donation to Mr. Trump’s campaign, under the theory that because the money silenced Ms. Daniels, it benefited his candidacy.” They could argue that. Hardly a slam-dunk case.

The Times concluded by admitting again that the case against Trump is shaky at best: “Combining the criminal charge with a violation of state election law would be a novel legal theory for any criminal case, let alone one against the former president, raising the possibility that a judge or appellate court could throw it out or reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor.” Indeed, especially since Stormy Daniels owes Trump $300,000 for a failed defamation suit and is hardly a reliable witness. It’s clear that Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg is proceeding with the arrest in service of the Left’s agenda and heedless of the weakness of his case.

America is WAAAY more tired of the Biden shitshow. That fucking guy is a one man wrecking ball. Everything he touches, he destroys.
And America is damn tired of Joe Biden's fake orange bronzer and cotton candy, dyed-blond rat's nest that he calls hair. And America cannot stand another four years of Joe Biden waddling around the White House at over 275 lbs, eating hamberders and charging the Secret Service $1000 per night to stay in his shitty golf/roach motels.

America won't have it!

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