Breaking: Trump To Skip Megyn Kelly's Fox GOP Town Hall Wednesday Night

I hear Putin ordered ten Kelly false faces to use if he negotiates with Trump.
Meanwhile, all those that keep using the same o same o of "trump is afraid of a girl" are really, in essence, just pissed off they don't get to see the show Kelly planned to put on with Trump. Because that is exactly what is planned. Trump says fuck you, I ain't playing, so he's called a coward. Do y'all really think nobody else sees that for what it is=Disappointment?
Skipping a Fox event cost Trump Iowa didn't it?

Doubtful. If past is prologue, the Iowa winner has been the most outwardly Social Conservative candidate. Huckabee, Santorum and now Cruz. That Trump clinch a close second was a miracle. By comparison, the last New Yorker to run for the GOP nomination, a very popular Mayor Giuliani, was also the front runner for months before the Iowa Caucus. How did he do? Sixth! So you can see, a second place Trump finish in Iowa was amazing by any honest standard.

Mayor G Iowa 2008 caucus.png

Iowa Caucus Results - Election Guide 2008 - Results - The New York Times
Meanwhile, all those that keep using the same o same o of "trump is afraid of a girl" are really, in essence, just pissed off they don't get to see the show Kelly planned to put on with Trump. Because that is exactly what is planned. Trump says fuck you, I ain't playing, so he's called a coward. Do y'all really think nobody else sees that for what it is=Disappointment?

That's some pretty convoluted thinking, even for a trumpster.

Trump is a punk and a bully. Period.

But, unlike his gutless supporters, I will vote for him if he wins the Republican Nomination.

His supporters, too many of whom are dirtbags, will mainly sit home and pout.

Like post-pubescent, pre-menstrual little girls.

Like their bitchy messiah
Skipping a Fox event cost Trump Iowa didn't it?

Nah, braindead hick Iowa zombies did. Buncha dufus flatliners in Iowa. They'll always go with the religious nut Nazi-type Republican. Trump definitely doesn't fit the mold there. I wasn't surprised he didn't win.

Boo. Hiss. Ain't nothing wrong with Iowa. Please kindly keep the cultural bias to a minimum. :p
Meanwhile, all those that keep using the same o same o of "trump is afraid of a girl" are really, in essence, just pissed off they don't get to see the show Kelly planned to put on with Trump. Because that is exactly what is planned. Trump says fuck you, I ain't playing, so he's called a coward. Do y'all really think nobody else sees that for what it is=Disappointment?

That's some pretty convoluted thinking, even for a trumpster.

Trump is a punk and a bully. Period.

But, unlike his gutless supporters, I will vote for him if he wins the Republican Nomination.

His supporters, too many of whom are dirtbags, will mainly sit home and pout.

Like post-pubescent, pre-menstrual little girls.

Like their bitchy messiah

Ironic post is ironic. The bully upset about bullying. The insulter complaining about insults.

Please stop. The Hypocrisy Meter is about to explode.

Hypocrisy meter.png

(Crazed, insult ridden, bullying rant in 3...2...1...)
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 1.43.43 PM.png
Skipping a Fox event cost Trump Iowa didn't it?

Nah, braindead hick Iowa zombies did. Buncha dufus flatliners in Iowa. They'll always go with the religious nut Nazi-type Republican. Trump definitely doesn't fit the mold there. I wasn't surprised he didn't win.

Boo. Hiss. Ain't nothing wrong with Iowa. Please kindly keep the cultural bias to a minimum. :p

Flatliner zombies, especially Republican Iowans. The lights are on, but nobody's home. They usually go with the biggest religious nut and Nazi-type. It is what it is.
Ironic post is ironic. The bully upset about bullying. The insulter complaining about insults.

Please stop. The Hypocrisy Meter is about to explode.

(Crazed, insult ridden, bullying rant in 3...2...1...)

You don't know me and I don't know you. I insult things in here. Not real people, things that aren't real. Thoughts that don't exist in real life. Delusions, stray thoughts. Electronic cyber-beams of make-believe and pretend.

And I don't bully anybody in here. I don't know you and you don't know me. My name is a Fictitious name from old Norse Mythology.

Your name is from an old Movie/Bad TV Show or a reference to a US State.

Trump actually bullies people by threatening to Sue them. A bullying business tactic often used by those with deeper pockets. They can afford to Sue and often have Lawyers working for them full time that need something to do anyway.

Trump actually insults people. REAL people.

Like when he said that John McCain isn't a 'real hero' because he got captured.

This, from a draft-dodging, lying sack of fucking shit that lied about when he got his 1-Y deferment.

If you can't take your fictitious name being called out, if you can't take your ignorant posts being called out...... Maybe you're in the wrong place.

Trump is a pile of shit.

None of them are perfect. Not Rubio, not Cruz, not Carson.... none of them.

But Trump is an arrogant, elitist, egotistical douche.
Ironic post is ironic. The bully upset about bullying. The insulter complaining about insults.

Please stop. The Hypocrisy Meter is about to explode.

(Crazed, insult ridden, bullying rant in 3...2...1...)

You don't know me and I don't know you. I insult things in here. Not real people, things that aren't real. Thoughts that don't exist in real life. Delusions, stray thoughts. Electronic cyber-beams of make-believe and pretend.

And I don't bully anybody in here. I don't know you and you don't know me. My name is a Fictitious name from old Norse Mythology.

Your name is from an old Movie/Bad TV Show or a reference to a US State.

Trump actually bullies people by threatening to Sue them. A bullying business tactic often used by those with deeper pockets. They can afford to Sue and often have Lawyers working for them full time that need something to do anyway.

Trump actually insults people. REAL people.

Like when he said that John McCain isn't a 'real hero' because he got captured.

This, from a draft-dodging, lying sack of fucking shit that lied about when he got his 1-Y deferment.

If you can't take your fictitious name being called out, if you can't take your ignorant posts being called out...... Maybe you're in the wrong place.

Trump is a pile of shit.

None of them are perfect. Not Rubio, not Cruz, not Carson.... none of them.

But Trump is an arrogant, elitist, egotistical douche.

Your boys are losers. One's even a foreigner. Trump's all you got. It's either him or Hillary Clinton. Who you goin with?
Skipping a Fox event cost Trump Iowa didn't it?

Nah, braindead hick Iowa zombies did. Buncha dufus flatliners in Iowa. They'll always go with the religious nut Nazi-type Republican. Trump definitely doesn't fit the mold there. I wasn't surprised he didn't win.

Boo. Hiss. Ain't nothing wrong with Iowa. Please kindly keep the cultural bias to a minimum. :p

Flatliner zombies, especially Republican Iowans. The lights are on, but nobody's home. They usually go with the biggest religious nut and Nazi-type. It is what it is.
The Dimocrats are the Nazis. It's the Dimocrats that want to overtax and overregulate us into a socialist, dependent cesspool of third world sewage.
Skipping a Fox event cost Trump Iowa didn't it?

Nah, braindead hick Iowa zombies did. Buncha dufus flatliners in Iowa. They'll always go with the religious nut Nazi-type Republican. Trump definitely doesn't fit the mold there. I wasn't surprised he didn't win.

Boo. Hiss. Ain't nothing wrong with Iowa. Please kindly keep the cultural bias to a minimum. :p

Flatliner zombies, especially Republican Iowans. The lights are on, but nobody's home. They usually go with the biggest religious nut and Nazi-type. It is what it is.
The Dimocrats are the Nazis. It's the Dimocrats that want to overtax and overregulate us into a socialist, dependent cesspool of third world sewage.

No, Democrats are Communists. Republicans are Fascists. It plays out like this...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the only choices for Americans.
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Ironic post is ironic. The bully upset about bullying. The insulter complaining about insults.

Please stop. The Hypocrisy Meter is about to explode.

(Crazed, insult ridden, bullying rant in 3...2...1...)

You don't know me and I don't know you. I insult things in here. Not real people, things that aren't real. Thoughts that don't exist in real life. Delusions, stray thoughts. Electronic cyber-beams of make-believe and pretend.

And I don't bully anybody in here. I don't know you and you don't know me. My name is a Fictitious name from old Norse Mythology.

Your name is from an old Movie/Bad TV Show or a reference to a US State.

Trump actually bullies people by threatening to Sue them. A bullying business tactic often used by those with deeper pockets. They can afford to Sue and often have Lawyers working for them full time that need something to do anyway.

Trump actually insults people. REAL people.

Like when he said that John McCain isn't a 'real hero' because he got captured.

This, from a draft-dodging, lying sack of fucking shit that lied about when he got his 1-Y deferment.

If you can't take your fictitious name being called out, if you can't take your ignorant posts being called out...... Maybe you're in the wrong place.

Trump is a pile of shit.

None of them are perfect. Not Rubio, not Cruz, not Carson.... none of them.

But Trump is an arrogant, elitist, egotistical douche.

"His supporters, too many of whom are dirtbags"

"[His supporters are] Like post-pubescent, pre-menstrual little girls."

"[His supporters are]Like their bitchy messiah"

"unlike his gutless supporters"

"liberturdians are scum"

"people that back [Trump] are stupid."

"FUCK liberturdian scum."

"YOU are the real enemy of America."

"You're stupid. And disloyal. And back-stabbing."

That's only from the two posts I read on this page.

Rationalize it anyway you want, you are insulting real people.

You are bullying real people.

Want to debate the facts, the issues, the candidates foibles...let's do it. But what you are doing is exactly what you claim to be upset about.
You don't know me and I don't know you. I insult things in here. Not real people, things that aren't real. ....

But Trump is an arrogant, elitist, egotistical douche.

Trump is a pile of shit. And the people that back him are stupid.

They're no different than the people who backed Ross The Insane Pirogi.

No different at all.

Those scumbags cost us the Country. Those scum set the Republican Party back by a quarter Century.

And those same scum are doing the same shit with the same lies and delusions.

YOU are the real enemy of America.

You're stupid. And disloyal. And back-stabbing.


And if you don't get your way? If you don't get Trump the PUNK on the Republican Ticket....??

You'll stay home like the post-pubescent, premenstrual little bitches you are.

I'm sorry, you were saying you dont insult real people?

No, Democrats are Communists. Republicans are Fascists. It plays out like this...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the only choices for Americans.

The political ignorance of the people in the political forum is nothing short of amazing.

Fascism is socialism with a Capitalist veneer. Nazis are not Fascists. Fascists are Fascists and Nazis are National SOCIALISTS. Mussolini was a Fascist and Hitler was a National Socialist. Franco was a Fascist, as well, So were the Perons. And so was Trujillo. I digress

The "National Socialist German Workers Party" ( in German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) aka; NSDAP, is the name that Adolf Hitler PERSONALLY gave to the Political Party he joined in 1919 and re-formed and re-named in 1920.

Germans are VERY fond of nicknames and shortening words. If you spoke German, you'd understand. Nazi is an abbreviation for Nationalsozialstische.

Hitler was a socialist. Period.

You people are stupid. I mean, seriously dumb. I mean, drool cup carrying, mouth-breathing stupid

You remind me of 5th Grade boys talking about girl-parts on the playground.

Except you know less about politics than those little boys know about girl parts.

Be polite and I might teach you a thing or two

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